Zero Punctuation: Super Smash Bros. Brawl


New member
Apr 23, 2008
Good review as always. As a long time Smash Bros player I can say that I was psyched for this game, and when it came out me and my friends played it solidly for two days (longest streak was 20 hours, 4 hours of sleep then back on it), and we unlocked the last few characters that way. There are around 5 of us who really enjoy the series and can play it ad infinitum, but we've other mates who just don't like it at all, so I can see where you're coming from.

Dear god is it hard to get good at, even now I sometimes have trouble keeping focus of my character, and the gameplay is slowed down a fair bit from Melee! But really, there's no way mashing buttons is going to get you anywhere in Brawl, unless you're all doing it. There's the C-stick if you use the Gamecube controller though :p

Human Bomb

New member
Sep 29, 2007
mspencer82 said:
Out of curiosity, how many of you are new members of this forum all because someone linked you to this review and you're here in a futile attempt to tell us all how "wrong" Yahtzee is?
I read the Escapist and lurked a while before this. I think most people aren't pointing fingers here, but man there are a lot of post january low posters here.


New member
Jan 17, 2008
Garfgarog said:
Dectilon said:
Btw, I wonder how long it will take before Uwe Boll tries to buy the filming rights to 'Brawl : D
I nearly died laughing when I heard he was shot down by Blizzard after wanting to make a WoW movie.
Thank God for that!

Human Bomb

New member
Sep 29, 2007
Garfgarog said:
entropy3ko said:
Garfgarog said:
Dectilon said:
Btw, I wonder how long it will take before Uwe Boll tries to buy the filming rights to 'Brawl : D
I nearly died laughing when I heard he was shot down by Blizzard after wanting to make a WoW movie.
Thank God for that!
Unless I misunderstood the article I read on it, they literally told him that 'No, we don't want a movie made, especially not by you.'

I may not really like Blizzard, or play WoW, but that's awesome. and now I can't help but respect them.
Isn't that what Hideo Kojima said about Boll making a MGS movie ?


New member
Apr 23, 2008
Spencer: Seriously... This game has a lot of depth. Just like if someone were to walk-on to a Street Fighter tourney, they'd be massacred before the lights were turned on.

If anything, SSB has more depth than most 2D fighters, mainly due to the changing environment.


New member
Apr 9, 2008
Gotta say I can't stand SSSB either but then again the majority of fighting games don't appeal to me so maybe the game was lost on me before it started.


Always playing Touhou. Always.
Mar 2, 2008
Well, that was a bit more... scathing then expected, but really freaking funny, so who cares! I think a VG Cats comic puts his ideas perfectly into perspective, though (It's the one where Snake slits Mario's throat, and I don't feel like finding it right now).

I also like the part where he rants about the button mashing, though, if youve seen the people at tournaments (the people who win, not the bottom rung), you'd see that button mashing only goes so far (not that what I do is much better then that, but still).

Anyway, I think you have to have a form of ADD/ADHD to enjoy this game in the higher levels/muliplayer, because it gets so hectic. I have ADHD, and I had fun... of course, "had" is past tense. Now it's only good if I can bully my friends into playing, so I can beat them into the ground (I'm "that guy," but I don't search for people who are beter. I instead play training games with my friends to make them better).


New member
Feb 10, 2008
First: Jesus, that's a lot of posts in a couple of hours.

Second: The random plug for the game trading store was golden. This is the first review in a while that I actually had to re-watch because I laughed so hard that I missed specific points. I saw a post do this earlier, but I want to reiterate their comments in the hopes of emphasizing them even more: congratulations, even after so many videos, the quality remains fairly high. By internet standards, ZP has been around for a long, long time now and its definitely something to be proud of at this point.

Third: I feel a bit guilty now. While I've always been above e-mailing the man personally, taking in good faith that he reads comments/his own forum, I do feel a bit guilty for publicizing that he has the game and has played it. publicized this as well in one article and one podcast.

So it was probably more than the usual 1,000 e-mails saying, "Review this game!" It was also that many fans KNEW he had, KNEW he had played, and couldn't see why he wouldn't review it.

Fourth: I was not surprised. From what I've been reading, this game was not received well by non-fan boys. I strongly suspected, when I saw the first videos of game play, that Brawl was going to be to Melee what Melee was to the original--I posted that view exactly a while ago. Namely, they stripped more of the clarity out in favor of screen shaking, particle effects, super big levels with huge zoom-outs, and adding even more complexity to controls.

Overall, the "Melee effect" on the original put it further from the hands of casual gamers, and it seems that the Brawl effect will continue this tradition.

I happen to be the N64 versions biggest fan, and my friends and I (edit: I definitely DID NOT play that much on my own... oh no.) logged something like 10,000 total KOs over the last summer (before some dick-hole friends deleted my versus record). Countless hours -- usually at least three or four hour streaks at a time.

I first hand saw that if you put the controller in the hands of someone who had literally never played before, told them what they needed to do, then in 5-6 matches they could be competing on a fairly level playing field. Not amazingly, and they would rarely finish first, but they could do some things. Someone mentioned this earlier--the learning curve is a little steep, but once you have the basics the rest comes pretty easy.

Fifth: It isn't a button mashing game -- even less so than many more traditional fighting games. Any game where 4 people who don't know what the hell they're doing play together is a button mashing game. Could you imagine 4 people who have never played playing Team Fortress 2? I'm sure it'd look like a joke.

On that note, these videos show, I think, that a button masher stands no chance against someone who has been playing for a while: <-- MARY, MOTHER OF GOD!*

*25 seconds in is crazy.
*1:05 is even crazier.

There are definitely different levels of skill associated. To call it button smashing is silly. I feel like Yahtzee is criticizing fighting games in general, that he may consider them all button mashing. And that's silly. That's like me saying that half-life is just like any other PC shooter, where you just mindlessly point and click at things on a screen.

Then again, you kind of cover your bases if you divide everyone into "Button Mashers," or "That Kid" I suppose.


New member
Sep 24, 2007
Y'know, as much as you guys probably thought the review would attract angry fanboys, it's attracted five times as many irrational trolling haters of the game.


New member
Feb 10, 2008
Oh, and I should add, none of the Games are single player in the least. If you tried them, and played alone then you wasted your time -- even I wouldn't play the single player for more than a few minutes.


New member
Sep 12, 2007
Never have I seen some much ignorance in a board before. I find it funny that Yahtzee complains about fanboys and yet he has so many of them. Brawl is a fun game and thats a fact really. I'm sorry for you guys that it didnt involved shooting each other or for having 4 people fighting each that it is considered a bad game. Really, I came to the Escapist expecting the brightest of people who can enjoy many good games as forms of art. Boy was I wrong...


New member
Nov 1, 2007
I loved this review but I'm still getting SSBB, sorry. I liked the last game and from what I've heard SSBB is pritty much more of the same. What can I say? I love the idea of DK beating the living shit out of pickachu. If that makes me a nintendo fanboy then fuck it.

And seriously, yahtzee, we have every right to tell you what to review you gimp loving gamer. Think what you do for a moment. You review games. Your job is to play games. Your living every geeks dream. To put it bluntly, don't complain, you do fuck all and earn money doing it.

Sorry for the rant, still love your reviews