Well i'm not one to bother posting on any forum very often but having read all your reviews since you started I thought it was about time I posted.
I generally don't have the time for gaming a lot at the moment but I do read a number of web comics and Zero Punctuation each week and frankly I have to say thanks for poking at CAD for the god awful miscarriage story arc... not that CAD is great but its on my list of ten or so online comics I visist now and then and its lost the plot to be honest.
Web comics are really meant to be funny shorts which can have some story arc but not loose its self in them. And if your a gaming comic which is light hearted, miscarriage is the last thing I'd want to read about... and the abortion pre-story, sweet god no!
What I like is Penny Arcade, PvPonline, The Adventures of Dr McNinja and Looking For Group, there are others but there are the best four, each does things very differently but all keep me hooked each week. Don't know if people agree? but these are how I think people should make webcomics.
Oh and may i say as another mean hearted English git; keep it honest, keep it mean Yahzee, and I'll keep turning in!