Zero Punctuation: XBLA Double Bill


New member
Aug 14, 2008
castle crashers is pretty sweet, i wish Yahzee would check out some PSN games like The Last Guy, PixelJunk Eden, or Wipeout HD.


New member
Sep 21, 2007
I felt the same way about BC:R...No idea why they've decided to remake the game, but keep those outdated&retarded control mechanics.


New member
Dec 29, 2007
I bet he'll get more hatemail/complaints about the zelda: ocarina or mario 64 comment than the 'hitler was right one'...
Such is the internetz


New member
Jun 21, 2008
FOR CRIST SAKE.... have some balls and do Gears2 (play Gears1 so you can represent the "fanbase" better IMO) when it comes out... we NEED you to stick up for intelligence, and if you let that reveiw pass you by your part of the problem.... Adrian

Love your veiw of the world.


Inexplicably Awesome
Sep 27, 2008
they get games in australia a few months after everyone else. i don't think gears 2 is out till christmas. and it's too boring to even care about


New member
Jun 21, 2008
galletea post=6.72328.768968 said:
they get games in australia a few months after everyone else. i don't think gears 2 is out till christmas. and it's too boring to even care about
That's kind of my point though, if we as intelligent gamers want to advance the industry in a possitive way then we can't be afraid to point out the most negative aspects of games.... isn't that why we love Yahtzee? He's a funny fucker yes... but a funny HONEST fucker in a sespool of boring liers.


New member
Sep 28, 2008
I think a lot of people are missing the point that home gaming was entirely different 20 years ago. I'm only just about to turn 14, and I wasn't even born in the 80s, but from playing games like Ninja Gaiden on my Wii, I can tell it was all about the whole "arcade at home" deal. Arcades were the things that everyone was measuring home gaming by, because arcade games were the things that everyone had played back then. Somewhere in N64/PSX generation, it switched from being the "arcade at home" to more about being an individual experience.

3D gave games a lot more freedom, and most games didn't have to share the same concepts either now. Suddenly games could be like real life, or like a movie (as some crappy FMV games tried to do earlier). I think that the concept of 3D gaming has also changed over the years. I vaguely remember my 4th Christmas, and that year we got an N64 from my Grandparents. Over time we got games like Beetle Adventure Racing, and Perfect Dark. Now compare Perfect Dark with 3D FPSs of today like CoD 4. Control for both games is completely different. You essentially relied on auto targeting in most situations for PD, and in CoD 4 you barely have to (and you probably have zero auto targeting in the PC version). Why? Because of that second analog stick that was put into the game controllers with the last generation. Suddenly the game programmers didn't have to make a smart camera to follow you around. You were in control of the camera, and I think that was one of the reasons why the Dreamcast failed when it did. As an owner of a Dreamcast since late 1999/early 2000, I can say not having a second analog stick helped kill the Dreamcast. Once the PS2 came out, everyone realized how much a second analog stick could help with camera control.

Getting back my other game, Beetle Adventure Racing, let's compare it to a game like Burnout 3: Take down. I have & love both, but if you play Burnout 3 first, and then play BAR, BAR will feel limited and lacking. For instance: BAR has 6 huge racing tracks, and somewhere in between 10 and 15 cars. Burnout 3 on the other hand, has 18 huge racing tracks with 70 cars total to race with. Although BAR has a subtle arcade charm and lots of little fun secrets, Burnout 3 has that in-your-face charm & fun of crashing other cars into walls and such. For games like those, you just needed to have been there, or it isn't the same unless you try.

Other games you just forget how to play. I remember playing Duke Nukem 3D a lot when I was 3-6, and then just stopped until I was 11. I remember thinking, "Wow, I played this? How was I ever so awesome at it?" I used to be able to play Duke Nukem 3D blindfolded when I was 6, but 5 years later I had trouble just moving. Same with Perfect Dark. I Used to play it a lot when I was 6, and put it away for 5 years. I had lost the manual for it, so I had to figure out everything from scratch. Not that it didn't ruin the game, it just took me a lot longer to get used to it.

For those of you have have never played the original Bionic Command, you can play it here 100% legally: . If you can play the game at their web site, that means they have the game at their offices. Which means they can host the game over the internet for millions to play. Although it's harder to play with just a keyboard, you can get an idea of how the game plays. For me, it's not a very hard concept to get around. It's just more annoying using a keyboard than the game itself.

I also think people are miss-interpreting the whole Hitler joke. I think it's more just "Wait, is he really saying that about Zelda and Mario?!?! What will he say next??"


Inexplicably Awesome
Sep 27, 2008
@mg66368 i see your point, though i don't think people are too influenced by yahtzee's comments, or the overly negative sector of reviews, or at least i hope they have some kind of brain. i've usually already played the games he's tearing apart and usually I agree with him.
and also he does mention the good parts at least which is more than i've seen on other sites


New member
Dec 29, 2007
While I do realize that the Escapist needs to advertise I would humbly request that they not put them in the videos. Keep them on the site ONLY instead.

That said this was a decent episode....could use more humor though.


New member
Apr 16, 2008
You guys remember how in Webcomics, Yahtzee noted just how ridiculously bad it was to talk about how the female character had a miscarriage because that's just something you don't joke about? Well, you know what else you don't joke about? Hitler, the Holocaust, or anything like that. As much as you Yahtzee fanboys and fangirls will say it was just a joke and was actually quite funny, please note that the same guy you're defending also made a quip about the same thing.

Also, I'm pretty sure in another one of his reviews he also talked about (I think the E3 trailer park, not entirely sure) he talked about how it's easy to be a cynic in today's society because a lot of games just tend to suck. In another turn of hypocrisy, he talks in this one about how all old games suck compared to new ones. While I do agree that games are becoming better in terms of controls and whatnot, I wouldn't call them better.

Yahtzee is really failing lately. Back in the day, he used to be about playing games and reviewing them using hilarious script. Now it seems like all he does is read the Escapist forums and other gaming sites and steals his scripts from them. I've coincidentally noticed this chain of crappy reviews, insane hypocrisy, and lack of humor starting from Webcomics anyway. I know I don't have to watch his reviews, so I probably won't take them with as much glee as I used to. But my points still stand.


Inexplicably Awesome
Sep 27, 2008
Firstly I personally am against censorship, and therefore I don't see the problem with the Hitler thing, since he made it very clear that those were not his real feelings.

Secondly given the large numbers of games produced, it is inevitable that most will suck. I'm a cynic anyway, regardless of anyones views, and most recent things have been insultingly bad. However the franchise games of long standing tend to get better, though i find them to be more like tea lights then beacons in the mire of modern games, but I never got the Zelda/Mario/Metroid etc thing.

I'm pretty new here so I couldn't really comment on the forum/ script robbing thing. Seems more to me that people emulate his style rather than the other way around.
So I'll probably be indifferent to the next games to be released, and enjoy someone else being cynical with added humour.

Not that Yahtzee needs or even wants defending, these are merely my thoughts on the above rant.


New member
Apr 16, 2008
Firstly, like I said, whether or not he was really honest and for true about the Hitler thing, you just don't joke about that. What if I was a really famous game critic and I said at the end of my review, "I think Osama Bin Ladin was awesome for killing 3000 innocent people and ruining lives," followed by in fine print "Nah, just kidding." You just don't do that. In fact, I feel sick to my stomach using that example.

Secondly, that whole point was to show just how controversial Yahtzee is by saying that. Not saying he's wrong.


New member
Dec 5, 2007
bad choice for a ZP, couldn't do force unleashed? Really that one is ripe for this as it's sold more than any other SW game and yet just apes God of War *take all the offense you want, I'm right*

These 2 games HAVE their niche, the sales of both kinda denotes that. Bionic commando isn't really a hard game besides, it just takes a while to get used to and then you're off, it scales up to expert players, but it wouldn't be the first game to do it. One thing that definately isn't very swell about current gen games (or games in the last 5-6 years) is that they all must be able to be completely mastered in the beginning 5 minutes OR copy paste HALO and everyone already knows what to do. Bionic Commando brings that back to the group of gamers who enjoy that sort of thing, aka, thought.