Zero Punctuation: XBLA Double Bill


New member
Jul 31, 2008
Why are people getting banned for not liking his new videos? I don't really enjoy them too either. The jokes are getting stale and his intro is rubbish.

Well, there goes my ban.

UsefulPlayer 1

New member
Feb 22, 2008
LOL "I thought Hitler was right" and "God I love yellow"

Damn, this guy just never stops having the gaming world by its balls.


New member
Jul 24, 2008
Russian Redneck post=6.72328.764392 said:
PepsiDude002 post=6.72328.764158 said:
Well, there goes my ban.
Word of caution: You might not want to challenge the administration like that.
Well, since they'll strangle you with your own penis for talking about kittens in a derogatory way sometimes and sometimes they won't do so for showing people all naked except for KKK hoods I really don't see the point in not challenging them. Is there anyone here who hasn't been banned atleast once?


New member
Jul 7, 2008
yourkie1921 post=6.72328.763928 said:
ANd all of those games aren't good platformers. I want the innovation. I want to HAVE to use that arm. I just don't want to have to use it to accomplish the same goals that I could accomplish by jumping.
You'd rather not play the game by its own damn rules because you can't fathom them.
I can fathom them and I don't want to ever have the disgraceful knowledge of remembering a 2d performer where you can't jump any distance at all..
Goldeneye, Perfect Dark, and Timesplitters are not platformers. I have on the other hand pointed out exactly that jumping does not a good game make. You on the other hand are just complaining about an alternative method of control and conveyance because again, you can't wrap your head around it. Disgraceful knowledge indeed. That just sounds so elitist.


New member
Aug 7, 2008
I kinda think Wind Waker is better(by alot) P.S. Castle Crashers is probably one of the best games i've plaies in a while.


New member
Jul 24, 2008
AceDiamond post=6.72328.764601 said:
yourkie1921 post=6.72328.763928 said:
ANd all of those games aren't good platformers. I want the innovation. I want to HAVE to use that arm. I just don't want to have to use it to accomplish the same goals that I could accomplish by jumping.
You'd rather not play the game by its own damn rules because you can't fathom them.
I can fathom them and I don't want to ever have the disgraceful knowledge of remembering a 2d performer where you can't jump any distance at all..
Goldeneye, Perfect Dark, and Timesplitters are not platformers. I have on the other hand pointed out exactly that jumping does not a good game make. You on the other hand are just complaining about an alternative method of control and conveyance because again, you can't wrap your head around it. Disgraceful knowledge indeed. That just sounds so elitist.
I was aware they weren't platformers.......well atleast that goldeneye wasn't one. I'm saying anything with no jump button sucks as a platformer. Jumping does make a good platformer. Gears of war has no jump button, it's not a platformer. If it was I'd kill Cliffy B and anyone who'd think a mountainous pile of shit of a plat former like that is decent. And I'm against unnecisary changes and difficulties in control. I could wrap my head around it and already did but still don't like you're lack of ability to jump. I already said, I LIKE THE ARM, I LIKE WHAT IT'S MEANT TO DO. However I want to jump to. Besides, doesn't it make the arm feel less awesome if you use it for everything instead of just places that a normal human being would have problems? Yes I'm elitist when it comes to controls but I'm not against all changes. I'm against all changes that aren't absolutely necisary because to me the fun that comes from learning about a game isn't by learning how to control it. And the DS still sucks for replacing the A and B buttons.


New member
Jul 7, 2008
what's there to learn? You shoot the grappling hook and either swing or ascend. It's not rocket science!

Hell I'll say this much. I was not good at the original Bionic Commando. I am a lot better at this remake.


New member
Dec 7, 2007
I am a big fan of 2-D games retro and new but this review was great bionic commando:rearmed is not fun and the controls suck, and I wholesummly agreed with your castle crashers review as well, but why no review of some of the crazier games like geo wars, or Shiznoid which try to use 2D graphics with 3D ones to make some pretty amazing looking game play plus the controls are so easy your mom can play it. Plus im one of those crazy ppl who likes lives and impossibly hard games but their a difference between hard and poorly designed, plus multiple difficulty settings are a must of all retro games, at least they should be.


Whom Gods Annoy
Aug 20, 2008
Every time I see "XBLA" as an acronym I think of the running gag on The Daily Show. I can picture Jon Stewart saying "...available on XBox Live Arcade, or 'NAMBLA'."


New member
Mar 18, 2008
<--- didn't read entire thread

Yahtzee put some extra effort this time around, or had more to say, either way, best video out of the last four I would say. I was thinking about the rise and decline of cleverness and humor that happened with strong bad e-mails, which I stopped watching about three years ago. Anyway, good to see Yahtzee has still got it.

Old school games, 2-D was simpler times, no need to worry about working with cameras which could single-handedly make you stop playing. Though I suppose a 16 color scheme could do the trick just as well. I wish some one (not me) would make a simple 2-D game LOOADED with content, like a Zelda with thirty castles and fifteen different swords. It makes sense to me, keep the looks good and simple, then drop some (insert drug here) and bang out content till your item list is longer then the game dialogue.

Kinda like what happened in Castlevania: Symphony of the Night


New member
Sep 24, 2008
this review -> epic fail

funny arguments that are true -> funny
funny argument that are not true -> not funny


New member
Jul 24, 2008
AceDiamond post=6.72328.764918 said:
what's there to learn?
I have no idea, you're giving me the impression that there are controls I'm not used to and I think any control changes to ANYTHING better be important to the point without them the game would suck
You shoot the grappling hook and either swing or ascend. It's not rocket science!
Than why the fuck are you giving me the impression that there's controls that I can't wrap my head around? I just can't wrap my head around any reasoning why you can't jump 3 feet. It's not realistic but neither is swinging around on the bionic arm. And it makes the arm that much better when you only have to use it for things you can't do in other games.
Hell I'll say this much. I was not good at the original Bionic Commando. I am a lot better at this remake.
Ok then. I was interested in this game because it sounded like something I'd be really good at. If I had the money I'd buy this game and beat it(obviously I'd have to take a picture of the end.) just to prove I do understand the game.


New member
Sep 27, 2008
Is it so sad that ZP is the highlight of my week? Is it somehow even more sad that I have to ask? Really, the biggest chuckle I get each week is from Yahtzee's conflagrations. Either the world is a very dull place or aliens have wrapped my head in transparent aluminum foil.


New member
Sep 24, 2008
gridsleep post=6.72328.765838 said:
Is it so sad that ZP is the highlight of my week? Is it somehow even more sad that I have to ask? Really, the biggest chuckle I get each week is from Yahtzee's conflagrations. Either the world is a very dull place or aliens have wrapped my head in transparent aluminum foil.
you want to say your too smart for world?


Inexplicably Awesome
Sep 27, 2008
At the risk of being contraversial, zelda is rubbish. The wii one was not as rubbish as ocarina, maybe because it looked nicer, but mainly cause it held my interest for more than an hour. I don't care if it was the same thing as the older one since thats all the zelda games bloody well are.

and huzzah another review that I agree with.


New member
Jul 11, 2008
To me , Yahtzee is a late night stand up show, not a mid afternoon housewives chat show, all tea n sofas. He's gonna say things that may offend, to get laughs from the majority.

Hell, Bill Hicks said something similar when heckled repeatedly, I think someone kept yelling for 'freebird' during his act, and he yelled 'Hitler had the right idea, he was just an underachiever!' Which I think is a brilliant line and not even close to anti semetic, as its anti human race, after the heckling he's decided he wants the entire race burnt off the face of the planet.

I guess where I'm going is You kinda know where Yahtzee is gonna be going with his humour, you clicked it, you kinda gota take it.


New member
Jul 2, 2008
Yahtzee you jaded Nazis! There are good old games. =(

None the less, good review. 'Bout time someone ripped that emo psychopath, Vasquez a new one.