Zero Punctuation: XBLA Double Bill


New member
Apr 16, 2008
I think this review can be summarized in 19 sarcastic words...

Yes, because we all know "Sonic The Hedgehog" for the 360 kicked "Sonic The Hedgehog" for the Genesis' ass.


New member
Apr 5, 2008
No even Yahtzee knows that particular "game" sucked ass. I think he called it "Sonic Now Loading" or "Sonic vs. the Camera".
His point is old games are bad compared to nowadays games. This is very true, however some game developers it seems continue to love making old mistakes over and over again in newer "games".


New member
Sep 29, 2008
i thought yahtzee migh review warhammer online because its all over the site. It will be eve online all over again...


New member
Jul 24, 2008
Bionic Commando brings that back to the group of gamers who enjoy that sort of thing, aka, thought.
I enjoy thought but I'd prefer it to be thoughts on how to kill x. Taking into account my level of skill, what abilities I have, how good I am at them, which skills hurt the enemy, which combos are get the picture
bad choice for a ZP, couldn't do force unleashed? Really that one is ripe for this as it's sold more than any other SW game and yet just apes God of War *take all the offense you want, I'm right*
It doesn't just ape (assuming ape means copy) god of war, although it is more like god of war than any other beloved popular game. Besides, even if it is just like god of war, any game that has combat like god of war without puzzles definitely deserves a lot of sales.


New member
Dec 5, 2007
Ape means copying, yes, like an ape just copies people (yahtzee used it in this review) and I've played some of the force unleashed (but I haven't bought it so I can't speak for the entire game but from what I hear it doesn't change much but the enemies get bigger (same with GOW).

It's less than GOW however for many reasons (hence a ZP is needed) and before anyone says it I'm aware GOW is a copy of Devil May Cry. However, GOW did enough things differently from DMC to not damn itself too greatly, and GOW did a better job at catering to the less hardcore players, at most basic, GOW is DMC for the less dexterous gamer. Force Unleashed takes a page from GOW and then expands that page into a 400 page novel inserting random
George Lucas farts.

And I'll grant permission right now for Yahtzee to use that line.


New member
Feb 23, 2008
I don't have time to read this whole thread and I'm sure this has been discussed already, but Twilight Princess is NOT better than Ocarina of Time. OoT is one game that almost everyone can agree is great and is almost deserving of its reputation. Unlike GTA, Halo, and other "it" games, OoT has survived the test of time and is widely considered better than its sequels even in the subsequent ten years. Saying that opinion is invalid just because the game is old (and really, ten years is hardly enough to be considered "retro") and blindly labelling people who like it better "nostalgic" perpetuates the retarded mentality among gamers that I thought Yahtzee opposed.

And what "new" innovations granted to us from our space-age technology does Twilight Princess add to the Zelda formula? Voice acting? Non-linear gameplay? Dialog options beyond "yes" and "no"? I thought so.

Of course he was probably just fanboy baiting and if so, mission accomplished. ****.


New member
Apr 16, 2008
thebrink post=6.72328.772969 said:
And I'll grant permission right now for Yahtzee to use that line.
Yes, because Yahtzee actually reads these posts and gives a shit what you want him to say lol


New member
Aug 25, 2008
If zero punctuation ever dies out, it will not be because of lack of material, it will be because of a shift in audiance. The show features a phenominal amount of sacrasm, some of it explained and some of it not, when enough of the audience becomes the type of people that find his profanity or cussing jokes funnier than his sarcasm and parodies, he'll be in trouble.


New member
Sep 30, 2008
What piqued my interest in this video was Yahtzee's comparison between OOT/Twilight Princess and Mario 64/Sunshine. Maybe by favoring the most recent editions of each franchise he was trying to piss of gamer fanatics the world over, but what's really frustrating is his decision not to elaborate on these preferences. I'd like to see Yahtzee review the vitality of the gaming industry by focusing on how specific franchises (e.g. Zelda, Mario, Final Fantasy, Resident Evil, etc.) have evolved or devolved over the years. Obviously the guy's pants-on-head retarded to favor OOT over TP (even Majora's Mask beats the heck out of any Game Cube Zelda game), but he may be on to something with putting nostalgia in perspective.


New member
Apr 16, 2008
antronach post=6.72328.773823 said:
If zero punctuation ever dies out, it will not be because of lack of material, it will be because of a shift in audiance. The show features a phenominal amount of sacrasm, some of it explained and some of it not, when enough of the audience becomes the type of people that find his profanity or cussing jokes funnier than his sarcasm and parodies, he'll be in trouble.
Or when enough people get seriously pissed off at him, like for his Brawl review or this one. I know I'm quite ticked off at him after this one. Not that it's going to stop me from watching his reviews.


New member
Feb 23, 2008
mg66368 post=6.72328.773197 said:
Your calling Yahtzee a **** and a fanboy? That's surely not a great way to oppose Yahtzee's views.
I didn't call Yahtzee a fanboy, I accused him of "fanboy baiting" which means that he was saying Twilight Priness was better than Ocarina of Time not because he actually thinks that, but just for the sake of pissing off fanboys (and thus gaining noteriety which he's quickly loosing by dishing out essentially the same reviews as

The irony is that Yahtzee has never been a champion for the "hardcore" gamer and certainly not Nintendo fans, but saying TP is better than OoT is just that: a fanboy opinion. Only the people who claim to have played "every Zelda game" get technical about whether they think A Link to the Past or Majora's Mask was the peak of the franchise. Simply put, the overwhelming majority of people think OoT is not only the best Zelda game, but one of the best games ever made. It's like those mutants who think FF8 was better than FF7.

So basically, if he was being sarcastic then it was pointless because it only served to piss people off and upset the status quo, furthermore it went against the entire point of his "review" therefore making him a ****. If he was being serious then he is wrong and to a degree which is perplexingly annoying. Twilight Princess is NOT better than Ocarina of Time, especially if you apply the logic that Yahtzee was using in his review (that games should update their formulas with technology), once again making him a ****.


New member
Jul 24, 2008
I didn't call Yahtzee a fanboy, I accused him of "fanboy baiting" which means that he was saying Twilight Priness was better than Ocarina of Time not because he actually thinks that, but just for the sake of pissing off fanboys (and thus gaining noteriety which he's quickly loosing by dishing out essentially the same reviews as
Pissing off fanboys is a good thing.
but saying TP is better than OoT is just that: a fanboy opinion.
Since when?
Only the people who claim to have played "every Zelda game" get technical about whether they think A Link to the Past or Majora's Mask was the peak of the franchise.
And playing every game in the franchise makes you a fanboy?
Simply put, the overwhelming majority of people think OoT is not only the best Zelda game, but one of the best games ever made.
the overwhelming majority is normally retarded.
It's like those mutants who think FF8 was better than FF7.
Those were two games released for the same console with similar graphics and most likely mechanics (the only one I've played is X so I wouldn't know for sure). OOT and TP are 2 consoles in between and OOT uses a wii mote.....although for me the wii mote sucks.


New member
Aug 15, 2008
i love that how during the whole video you were being sarcastic, except that nostalgia makes us say stupid things


New member
Feb 23, 2008
yourkie1921 post=6.72328.778805 said:
Pissing off fanboys is a good thing.
Yes, that's true. But pissing off fanboys just for the sake of pissing them off, even if it contradicts your own opinion, is not. This is because a critic has to have something called "integrity" so that no matter what game he's reviewing, he will not be persuaded by outside influences. Yahtzee's opinion should be genuine and even if he's reviewing against the norm (ie: his brilliant Bioshock review) his opinion should be his own and supported, not something tacked on at the end to make his video more popular out of sheer outrage.

And playing every game in the franchise makes you a fanboy?
Generally speaking, if you've played everygame in a franchise (Zelda has something like 12 games) and you (obviously) like that franchise, yes, you are a fanboy.

the overwhelming majority is normally retarded.
Again, generally speaking, that's true. But there are plenty of "smart" gamers who consider certain "mainstream" games to be excellent: OoT is a great example of this. FF7 is another example. Just because you've played a lot of games doesn't mean you can't share an opinion or two with the retarded overwhelming majority.

Those were two games released for the same console with similar graphics and most likely mechanics (the only one I've played is X so I wouldn't know for sure). OOT and TP are 2 consoles in between and OOT uses a wii mote.....although for me the wii mote sucks.
I'll grant you that TP looks a lot better than OoT, but play mechanics? Have you ever played a Zelda game? They all play almost exactly the same. Most people consider OoT the one that "perfected" the formula and is undoubtedly the one that all subsequent games in the franchise are trying to copy. And as for the FF series, X plays almost exactly the same as 9,8, and 7 (and 6, and 4...). Also, it's important to remember that TP is a Gamecube game first, it was only ported to the Wii to help it sell more.


New member
Sep 12, 2008
mensaap post=6.72328.755918 said:
well yathzee u obviously haven't played fallout

cause that game still beats every other game anytime, that's made in this day and age! (except maybe team fortress 2)
Ohh So true, ive had hours/days/weeks of my life sucked up by them although tactics seemed to be missing something. Cant wait for 3 although itll be a consule game so no chance of it coming close to the old games. Mainly i suspect cos they ditched the story line and seem o be trying for more of a Remake/Oblivion.

Quikquik McSliq

New member
Oct 3, 2008
This episode was okay, horrendously misleading like most of your other reviews but not particularly funny unlike most of the other reviews.

And I resent what you said about new games always being better than old games because of cutting-edge technology used to power games like those on the PS3 or 360. That was exactly like saying that Cloverfield is far better than the original King Kong because Cloverfield has $100 billion special FX and a generic monster that looks like a rejected character model for "Resistance: Fall of Man" in it and King Kong was in black and white and was not shot with a trendy hand-camera technique that made you carsick.