Zero Punctuation: Yahtzee Goes to GDC


New member
Sep 11, 2007
Hate to be anal about details, but Bioshock guy isn't voiceless. He speaks in the opening sequence just before the plane crashes.


New member
Nov 8, 2007
Plays2 said:
A reply to all of the people who complain about the censorship in this ZP vid:

Get the over that, after reading all of these stupid and unnecessary complaints about censorship I already started to notice that people (like Czechnmymail, oh and a reply to you, Yahtzee is not an Aussie, he's British...) complaining already about that, I think the escapist needed to censor that because they're attending to a public conference, showing that video without censorship is like throwing swears at the president. This video was made for a public conference and awards, if one of you guys would be the host then obviously you wouldn't be throwing insults and swears at the public, that's what the escapist did, this was not for the ZP and the Escapist audience, this was made to the whole public and audience that attended to those awards and if you are swearing and saying that the censorship takes all of Yahtzee's videos fun then you're out of your mind or have self-esteem problems...

And I think that this is the best ZP so far, I don't mind the censorship but it is still the best ZP.
Whilst it's normally a faux pas to swear at conference members, I can't help but think that Yahtzee would easily be forgiven if he did. Spike Milligan, for instance, once called Prince Charles a "grovelling bastard" during a British Comedy Awards ceremony, and he had lost no face for doing it.


New member
Feb 20, 2008
Yahtzee, I know this probably won't mean much but I want to say that I have added the escapist to my 'Addblock plus disable' list. One of only 3 sites I might add, the other two being IsoHunt and penny-arcade. Just don't host any of those "YOU'VE WON A FREE IPOD" adds, or one that induces epileptic seizures. That being said I should also mention just how much I loathe internet advertisements and the amount of respect It takes for me to endure them. If the escapist ever launched a membership section to avoid the adds I'd be the first to sign up, just don't be whores about it and force your audience into submission like gamespot did.


New member
Dec 10, 2007
To all the people saying that ZP is now teh suxzorz because they have removed your delicious swearing; get cancer.

This was the first time for a while that a ZP had elicited laughter from me, not just a 'heh' or a period of repressed chuckeling. That's good by any standard. Bravo.


New member
Feb 21, 2008
I only registered just now to say this : Please no censorship, I know your probably doing that so you can have a video that can be shown on G4 but can we get an uncensored version? Thanks those beeps just piss me off.


New member
Nov 8, 2007
It's always the same thing in the comments: some people offer criticism, others come along and say that no one should be allowed to criticise. Uhm... yay?

The bleeping was distracting and done poorly, there's no question. I think most of us know (by now, I hope) that it was censored because these shorts were shown elsewhere. However, I'm a firm believer in simply changing the content so distracting fuzzies, pixels, and bleeps don't have to be used in the first place. And I also don't know why an un-bleeped version couldn't have been shown here, but I'm the same person who always asks why shows like "The Venture Bros" are released censored on DVD. In short, don't ask me, because I don't get it, either.

Between these shorts and the announcement that ZP will be shown on X-Play, is anyone else worried the reviews will become more watered-down and appropriate for younger viewers? Just me? Okay then.


New member
Feb 14, 2008
i dont think all of you who are commenting about the censoring being OK seem to get the picture. ive read every comment here and the view im getting is that those of us who dont like the censorship arent 'attacking' Yahtzee at all, in fact it is a loud statment that we love yahtzee just as he is. its the assholes that are trying to change him that we are taking exception too.

imagin the movie 'saving private Ryan' with all the scenes with guns edited out, imagin the movie Alien with the 'chest burster' edited out. i could go on. Yahtzees work is great as it is, but its his total work (the finished product) that is what is good. im 100% sure that Yahtzee could set out to make one of his clips without cussing at all and it would still be funny because the cussing isnt what makes it funny, what makes it funny is the whole picture he paints for us with or without cussing but the work has to be 100% HIS work.

and in case those of you that dont see what the fuss is about dont get this ill literally spell it out for you. when outsiders try to change his work in ANY way it ruins his work.

people here arent posting anti-censorship comments because we want to 'attack' yahtzee we are posting in SUPPORT of him, we are giving him something he can look at and use to tell the next bunch of asshats that want to change (or make HIM change) his work and say, "this is my fan base, this is why im popular, these are the people that made me what i am and why you want to have anything to do with me in the first place, and they dont like you wanting to stick your 2 cents in and make me change my work". those of you posting nonsence saying that its ok to screw up Yahtzees work because its for an awards show are just defending the idiots that if given their chance will screw this gem up for everyone.

ill say this again, getting yahtzee to do some of his work for an awards show then censoring him is like getting a stripper to do your show then telling her she cant take her cloths off. there is no God damn point.

ohh and for me the issues here isnt that the uncensored version didnt get posted for us, the point is that he was censored in the first place. and i furthermore dont buy the argument that the censoring was a part of the joke, if it was he would have commented that it was on purpose somehow. he would have had too, and most likley in some clever way like he did with the assassins creed review when he SAID he loved religions while showing you that they could suck his farts out and die. because if it WAS a part of the joke then no one here 'got it'.

everyone here that is anti-censorship is casting a vote in support of Yahtzee, all those that are making comments about how its ok and totaly understandable are the morons, its NOT fine and its NOT understandable and if you think its ok for Yahtzees work to be trampled on by others then you clearly dont understand why we love him so, or what it is that makes him great. its HIS opinions we want, not the opinions of some corperate dunderhead that thinks the word jerk in the phrase jerk off should be edited for some reason.


New member
Feb 21, 2008
Wyatt is on the money. I want to let The Escapist know that some viewers simply don't like the new censorship. They know that if a lot of viewers stop watching their videos, their advertising revenue goes down and they lose money.


New member
Feb 22, 2008
Ok, I should so right this in caps to get attention, but I won't.

What i'm wondering is if the average age of the vast majority of you people is under 15, cause your all IDIOTS. And here's why.

1) Your watching a show specifically to hear someone swear and seem to think thats the funniest part, can you say immature?

2) You can't make out the words even though the censoring sucks, thats just pathetic.

3) You take any of the censoring seriously. Honestly, have you even noticed how bad the censoring is? If it was acctually meant to be censored for the GDC don't you think it would have been? This is a JOKE you dumbasses, the reason the censoring is so bad is simply emphasising the way society is going these days having to censor everything, and the fact he's failing to do it correctly is just a big "F**** YOU" and finger to everyone who can't handle this sort of language and has to be politically correct.

Can ANY of you think at all outside the box? Thats why I think your all a bunch of pre-teens, the fact nearly NO BODY picked up on that... anyone with half a brain would have realised it, anyone with any sort of intelligence would have put two and two together, but you guys just keep on bitching, which just shows a low IQ and hence a lack of experience with the world and hence the fact your all to young to think something out in that way.

And yes, this was all meant to be an insult to everyone who isn't a child and is posting these negetive comments here, see, the trouble is I'm certain you can't all be children, but the fact very few of you seem to have developed the experience necessary to understand that, it just doesn't make sence.


New member
Feb 22, 2008
o-o-omg brawl i pee alittle bit from excitment whenever that gets mentioned but alas it will just keep getting delayed, oh well nintendo cant string me along forever those rat-bastards
-good review btw
p.s, i thought the bleeping was funny idk its beeping how can you hate it, then again i also think the word tree-branch is funny but go ahead say it to somebody who isnt expecting it i bet you they will laugh


New member
Nov 7, 2007
DriftRS said:
Ok, I should so right this in caps to get attention, but I won't.

What i'm wondering is if the average age of the vast majority of you people is under 15, cause your all IDIOTS. And here's why.

1) Your watching a show specifically to hear someone swear and seem to think thats the funniest part, can you say immature?

2) You can't make out the words even though the censoring sucks, thats just pathetic.

3) You take any of the censoring seriously. Honestly, have you even noticed how bad the censoring is? If it was acctually meant to be censored for the GDC don't you think it would have been? This is a JOKE you dumbasses, the reason the censoring is so bad is simply emphasising the way society is going these days having to censor everything, and the fact he's failing to do it correctly is just a big "F**** YOU" and finger to everyone who can't handle this sort of language and has to be politically correct.

Can ANY of you think at all outside the box? Thats why I think your all a bunch of pre-teens, the fact nearly NO BODY picked up on that... anyone with half a brain would have realised it, anyone with any sort of intelligence would have put two and two together, but you guys just keep on bitching, which just shows a low IQ and hence a lack of experience with the world and hence the fact your all to young to think something out in that way.

And yes, this was all meant to be an insult to everyone who isn't a child and is posting these negetive comments here, see, the trouble is I'm certain you can't all be children, but the fact very few of you seem to have developed the experience necessary to understand that, it just doesn't make sence.
thats-->that's (2x)
your-->you're (2x)
no body-->nobody

The censorship as a joke argument is a poor and unlikely one. The conclusion you make that anyone who doesn't think thusly is a naive "dumbass(es)" isn't exactly the peak of intelligent argument. Normally I'd let grammatical and spelling errors slide, this is after all the internet. However, if you're going to get on a high horse and dole out IQ insults, then you might want to present yourself as something in contrast.

Wyatt I do like some of your points and they are well articulated, however, since this was aired on TV you really shouldn't expect it to go uncensored in that arena. It has to abide by all the guidelines just like everything else. Over that I'm not upset, trying to change that format is a fight I'm afraid should not be waged and wouldn't be worth it if it were. However, as I stated before, I was offended that it remained censored on the internet. The internet should never be subject to censorship (excepting the most extreme cases: child pornography etc). Yahtzee is blameless in this; however, I cannot say the same for whoever published this version here.


New member
Dec 9, 2007
Omg censorship. Everyone run. Yahtzee's videos are ruined!!!11!1!1

The console statement was really funny, although I was expecting some masculine PC machine to pop in and beat up all the inferior consoles.

I agree with Yahtzee, the PS3 is looking a lot better these days, but until Spore and all the other exclusives prove themselves for the PS3, I'm still sticking with my Xbox360 and Wii.

Yahtzee's Shooter of the year is Bioshock! Credit is where its due. The Orange Box and Halo 3 were my runner-ups for my personal GOTY. If it had been Call of Duty 4 or something, I would have lost all hope in humanity.

2007 is indeed a geeky year.


New member
Sep 13, 2007
I don't care about the censoring really, but it seems odd that Yahtzee said that his videos were not going to be censored because of the previews in his last update, and then the next video he does is censored! It's to be expected for the actual event, but those beeps were added in, why not keep the pure version for the Escapist? Fuck. There I said it. Who cares? The forum rules allow for it. Censoring this only makes Yahtzee look bad by contradicting him, it's completely unnecessary.


New member
Feb 1, 2008
Easykill said:
why not keep the pure version for the Escapist?
Well, I can think of two reasons off the top of my head -

1) Maybe there is none. (Maybe Yahtzee made the videos specifically for the event and didn't think to have a 'pure' version to send to The Escapist.) This is what I presume to be the case - and why I was telling people to lay off it already, since I don't see the 'extra work' needed to give us all an (un)clean version justified, or at least not the vehement demanding tone that some people here are wielding about it.

2) Maybe when they said they were going to upload the videos intended for the GDC, they indeed meant the videos intended for the GDC. As in, that exact version. As in, staying true to their word with pedantry, even if some of you aren't enjoying that.

Either way, I don't see how Yahtzee was contradicted - the Escapist editors didn't censor anything. Whether it was Yahtzee himself that did the censoring as means of social commentary (as was suggested by some) or the GDC people saying, "We dunn want dat kinda language 'ere, mate," it wasn't censored by The Escapist Magazine.

In fact, Yahtzee mentioned that the abstract entity 'Not The Escapist Magazine' - or rather, in his particular highlight, G4, even though I don't know who that is - may, in fact, censor. He simply stressed The Escapist Magazine's editors would never do such a thing. In the case of his blog post, it was someone making censored previews of The Escapist's raw material. In this case, The Escapist is using something for Zero Punctuation that was already censored in its raw form before it was passed by the editors.

Comments for 'the other side': some of you are calling people out for wanting to hear the swearwords by claiming they're immature. Please don't do that - Zero Punctuation indeed thrives of its brutal language, so it's not surprising that people would like to see it left intact. It is part of the artwork. It has nothing to do with immaturity, and everything to do with "the full experience". It's like taking a black crayon and blocking out genitals in a figure drawing. If people complained about that, surely you wouldn't think they're complaining because they are immature and merely look at the images as pornography?

The only reason I don't mind the censorship is because this is very much removed from the norm of Zero Punctuation, and I think we should all be grateful we're getting anything at all (and not 'just' another Travelogue). It's for a different audience with entirely different values. I'd probably be very irked if the ZP weeklies would be censored.

I'm a little surprised there's so much anger on both sides of this equation, to be honest. I don't understand why people are so glaringly upset about the censorship (see above for my reasoning), and I don't really understand why people are aggressive towards those that are. In particular, if both sides are calling each other "idiots", then it's evident that at least one side is wrong about that observation - and chances are both are.

Folks, we're all human, let's treat each other with a sliver of respect, all right?

*expects irony to hit with a the force of a thrown brick right about now, braces* >.>

Dr. Whiggs

New member
Jan 12, 2008
pinkgothic said:
Easykill said:
why not keep the pure version for the Escapist?
Well, I can think of two reasons off the top of my head -

1) Maybe there is none. (Maybe Yahtzee made the videos specifically for the event and didn't think to have a 'pure' version to send to The Escapist.) This is what I presume to be the case - and why I was telling people to lay off it already, since I don't see the 'extra work' needed to give us all an (un)clean version justified, or at least not the vehement demanding tone that some people here are wielding about it.

2) Maybe when they said they were going to upload the videos intended for the GDC, they indeed meant the videos intended for the GDC. As in, that exact version. As in, staying true to their word with pedantry, even if some of you aren't enjoying that.

Either way, I don't see how Yahtzee was contradicted - the Escapist editors didn't censor anything. Whether it was Yahtzee himself that did the censoring as means of social commentary (as was suggested by some) or the GDC people saying, "We dunn want dat kinda language 'ere, mate," it wasn't censored by The Escapist Magazine.

In fact, Yahtzee mentioned that the abstract entity 'Not The Escapist Magazine' - or rather, in his particular highlight, G4, even though I don't know who that is - may, in fact, censor. He simply stressed The Escapist Magazine's editors would never do such a thing. In the case of his blog post, it was someone making censored previews of The Escapist's raw material. In this case, The Escapist is using something for Zero Punctuation that was already censored in its raw form before it was passed by the editors.

Comments for 'the other side': some of you are calling people out for wanting to hear the swearwords by claiming they're immature. Please don't do that - Zero Punctuation indeed thrives of its brutal language, so it's not surprising that people would like to see it left intact. It is part of the artwork. It has nothing to do with immaturity, and everything to do with "the full experience". It's like taking a black crayon and blocking out genitals in a figure drawing. If people complained about that, surely you wouldn't think they're complaining because they are immature and merely look at the images as pornography?

The only reason I don't mind the censorship is because this is very much removed from the norm of Zero Punctuation, and I think we should all be grateful we're getting anything at all (and not 'just' another Travelogue). It's for a different audience with entirely different values. I'd probably be very irked if the ZP weeklies would be censored.

I'm a little surprised there's so much anger on both sides of this equation, to be honest. I don't understand why people are so glaringly upset about the censorship (see above for my reasoning), and I don't really understand why people are aggressive towards those that are. In particular, if both sides are calling each other "idiots", then it's evident that at least one side is wrong about that observation - and chances are both are.

Folks, we're all human, let's treat each other with a sliver of respect, all right?

*expects irony to hit with a the force of a thrown brick right about now, braces* >.>


New member
Dec 9, 2007
Dr. Whiggs said:
pinkgothic said:
Easykill said:
why not keep the pure version for the Escapist?
Well, I can think of two reasons off the top of my head -

1) Maybe there is none. (Maybe Yahtzee made the videos specifically for the event and didn't think to have a 'pure' version to send to The Escapist.) This is what I presume to be the case - and why I was telling people to lay off it already, since I don't see the 'extra work' needed to give us all an (un)clean version justified, or at least not the vehement demanding tone that some people here are wielding about it.

2) Maybe when they said they were going to upload the videos intended for the GDC, they indeed meant the videos intended for the GDC. As in, that exact version. As in, staying true to their word with pedantry, even if some of you aren't enjoying that.

Either way, I don't see how Yahtzee was contradicted - the Escapist editors didn't censor anything. Whether it was Yahtzee himself that did the censoring as means of social commentary (as was suggested by some) or the GDC people saying, "We dunn want dat kinda language 'ere, mate," it wasn't censored by The Escapist Magazine.

In fact, Yahtzee mentioned that the abstract entity 'Not The Escapist Magazine' - or rather, in his particular highlight, G4, even though I don't know who that is - may, in fact, censor. He simply stressed The Escapist Magazine's editors would never do such a thing. In the case of his blog post, it was someone making censored previews of The Escapist's raw material. In this case, The Escapist is using something for Zero Punctuation that was already censored in its raw form before it was passed by the editors.

Comments for 'the other side': some of you are calling people out for wanting to hear the swearwords by claiming they're immature. Please don't do that - Zero Punctuation indeed thrives of its brutal language, so it's not surprising that people would like to see it left intact. It is part of the artwork. It has nothing to do with immaturity, and everything to do with "the full experience". It's like taking a black crayon and blocking out genitals in a figure drawing. If people complained about that, surely you wouldn't think they're complaining because they are immature and merely look at the images as pornography?

The only reason I don't mind the censorship is because this is very much removed from the norm of Zero Punctuation, and I think we should all be grateful we're getting anything at all (and not 'just' another Travelogue). It's for a different audience with entirely different values. I'd probably be very irked if the ZP weeklies would be censored.

I'm a little surprised there's so much anger on both sides of this equation, to be honest. I don't understand why people are so glaringly upset about the censorship (see above for my reasoning), and I don't really understand why people are aggressive towards those that are. In particular, if both sides are calling each other "idiots", then it's evident that at least one side is wrong about that observation - and chances are both are.

Folks, we're all human, let's treat each other with a sliver of respect, all right?

*expects irony to hit with a the force of a thrown brick right about now, braces* >.>
LoL. Good points though.