Wyatt said:
im just speaking up because page after page of posts reflected an opinion i agreed with and then some moron got up on their bandwaggon and started the 'cant we all just get along' happy horseshit and calling people idiots because they had the nerve to make a post saying they hated the censorship.
i can assure anyone that is reading i am NOT a child, im a 36 year old United States Marine (retired) that actualy spent some time in the sand (in gulf 1) with a weapon standing a post to defend freedoms like freedom of expression. perhaps some of my hostility on this issue DOES come from an overreaction to what i do see and an over censoring of American media in all forms (im still pissed that the Witcher got cut down for American sale) but though that may be a part of this it is by far not the only part for me.
time after time i see posts on formus like this where the vast majority of people dont like something but when they say so there is allwayws a few turds that want to take exception, they allways come across as being holyer than thou and act like anyone that would have the gall to possably dissagree with them are just kids or feeble minded or what have you. well im here to tell you that in THIS case you have met your match, im not a kid and im certianly NOT feeble minded and in reguards to the actualy issue in question (censorship in case you missed it) if your for it at any level then you are the idiot. there is a right and a wrong way of doing things and censorship is the wrong way.
ive seen several replys now that seem to want to say that the censorship was done on purpose. bull shit. thats all i can say about that. simply because of its true than Yahtzee is a hack and we all know hes not. if the censorship was put in by yahtzee himself as a part of making some kind of a statment then it fell flat, it played like a fart in church and hes just not that bad that he could screw something like that up. so that means that the censorship was imposed. making all the arguments about how its 'not that bad' wrong. its not your work first of all so your judgment about how it 'did hurt anything' is meaningless, second of all it DID hurt the clip as page after page of replys attest to here. and 3rd if this was yahtzees "big break" do you really think that this clip gives a good reflection of his work? with a screaming BEEP every couple of seconds to totaly jar you out of the flow?
yahtzee got his 'big break', im sure he dusted off his thong and his push up bra, spent days in his basement working it on his home made stripper pole, choosing just the right song to dance too, and the right boa to use for the tease portion, perfected his act only to arrive and be told 'ohh yeah you cant take your cloths off because this is an awards show'
and to the person that said in effect it was an awards show made for TV so censorship is to be expected, ill just say again then why bother to get someone for that show knowing that what he does wont be suitable for TV? if you want yahtzee then take what comes along if you want Ward and June Cleaver then get THEM instead.
dont take our $20 hooker slap more than a few Beeps on his work and try and make him Queen of England just because its on TV. just because a cat has a kitten in an oven dont make it a muffin.
This isn't a restriction of freedoms, and censorship in this case is not the wrong thing to do. We're not censoring information here and to compare the censorship of curse words -in a presentation aimed at a professional audience for a one-off special- is a dangerous idea. Its not a matter of impeding on our personal rights, its a matter of common courtesy. Political censorship is a dangerous tool, this is not the same case... its not even censorship, its just making foul words less powerful. Turning this very subject into a topic of freedom of speech is just insulting to that very principle, freedom of speech is a political idea giving citizens the right to open constructed opinion, their right to stand up to their values, and a basic common respect when expressing our views ... this has nothing to do with not swearing. Had this been a video where Yahtzee spends most of his presentation insulting the USA, would that have been acceptable? No, because its possibly offensive to a good majority of the audience, the same applies for foul language.
Censorship is not a 'wrong' way to do things, abuse and missuse of censorship is. Theres a massive difference between censoring information and political ideas, than there is in bleeping out a few foul words in order to make a decent video acceptable to a mixed audience.
As for Yahtzee's position in this censorship, I doubt he cares, the jokes and puns he made were brilliant nonetheless, bleeped swearing doesn't really divert from that. Its no coincidence that the only presentation he's made to go infront of a live audience also happened to be censored.
I should point out, I don't have anything against swearing, but I also accept that some professionalism needs to be maintained from time to time, there are times when the target audience may not all be the sort of people who find foul language acceptable - such as a massive conference -, where as viewers of Yahtzee know what to expect the people in that audience might not be too happy to here foul language booming through the nearby speakers.#
-edit- Oh, and I forgot to mention. I fully agree with your position of censorship of the media, although I live in the UK. However, I think there is a large difference between censorship of adult material in video games as opposed to censorship of swearing in a presentation aimed at a mixed audience. A video game is targeted at a specific audience, it has warnings of adult content on the back and the buyers are at their own discretion as to whether or not they want to use a product with such content, in the case of Yahtzee's presentation at GDC the audience may not have all appreciated Yahtzee's style, they cant simply shut their own ears and make the noises go away. You get exactly what you pay for in a game/dvd, the same as we get exactly what we expect from one of Yahtzee's videos on this website - lots of the people in that audience may have been there strictly for professional reasons; not to have some crude English guy rant and swear in a short presentation (apologies Yahtzee). Which is why I understand censorship in this case. What I don't like is when people try to impose their morals onto my lifestyle, despite them not having used anything that they try to change. If an organisation that didn't play video games campaigned for foul language to be censored in 18+ rated games, I would be highly annoyed, on the other hand if somebody showed Apocalypse Now on daytime TV I could fully understand censorship.