Zero Punctuation: Yahtzee Goes to GDC


New member
Nov 9, 2007
Corbineau said:
lol covered in bees.
Hahaha, glad to see I wasn't the only one thinking Eddie Izzard when that came up.

"I don't want a cup of coffee from you! You're covered in bees!"

Good reviews. Now I must return to my shut-in life making my second 70 character.


New member
Nov 30, 2007
Please, put up the unedited version. I just couldn't get into to the review when there was a bleep very few seconds. How would "...cock slapping the Mona Lisa" have sounded if that was bleeped? So once again, please put up another version.


New member
Feb 6, 2008
Surely the amount of censorship depends on the time that the review actually went out to the gdc? And since it was split into 3 parts, the first part would have had to go out pretty early, explaining the censorship.
I'm sure Yahtzee will release an uncensored version in time... but since most people seem to be complaining about the rehashing of old jokes (par for the course at award shows), then I'm not sure why people are so outraged by the censorship...


New member
Feb 6, 2008
BRAVO BRAVO BRAVISIMO! *throws a rose up on the stage*

Ps. i love the bleeping, it has its comic-effect aswell, i didnt mind at all...


New member
Nov 28, 2007
Very nice Yahtzee.

With regards to the Guitar Hero/Rock Band stuff - there is a game in the works for PC/Mac - Guitar Rising - with similar gameplay but where you can actually plug in a real guitar and learn to play for real. I am hoping that on higher levels it streams by something like real notes rather than just brightly colored buttons.

In the current videos there is a very simple background, so you miss one of the main attractions of GH/RB that Yahtzee points out - the cheering crowds that make you feel like a star. But perhaps this will be added in the final release.


New member
Feb 21, 2008
Come on, the beeping wasn't even covering the cuss in most cases, it had to be a piss take....


New member
Feb 14, 2008
people are outraged because its unholy to censor yahtzee. his 'reviews' are a combination of speach and visual entertainment working together to creat a statment (usualy a funny one) if you censor any part of it you screw the whole thing up.

what makes his work great is his timeing what hes SAYING coupled with what your looking at, take either of those aspects away and you are left with shit. here is a challange for you, go load up one of his game reviews and close your eyes and just listen to it, its not all that funny, next plug your ears or turn off your speakers and just WATCH the review, again not that funny, combined they are a riot and provoke even the most stone faced people i know (and being a US Marine retired i know alot of them) to actualy laugh right out loud at some of his works.

take any part of it away, or change anything and you just 'cock it all up', it only really works and has magic as a whole presentation. with censorship it ends up being like showing a pie chart without the pie


New member
Dec 18, 2007
Bombader said:
Jeez you people, this was played in front of a live studio audience! Apparently they were too lazy to uncenser some things quote]

Ahhhh that'll be why it was beeped up to the b****cks then. At least it was relatively funny, looking forward to getting back to normal next week though.



New member
Nov 15, 2007
I like my Yahtzee like I like my coffee,

NOT covered in *beeps*!

It really does detract from the humour.

Midnight is well past the watershed, I think us big kids can handle a bit of potty mouth.


New member
Oct 7, 2007
Didn't think it was that great, but maybe thats because of what you were told to do - I prefer the whole "stick it to one game and flame it's ashes to ashes" format.


New member
Jan 3, 2008
Pie said:
This only applies to the idiots that complain about
yahtzee not pleasing them or returning their calls.

So far i've seen through the first minute and a half or so and i don't know what you're all throwing tantrums about. Really, what's all the fuss about, Yes it was bleeped out, you know why?
Because i'm assuming it was shown at the GDC (awards right?) Which would of been more about best games this year and less about spastics running around in halo3 while downloading porn.
Sure it's annoying, but deal with it, If you can't go without hearing someone say fucking fuck fuck for five minutes, then throw yourself off of a bridge.

Reasons why this is a good review(And why you should not shake your e-fists at yahtzee just yet):

A.) This beats the COD4 review, hands down i might add, that all you little douchbags wanted for weeks on end because you couldn't get your "Shitty-fix"
B.) I love how he's set it up, it's still funny as ever, the visual and not so visual puns are clever and witty, all in all it's a good review and deserving of high fives to the editor
c.) It retains humor even when serious, Seriously serious giggles were had all round
D.) It was still fucking better then the COD4, So go fuck yourself you ignorant twits, If it's not good, it's because you're probably immensely stupid or you've been playing headbutt wars with your buddies, Enjoy it while you can, chances are you'll die of cancer or lose what braincells you have before the age of twenty

Really all that aside, It's very good, and this is not just a kissass comment, It is good, it's higher then most of the mediocre stuff out there, Better then gamespot, And they've got a full hour to bring out the funnies. Really, I'm glad you're doing what you want/are asked to (As long as it's not by morons) again.
Make sure you keep it up, can't wait until next week.

Stop being selfish dicks and enjoy the ride.
I find this post wildly ironic and funny.

Anyways, I will say it's like the censoring detracted from the humor. I could tell that Yahtzee tried to tone down the vulgarity, but still included some. He talks so fast that I had a very hard time listening past the beeps. It's has a nice smooth flow but then when the beep came in it felt like an airplane just crashed into the train of words. I just think he should have just kept the ball rolling and gone for no beeps whatsoever, but that's just my opinion! I'm not the one riding on the boat of money.


New member
Feb 13, 2008
Well, after tucking my prolasped spleen back into the gaping wounds in my sides, I think I should comment on this.

I loved it, quite simply, my only quibble was with the editing. The short delays were the only time I had a chance to recover, and quite frankly, I would have preferred it to have just been bam-bam-bam in a continuous stream without the 'beep's or quick fade-outs.

Of course, I would probably have dies from laughing so hard without respite, but hey, it's how I'd like to go, provided there aren't any greased, nubile 16-year-old gymnasts to hand.


New member
Feb 20, 2008
Flow said:
"Because no matter who you are, as soon as your compared to a magical hand that shoots bees, your going to f@cking lose."
Im worried, because i do beleive i may have actually peed myself slightly laughing at that bit.