No movie is perfect, but I am not gonna spend my life ragging on movies that are trying their best. Whether they succeed or not. I don't like most of the MCU Phase 2 films, could not care for the Ant Man movies, and I find Batman V. Superman & SS (2016) average. I hate the Whedon cut of Justice League, and have no interests in the Snyder Cut. I'm giving you this as a reminder, because I've mentioned it several times before. Now you have no excuse for making that same claim next time.
See I don't hate the DCEU, I want it to be a huge success. I want to see movies that try. And so far, almost none of the DCEU movies have tried. They want the success of Marvel without any of the discipline to get there. No one is in charge of continuity, or keeping the canon straight, or even keeping the story straight in individual movies.
When Suicide Squad says this is Polkadot man, he's infected in an extra dimensional virus that causes his face to swell up with glowing radioactive sores, and he needs to purge his body of them twice a day or he dies, I'm not some ill tempered jerk for noticing they simply dropped that aspect of his character entirely. One second he's swelling up and Ratcatcher even says its happening again, he explains that he sees everyone as his mom, and then the next cut he face is normal, the polkadots are gone and its never mentioned again. I wasn't sitting in the theater thinking "Man I must spend my life ragging at movies for even noticing that."
Or in the big climatic scene in the end when its pouring rain, and then one shot its a sunny day, the rain is over, and its never shown again. Just the weather got cut. Noticing that doesn't mean I hate the DCEU, it means the movie isn't trying.
In the first movie Rick Flagg has a life-sworn Samurai bodyguard with a magical possessed sword, Katana. She follows him everywhere and is sworn to protect him. Not even mentioned in this one. Just a major aspect of Flagg's character, missing.
When Waller tells Bloodsport he was right, Blackguard is betraying them, way to see that coming and...and its never shown. That scene got cut. And I'm not the Grinch for noticing that.
Its a sloppy movie, pure and simple, and its not some moral failing on my part for noticing. Im not looking for a perfect movie, like you said they don't exist. But other movies have managed to keep their story and characters straight for longer than a few scenes, why can't Suicide Squad? What's unique about this series of movies that the concept of a consistent plot is just not something they worry about?