Choo choo! All aboard the Complain Train!


Made you look...
Aug 13, 2011
Plano, TX
United States
Basically, yes. Have you ever seen the British sitcom Keeping up Appearances? It's about this snobbish lower middle class woman who wants to climb the social ranks, always wanting to show off, putting on airs, and trying to be seen with fancy people and at fancy places, but is deeply embarrassed by her lower class relatives.

My gf's mother is that, but transplanted into a very traditional and devoutly catholic family that migrated here from Italy some 70 years ago to work in the coal mines. So here's a woman with all the worst qualities of an inferiority complex and a superiority complex, a sycophant obsessed with getting in good with the upper class, an almost mafia-style idea of family honor, and the hypocritical self-righteousness of a bible thumper, all rolled into one clusterfuck of an Omega Karen. So naturally she's quite enamored with the prospect of becoming an in-law to her father's longtime friend/boss, who's the owner of an upper medium-size company, whom I've been told had a penchant for fucking my gf with his eyes since she was in high school, and whom not so long ago got divorced (geez, I wonder why). Bet she thinks she deserves it too, for all the hardship my gf caused her (in her mind).

So actually it's IMO more accurate to say my gf's mother wants to pimp out her daughter as a trophy wife to a creepy dickbag twice her age, I guess so the mother can leverage that into advancing her social and familial standing by having a rich son-in-law.
Jesus Christ, you'd think someone like that, putting on airs of refinement, would at least assume the couth to make her wants known to her daughter personally or in polite, intimate company, not with her current boyfriend standing right there. That's beyond ridiculous. I mean, was it an attempt to emasculate you atop getting her daughter to consider someone else? Because what kind of fucking b**** does that in good faith? I'd be livid.

I'm going to assume you're a good guy; I've no reason to believe otherwise, so you didn't deserve that. If you were abusive or treated your girlfriend badly in overt ways, then the mother would have every right to call you out and demand better for her child. But [assuming from what you've shared] if she's just out for status, fuck her. She's playing poker with her cards facing out for the rest of the table to see, and honestly thinks she has a chance at winning a hand. Fuck her; she's a fucking inconsiderate idiot at best. Were I you, I'd suggest family gatherings involving that woman be out of bounds. If your S/O wants or feels the need to go, fine, but I wouldn't go. What a waste of precious life to be degraded in such a way.

Not anywhere near the same, but my struggle (well, my girlfriend's struggle) has been with my girlfriend's mom's unhealthy attachment to my girlfriend's ex-husband. I know him quite well as they have a child together and contact has been inevitable, and there's nothing but respect between the two of us; I'd even say we like each other. My gf passively hates him, but my her mom has been in constant contact with him since they divorced in 2008. She drives down from Oklahoma to visit him without letting her own daughter know, often not even visiting her daughter (thankfully.) She brings him up in casual conversation like anyone cares what he's up to. And the worst, she complains to him whenever she and my gf get into tiffs which is every two days and sides with him anytime the co-parenting presents an co-parent dispute. Classic case of a parent liking a child's spouse more than their own kid. Her mom likes me too, but it's hard to like someone who has so little regard for someone you love that happens to be their child.


Lover of beat'em ups.
Mar 10, 2016
Detroit, Michigan
United States of America
Once again resentful Redditors and YouTube personalities with too much time on their hands attacking someone, or digging up old Twitter comments.



Simian Abomination
Escapist +
Apr 3, 2020
Jesus Christ, you'd think someone like that, putting on airs of refinement, would at least assume the couth to make her wants known to her daughter personally or in polite, intimate company, not with her current boyfriend standing right there. That's beyond ridiculous. I mean, was it an attempt to emasculate you atop getting her daughter to consider someone else? Because what kind of fucking b**** does that in good faith? I'd be livid.

I'm going to assume you're a good guy; I've no reason to believe otherwise, so you didn't deserve that. If you were abusive or treated your girlfriend badly in overt ways, then the mother would have every right to call you out and demand better for her child. But [assuming from what you've shared] if she's just out for status, fuck her. She's playing poker with her cards facing out for the rest of the table to see, and honestly thinks she has a chance at winning a hand. Fuck her; she's a fucking inconsiderate idiot at best. Were I you, I'd suggest family gatherings involving that woman be out of bounds. If your S/O wants or feels the need to go, fine, but I wouldn't go. What a waste of precious life to be degraded in such a way.
The only reason we even went to that gathering was because it was her granny's (aka mama) 80th birthday and she invited us, cuz she's a darling old lady who's long past giving a shit about drama and just wants to see her family. She's one of the handful of relatives that treats my gf as family should, instead of neglectful as best, outright abusive at worst. Sadly, mama isn't in the greatest health. Cancer. Terminal. We don't know how long she still has, she's already past what the doctors had given her.

My gf and I agree the mother needs to be cut out, but I also understand my gf wanting to spend whatever time she still has left with mama. I lost my grandma to a drawn-out battle with cancer, and I was too much of an angry self-absorbed git to appreciate her while still alive, visited too little, and I later on came to deeply regret that. So if there's a gathering where her mother may be present, but my gf wants to go anyway, I'll go with her. Any time, every time. Might end up vomiting from sheer rage, but whatever, I can take it. Also, knowing the *****, if I stop coming along, she might see that as a victory, and fuck no at giving her that satisfaction.
Not anywhere near the same, but my struggle (well, my girlfriend's struggle) has been with my girlfriend's mom's unhealthy attachment to my girlfriend's ex-husband. I know him quite well as they have a child together and contact has been inevitable, and there's nothing but respect between the two of us; I'd even say we like each other. My gf passively hates him, but my her mom has been in constant contact with him since they divorced in 2008. She drives down from Oklahoma to visit him without letting her own daughter know, often not even visiting her daughter (thankfully.) She brings him up in casual conversation like anyone cares what he's up to. And the worst, she complains to him whenever she and my gf get into tiffs which is every two days and sides with him anytime the co-parenting presents an co-parent dispute. Classic case of a parent liking a child's spouse more than their own kid. Her mom likes me too, but it's hard to like someone who has so little regard for someone you love that happens to be their child.
Got a friend who's in a similar situation to yours, except with the genders reversed.
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Made you look...
Aug 13, 2011
Plano, TX
United States
The only reason we even went to that gathering was because it was her granny's (aka mama) 80th birthday and she invited us, cuz she's a darling old lady who's long past giving a shit about drama and just wants to see her family. She's one of the handful of relatives that treats my gf as family should, instead of neglectful as best, outright abusive at worst. Sadly, mama isn't in the greatest health. Cancer. Terminal. We don't know how long she still has, she's already past what the doctors had given her.

My gf and I agree the mother needs to be cut out, but I also understand my gf wanting to spend whatever time she still has left with mama. I lost my grandma to a drawn-out battle with cancer, and I was too much of an angry self-absorbed git to appreciate her while still alive, visited too little, and I later on came to deeply regret that. So if there's a gathering where her mother may be present, but my gf wants to go anyway, I'll go with her. Any time, every time. Might end up vomiting from sheer rage, but whatever, I can take it. Also, knowing the *****, if I stop coming along, she might see that as a victory, and fuck no at giving her that satisfaction.
I respect that, being there for your gf, but don't ever let it stand in the way of your self respect if the strength of mom's disrespect ever outweighs your own respect.
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Making lemons combustible again
Escapist +
Feb 9, 2008
A Barrel In the Marketplace
So I'm lucky enough to have a home with a yard. The downside of this is that I live in a region that is a favorite of the Himalayan blackberry. And while I enjoy Blackberry's very much, the plants that grow them are the fucking devil's weed. They can grow ANYWHERE(they're invasive as fuck and came here from Asia because....someone hated us or something), they have thorns, they have a woody texture and are fucking hard to cut/break once they get big, they can grow into huge tangled messes if you leave them alone and you pretty much have to dig the fuckers out at the roots to get rid them of them. When I moved in a good third of my yard was covered with a virtual forest of the fuckers and we had to eventually hire someone to bulldoze them(and the topsoil) so we could start anew. Now they much easier to control but they still seem to want to take root and grow out, but at least when the ground is wet it's easier to pull them out, otherwise i have to resort to using a power trimmer to cut them down.

On one hand, I believe in protecting the environment. On the other, Himalayan blackberries can go to the fucking hell they came from. Thank you for attending my TED Talk.
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Mister Mumbler

Pronounced "Throat-wobbler Mangrove"
Jun 17, 2020
Nowhere, Middle of
United States
That is seriously fucked up, but I may have a humorous solution: next time her mother proposes someone for your SO, you express interest in them. "Oh, he sounds like a real catch, give him my number deary" or "He sounds like he'll make a great addition to our harem", something like that, and then leave her your number.
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Made you look...
Aug 13, 2011
Plano, TX
United States
So I'm lucky enough to have a home with a yard. The downside of this is that I live in a region that is a favorite of the Himalayan blackberry. And while I enjoy Blackberry's very much, the plants that grow them are the fucking devil's weed. They can grow ANYWHERE(they're invasive as fuck and came here from Asia because....someone hated us or something), they have thorns, they have a woody texture and are fucking hard to cut/break once they get big, they can grow into huge tangled messes if you leave them alone and you pretty much have to dig the fuckers out at the roots to get rid them of them. When I moved in a good third of my yard was covered with a virtual forest of the fuckers and we had to eventually hire someone to bulldoze them(and the topsoil) so we could start anew. Now they much easier to control but they still seem to want to take root and grow out, but at least when the ground is wet it's easier to pull them out, otherwise i have to resort to using a power trimmer to cut them down.

On one hand, I believe in protecting the environment. On the other, Himalayan blackberries can go to the fucking hell they came from. Thank you for attending my TED Talk.
It's crepe myrtles for us; nothing works to rid us of them. We've several patches of them in our back yard that no matter how hard or how many we yank, they just pop right back up like weeds. My girlfriend won't let me try a controlled burn with strategic placement of pools of gasoline and a book of matches which I'm absolutely certain would work, but she says no because of "safety" and "I'm an idiot' and "why is your penis so big?"
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Elite Member
Aug 28, 2014
I'll do you one better. A house behind us is being completely renovated, so intense, constant noise aside, they create a lot of debris in the form of concrete, wood, and dust in the air. What's worse is that they've also taken the liberty of using the neighbors' trash bins (including ours) to dispose of the debris. I think they think they're being courteous by only dumping into our bins on trash pickup day to maximize consideration for the inconsideration, but the bill we pay to the city for trash pickup is based on weight. Not sure how it works everywhere else, but our trash trucks weight the bin when it's lifted and dumped, and we pay based on that weight, so when they "politely" dump a hundred pounds of concrete in our bin (often leaving very little room for our own trash,) our monthly bill skyrockets. We've since taken to hiding our bin after it's dumped.
That's an interesting waste disposal system. I know in countries like Korea or Japan they take waste seriously, but charging by weight is new to me. Considering how heavy house debris is, that's pretty fucked.

But while we're one upping each other, when they were still painting the house, our neighbors used a paint spray for their garage gate. Efficient, but also coated all of our cars in thousands of tiny droplets of paint. We found out about it the hard way when it rained really hard and our windshield wipers couldn't keep our vision clear. They paid for the repairs, but that was a fucking hassle. AND THEN we learned that all the construction is to add a fucking elevator to a two storey house, the rich fucks. Turns out the new owners are not only filthy rich, but a politician who threw away his generally respectable career to support our dogshit President. AND MAY I ADD that before their house was built, we lived alone in the middle of a big ass field that we would frolick in as children. Then they decide out of all this open space, the ideal spot is right beside our house. Goodbye ever opening my blinds again. So yeah. These bitches aren't getting a "welcome to the neighborhood" cake anytime soon.

OT: I just spent 8.5 hours in line for voter's registration. I don't think I've waited in line this long before in my life. My back is fucking screaming, and if I hadn't just recovered from Covid, I'd most definitely be infected again. SO IF A FUCKING BOXER OR DICTATOR'S SON BECOMES PRESIDENT AFTER ALL THIS, I AM O U T.
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Elite Member
Apr 24, 2020
United States
Why can't you use two external storage devices on your PS5? I am right now using a large HDD to store my PS4 games, but it's slow AF.
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Made you look...
Aug 13, 2011
Plano, TX
United States
Why can't you use two external storage devices on your PS5? I am right now using a large HDD to store my PS4 games, but it's slow AF.
Ah, remember the days when you just had to own the discs and the consoles, straight out the box, without need for substantial/external storage space? Pepperidge farm remembers...
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Elite Member
Jul 13, 2021
United States
What the FUCK is with black women and insane standards for masculinity? Seriously, just about every r/gatekeeping post that I see with "Real men don't eat seafood" "Real men don't take naps, FEMININE TRAIT", "Blonde isn't a man's color", "If you can't drop 1800 on a date you're not a real man" or similar, it's some smug looking black chick.


Elite Member
Dec 21, 2010
I am so pissed off with the people of Britain for being so fucking stupid once again.You see, Britain is having supply issues at the moment because there are not enough people to drive the lorries, either due to Covid-19 or Brexit. This has also effected the supply of diesel and petrol to garages all over the country.

Last week, it emerged that a few garages had run dry. Despite people going on TV and radio to tell people not to panic as there was ample fuel in reserve, it just might mean there might be a few shortages here and there, but again, no need to panic buy or hoard fuel. Can you guess what happened next?

Thats right, everyone carried on as usual and just filled their cars as and when they needed it. Because people learnt from the misery caused from the toilet roll (and other things) shortages from last year and weren't going to be dicks about it...Oh wait, no that's just the fantasy in my head.

Nope, people immediately went out and bought as much fuel as they possibly could. There were lines formed outside petrol stations with people filling pretty much everything they could. This has of course lead to petrol stations running out of petrol. I don't think it possible to buy fuel in my town, I think the nearest place to buy fuel is on the M1 motorway.

So from the bottom of my heart, thank you you fucking selfish, panicky dipshits for taking a situation that was going to make life a little difficult and made it about 98% worse than it should have been. Why are the people of this country so fucking dumb?


Made you look...
Aug 13, 2011
Plano, TX
United States
Planning. I know plans are often necessary, but planning is a pain in the ass.

My girlfriend is a born planner, and when she gets fixated on a project or plan, she won't shut up about it, and it drives me up the wall. We're supposed to be driving up to Oklahoma in a couple of weeks for an infant's birthday party, and she's been on the phone with like 3 different people for over two hours trying to plan everything from the moment we leave Texas, the moment we leave Oklahoma and every fucking HOUR in between those two moments in time and space. It's a birthday party for a 1-year-old; we get there when we get there, leave when we leave, and her friend has already said we have a place to stay with her... planning OVER; why are you still talking about it?

And don't get me started on my family's plan to fly down and visit over Thanksgiving. They made that plan MONTHS ago, and my gf hasn't shut the fuck up about since. My family are all fully-capable adults and accomplished cooks who want to help prepare the meal; they don't need an elaborate itinerary much less every meal planned down to the last morsel for the week they're staying here, Jesus Christ!

People ask me why I hate holidays? Planning. EDIT: Not holidays intrinsically, just the decorating (I HATE decorating,) the gift buying, the invitations/guest lists, the forced, meaningless celebrations that are so far removed from the occasions they're meant to commemorate as to make them more pointless than they already are, etc. What do I want for my birthday? Everyone to forget it's my birthday. Nothing would bring me more joy than to go to sleep on my birthday without a single person having known it was my birthday. I'm not a grinch, but goddamnit, how does one celebrate a day off by giving oneself 15 jobs to do???
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The Big Engine
Apr 3, 2020
There is no 8-TB SSD at an affordable price.
Didn't say it was a small problem, but simple fact is that spinning drives stopped being appropriate for games yonks ago. Also 8TB? Jesus Christ, I've got 81 games on my 2TB drive and I've still got 300+ GB of space. How many do you have? Serious question.


Elite Member
Apr 24, 2020
United States
Didn't say it was a small problem, but simple fact is that spinning drives stopped being appropriate for games yonks ago. Also 8TB? Jesus Christ, I've got 81 games on my 2TB drive and I've still got 300+ GB of space. How many do you have? Serious question.
It's like 5TBs worth because I have large games like COD for example.

Edit: just installed an internal SSD using youtube tutorials. Not fun. I had to install an SSD with a heatsink, and thermal padding. Got it upside down. Redid the screws. I should literally switch over to pre-built PCs.
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Elite Member
Aug 28, 2014
So I had to apologize to my boss for her own mistake. She's been a no show the last 4 times I was to have a meeting with her, and then on the 5th she showed up but at the wrong time. Chatted me that she was there and I wasn't. If you scrolled up an inch you'd see her message stating that we'd meet at a different time. I guess this is corporate life huh? Perhaps the most valuable thing learned in this internship is that I don't wanna work in this company. Not that I expect them to offer me a job at this point lol.


Elite Member
Apr 28, 2020
United States
Very sad and frustrated because covid killed competitive paper MTG and it's not coming back until everyone gets vaccinated. For those that don't know there's two ways to play Magic: The gathering. There's kitchen top causal with friends, but there's also competitive MTG which is with tournaments for actual money and what not. I've always been a competitive player. It's like any sport it's both the challenge and rewards, but also for me it was the social experience, getting out and meeting new people, then crushing their dreams. I miss the big 2k+ player tournaments. It was always exciting and you were playing both for cash and the chance to play in the protour with free flight to Japan or wherever it was being hosted. Sadly wizards killed it due to covid and with where things are at it could years before it's safe to restart the Starcity and wizards tournament circuit because it's impossible to social distance. I didn't mind taking a break from playing but I just moved to Ohio and I'm craving some tournament play. They have small events, but it's nothing like precovid. I just wish everyone would get vaccinated already. I miss actual big events. Its been like 3 years since I played in the big Las Vegas triple grand prix and it's killing me to think I may never get play in one again. :cry:
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