Steve really has some of the dumbest hot takes, but has no idea what he's talking about. High School of the Dead has a good story? High School of the Dead, has a
good story? And he does not see it as a guilty pleasure. People are free to like what they're like, but there's standards you got to take. Nothing about that anime is special. It's your typical zombie fiction, with your typical ecchi/anime fan service. Yes, they have bad ass action girls, but I find most of the characters not that compelling or interesting. You have an episode that tries to make the Japanese ultra nationalist the good guys and the "voice of reason". Think about that for a second.
Another thing about the story is that there's a lot of dumb plot convenience is that happen for no reason other than to make people outside of the core group stupid or insane. It doesn't matter much anyway, because the story is pretty much dead at this point. The creator of the manga died back in 2016. It's sad to see it happen, but you're not going to see any more of that anime or manga. For some reason I haven't feeling Steve doesn't know the death of the creator. He's not going to get any more either way, so he better get used to reading or rewatching the series again at a certain point. So honestly, just watch the anime and ended in that OVA special where they are on the island. That's about as close to a bittersweet ending you're going to get.
Game journalist picked up a game called Endcycle that's like the MegaMan Battle Network series but their big problem with it was that they couldn't pause and said several times, "Like One Step From Eden"..... But.... but OSFE has a pause feature... there's a pause in that game... Fucking game journalists...
Like I mentioned before and another topic, they were many game critics that hated on Killer Is Dead, cuz you could not juggle like and Devil May Cry. Most of them weren't referring to regular continuity DMC, they were referring to DmC (2013). Despite the fact that it was a Grasshopper Studio game, and they don't make their games like DMC or the reboot. Yet most of the time these assholes are clamoring and always shouting how they want "unique and original experiences". They were taking marks off the game, because it didn't copy one game enough. Even though, Grasshopper set out to do their own thing. You really can't win with these jackasses. Other than telling most of them to screw off, or point out their bullshit when it's super bad.