Inspired by Bartholen's post from yesterday in the currently playing thread. A lot of open World sandbox games from 8th generation and some from this console generation, are not going to age much better, or sometimes worse than the cover shooter clones from 7th generation. A lot of these games have tedious busy work, have uninspired collectathons, or have tedious and horrible grinding, if the game has RPG "elements". And said grinding can be skipped for a price, or you have to buy DLC/Season passes to get the most powerful items early. This doesn't age well either, because a lot of these games can and will be shut down or move from digital stores at some point. Including all their dlc. A lot of Ubisoft games from the 7th generation and some of her eighth generation has either been removed or is going to be removed soon. They're not afraid to do so again when they feel their use has been dried up, and can't profit (enough) from it anymore.
Say what you will about some of the decent or uninspired shooters from 7th generation, but at least some of them have a decent single player that only last 6 to 8 hours. Instead of a game that's 100 to 400 plus hours and expects me to do all that crap or feeds off of FOMO and people with addictive tendencies. WITH CHARGING DLC THAT MIGHT NOT BE ON THE STORE ONE DAY ANYMORE OR THEY SHUT DOWN THE SERVERS FOR A SINGLE PLAYER GAME!