No amount of talk about the "deep state" can obscure that the accusation against Trump here is very significant.
No accusation on the messiah is significant. Berlusconi was known to be a gangster, and it only served him all the more to get constantly re-elected. Evil is a virtue for conservatives : it's framed as "anti-system", "tough", "cunning", by people who, to put it (very very) mildly, want a "likeable scoundrel" at the head of the state. It's, again, religiously circular. The messiah defines good and bad, good guys and baddies, rules o follow or not, and if he does it then it's nice, if the enemy reproach it then it's no big deal. Until they switch messiah, as if the holy spirit jumped to possess another.
The main difference between conservatives and progressive is the direction of the reasoning. Conservatives think "conclusion up" (hence conservation, and hence the distorsion of all positive values, bent to match their pre-decided incarnations). The very ways of reasoning fail to operate across the political divide. You cannot go "this thing is bad, and trump did it, therefore trump was wrong" in front of "trump is right, therefore he either didn't do it or was right to". The fixed premises are too different.
It's like conspiracy theories. The axiom is "aliens are here", "god exists", "earth is flat" or "9/11 was an inside job". Everything else (events, interpretations, morals, even the very notion of scientific reasoning) can be questioned, redefined, reshaped, calibrated by these yardsticks.