Should we expect you to be a perfect representation of what all black people are like then?
I am pretty great, but no.
Like I said a million times before, people are individuals and life experiences changes. Also, that we don't have the whole picture (something a few people are fond of saying), and we don't know truly why anyone rejects anyone.
I rejected a girl once because she had an unhealthy importance put on sex. I mean, she legitimately thought that was her only value. And given the fact that I found her so incredibly hot, I didn't want to feed into that mindset. So I told her I valued her as a friend, and that she has a lot more to give. And we could find it together. And we hung out. And she found other interesting things about her... and she was introduced by a friend to a guy she ended up going out with and I think moved to CT with. And yeah, that really sucked for me. But I made my stupid decision at the time.
But it wasn't about her sexual attractiveness. It was about my hang ups about her hang ups. And I made a judgment call that, in hindsight, was maybe the best thing for her in the long run but screwed me out of a great relationship because... I think I'm really dumb? I think that's the life lesson out of all of this.
I was rejected by a girl who wanted to date me in the future because she could really see us getting married. But she was a small town girl who ended up in Queens. She wanted to live the big city life. She wanted to go out, hook up, have a lot of experiences, and get done and settle with me. Before I moved to Montreal, she was actually upset because she meant it and she didn't know how we were going to follow through with the 'plan'.
I rejected a girl because I just didn't want to date at the time. That was due to heart break. Because the girl I liked two weeks prior to that told me that she was interested in me too, but found out later at a party that a guy she knew was interested in her and decided she wanted to explore that more than me.
My point is you guys are all reading rejection as just this one thing. All women must be this. All women must be that. There are a cornucopia of reasons why rejections happen that might have little to do with you. That last girl I turned down was amazing, but I was so rocked to my core by the previous girl that rejected me. So I rejected that girl because I couldn't think straight. I was still in my feelings for the previous girl that rejected me just two weeks before.
There was a girl that rejected me because I didn't have as many sexual partners that she would think I would require to be good in bed. There was another one that didn't like that I wasn't a Dom. There was one that wasn't attracted to me but thought I was a fun guy. And yes, she told me that straight. That was actually one of the less painful rejections I ever had.
There was a girl I rejected because, truthfully, while super super nice... she wasn't intellectually all there. There was a girl I rejected because I couldn't actually conceive the fact that someone would actually like me, so I couldn't accept there were such feelings for me and she deserved something better. There was a girl I rejected because I physically wasn't attracted to her.
If you take out the reasons, those are just 5 times I rejected a girl, and 5 times I was rejected. Without any context, you can make it that I'm just some giant loser (And I am!), and I'm picky as well. But when you truly know the reasons, you just see that sometimes, the situation isn't right. Due to environment, or due to you yourself not being right.
Therefore you can't sum up all of human experience as "People A are just like this". You simply can't. In every one of your neighborhoods, there's a woman who will have sex with you just because you asked. And sometimes, it's not because she comes from a broken home and will do anything for validation. It could be because she just likes having sex and doesn't need any more reason than that. She's not indicative of all women. You have women who are Sapiosexuals. They are not indicative. You have women who are Demisexuals, Pansexuals, Status seekers, Asexual but still want romance, Freaking Blind, Racists, Women who have Fetishes... There is no possible way anyone can categorize any group of people as just one thing only.
By Elba's Beard, there are Racists who might think I'm a great guy and actually like me... but
pity me because I had the misfortune of being born as an 'inferior race'.
Why not take life as a collection of Experiences, and live more freely?