Sexual harassment and rape allegations rapidly being fired off against various streamers

Specter Von Baren

Annoying Green Gadfly
Aug 25, 2013
I don't know, send help!
Is it weird to anyone else that no less than 3 forum members explained their ideas about dating and women's sexuality, and when the sole From-Birth, Male-Attracted Woman Forum Member came and said "Well, no, because this is the true reason why this happens, you only perceive it as such"... just spent five pages explaining and re-explaining her position to guys (who aren't female) who are still telling her that she's either wrong or not being truthful with her feelings.
Should we expect you to be a perfect representation of what all black people are like then?
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Elite Member
May 11, 2020
Human nature isn't maths that you can make some perfectly fine equation for. It isn't science. You can only go by facts. In previous posts we have already gone through them all so I have nothing more to add.
Which is really ironic because the only one trying to reduce human behavior down to an equation is you. But at least you admit that evo-psych isn't science.

lil devils x

🐐More Lego Goats Please!🐐
May 1, 2020
Not the same thing. Fat is something you have control over. You can lose weight or exercise. Height or ethnicity is something you have no control over. Why would some guy who watches his weight date a fat chick who doesn't? If the guy is also fat your argument makes sense but if he isn't it's just a reasonable expectation to have and vastly different from 'no Asians/must be tall'. Like, even if the woman herself is Asian and short.

Just because there is ostensibly 'someone for everyone' doesn't mean guys should aspire to be bottom feeders like People of Walmart. Even incels are better off.
It is the same because it is superficial. If you only care about their appearance, expect to be treated the same. Why would any attractive girl want to date a guy who treats her overweight friends like that? There are plenty of medical conditions that cause weight gain and make it difficult for them to lose it no matter how much they work out and diet. I have treated patients with these conditions and the only way for some of them to really lose the weight is through weight loss surgery. You are treating people as sub human because they have a medical issue. This just makes you look gross, not them.

BTW, I have dated overweight guys before, that did not factor into why I broke up, but if I ever heard a guy talk about a girl the way you just did, I would run like I was on fire. That personality makes for a very ugly person indeed.

lil devils x

🐐More Lego Goats Please!🐐
May 1, 2020
Should we expect you to be a perfect representation of what all black people are like then?
Of course not, but when you have a study with 68,000 people saying all the same thing, that is a general representation of what that group wants here.

Specter Von Baren

Annoying Green Gadfly
Aug 25, 2013
I don't know, send help!
Of course not, but when you have a study with 68,000 people saying all the same thing, that is a general representation of what that group wants here.
My point was that, while your (You being Lil Devil) opinion is important and informative, trying to make it out that it should usurp everyone elses opinion (Even if they are men) when you are a very small sample size is not something I agree with.
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lil devils x

🐐More Lego Goats Please!🐐
May 1, 2020
My point was that, while your (You being Lil Devil) opinion is important and informative, trying to make it out that it should usurp everyone elses opinion (Even if they are men) when you are a very small sample size is not something I agree with.
Even being a small sample size, when a guy makes numerous provably false statements about women and what we want, I would think the actual girl stating that this is not what I , or any woman I know wants would be a bit more informed on the subject when it pertains to me and does not even apply to him. If I made false assumptions about you that do not pertain to me, I would also think that you would be more knowledgeable on what pertains to you than I would be. If he was speaking for himself, that would be one thing, but that isn't what he did here. Just imagine if I said all of this about you:
"You want healthy offspring with a select amount of men and men want to have sex with as many women as possible.
YOU would rather be the third or fourth wife of a an attractive/highly desired man than the first and only wife of an unattractive/lowly desired chump. Society has always tried to regulate man's natural instincts.
But attraction is pre-cognitive, you only find a very select few men attractive and this has nothing to do with 'who put in the most effort' even if you like to convince yourself with that to feel special. And guess what? Women are not unique in their preference which men they find attractive. Again, 80% of women only find 20% of men attractive. This is the mere reason why there are so many frustrated incels.
YOU are much more superficial than men."
As if I were stating a fact. I would hope you would "correct" my terribly false and misguided assumptions if that were the case. LOL


Elite Member
Jul 16, 2013
It is the same because it is superficial. If you only care about their appearance, expect to be treated the same. Why would any attractive girl want to date a guy who treats her overweight friends like that? There are plenty of medical conditions that cause weight gain and make it difficult for them to lose it no matter how much they work out and diet. I have treated patients with these conditions and the only way for some of them to really lose the weight is through weight loss surgery. You are treating people as sub human because they have a medical issue. This just makes you look gross, not them.

BTW, I have dated overweight guys before, that did not factor into why I broke up, but if I ever heard a guy talk about a girl the way you just did, I would run like I was on fire. That personality makes for a very ugly person indeed.
Oh please. I was just waiting for you to make a reply like this but forgot to edit my post. I treat people like 'sub human' and I am 'gross' because I think for a guy who watches his weight and exercise it is not an unreasonable expectation to not date a fattie who can't move her fat ass away from the TV and bowl of cheetos? Sure there might indeed be the rare thyroid disease but 99% is just laziness and poor lifestyle choice.

Most people don't find fat attractive for the simple reason that it is unhealthy. Men don't find fat women attractive because it signals difficulties to conceive or unhealthy offspring(as a medical expert you probably know all about it) and health is the primary determinant of attraction. Not being fat is one of the very few criteria men have. Ofcourse you are going to make the argument that there are men who are into this kind of thing like feeders who fetishize fat chicks and love nothing more than put her on a probe of pure greass then yeah, you are right. Just like there are (relatively) young men who are into ganbang grannies with saggy boobs and wrinkled saggy ass. But it's a very minority opinion and none of those people I would ever want for coffee.

Again, some men like slender women(I think most). Some men like thicc women. Some men like curvy and voloptuous. But absolutely no man, other than some fucking freaks, like obese women.


Elite Member
Apr 29, 2020
United States
Should we expect you to be a perfect representation of what all black people are like then?
I am pretty great, but no.

Like I said a million times before, people are individuals and life experiences changes. Also, that we don't have the whole picture (something a few people are fond of saying), and we don't know truly why anyone rejects anyone.

I rejected a girl once because she had an unhealthy importance put on sex. I mean, she legitimately thought that was her only value. And given the fact that I found her so incredibly hot, I didn't want to feed into that mindset. So I told her I valued her as a friend, and that she has a lot more to give. And we could find it together. And we hung out. And she found other interesting things about her... and she was introduced by a friend to a guy she ended up going out with and I think moved to CT with. And yeah, that really sucked for me. But I made my stupid decision at the time.

But it wasn't about her sexual attractiveness. It was about my hang ups about her hang ups. And I made a judgment call that, in hindsight, was maybe the best thing for her in the long run but screwed me out of a great relationship because... I think I'm really dumb? I think that's the life lesson out of all of this.

I was rejected by a girl who wanted to date me in the future because she could really see us getting married. But she was a small town girl who ended up in Queens. She wanted to live the big city life. She wanted to go out, hook up, have a lot of experiences, and get done and settle with me. Before I moved to Montreal, she was actually upset because she meant it and she didn't know how we were going to follow through with the 'plan'.

I rejected a girl because I just didn't want to date at the time. That was due to heart break. Because the girl I liked two weeks prior to that told me that she was interested in me too, but found out later at a party that a guy she knew was interested in her and decided she wanted to explore that more than me.

My point is you guys are all reading rejection as just this one thing. All women must be this. All women must be that. There are a cornucopia of reasons why rejections happen that might have little to do with you. That last girl I turned down was amazing, but I was so rocked to my core by the previous girl that rejected me. So I rejected that girl because I couldn't think straight. I was still in my feelings for the previous girl that rejected me just two weeks before.

There was a girl that rejected me because I didn't have as many sexual partners that she would think I would require to be good in bed. There was another one that didn't like that I wasn't a Dom. There was one that wasn't attracted to me but thought I was a fun guy. And yes, she told me that straight. That was actually one of the less painful rejections I ever had.

There was a girl I rejected because, truthfully, while super super nice... she wasn't intellectually all there. There was a girl I rejected because I couldn't actually conceive the fact that someone would actually like me, so I couldn't accept there were such feelings for me and she deserved something better. There was a girl I rejected because I physically wasn't attracted to her.

If you take out the reasons, those are just 5 times I rejected a girl, and 5 times I was rejected. Without any context, you can make it that I'm just some giant loser (And I am!), and I'm picky as well. But when you truly know the reasons, you just see that sometimes, the situation isn't right. Due to environment, or due to you yourself not being right.

Therefore you can't sum up all of human experience as "People A are just like this". You simply can't. In every one of your neighborhoods, there's a woman who will have sex with you just because you asked. And sometimes, it's not because she comes from a broken home and will do anything for validation. It could be because she just likes having sex and doesn't need any more reason than that. She's not indicative of all women. You have women who are Sapiosexuals. They are not indicative. You have women who are Demisexuals, Pansexuals, Status seekers, Asexual but still want romance, Freaking Blind, Racists, Women who have Fetishes... There is no possible way anyone can categorize any group of people as just one thing only.

By Elba's Beard, there are Racists who might think I'm a great guy and actually like me... but pity me because I had the misfortune of being born as an 'inferior race'.

Why not take life as a collection of Experiences, and live more freely?

Specter Von Baren

Annoying Green Gadfly
Aug 25, 2013
I don't know, send help!
Even being a small sample size, when a guy makes numerous provably false statements about women and what we want, I would think the actual girl stating that this is not what I , or any woman I know wants would be a bit more informed on the subject when it pertains to me and does not even apply to him. If I made false assumptions about you that do not pertain to me, I would also think that you would be more knowledgeable on what pertains to you than I would be. If he was speaking for himself, that would be one thing, but that isn't what he did here. Just imagine if I said all of this about you:

As if I were stating a fact. I would hope you would "correct" my terribly false and misguided assumptions if that were the case. LOL

Again. My point isn't that your view point and information is not important or valuable. I just don't agree that all of us shouldn't even be able to make an argument. Everyone here is free to critique the arguments, but I disagree with disregarding someone outright.


Follower of the Glorious Sun Butt.
Apr 1, 2009
Whatever, just wash your hands.
I'm pretty sure that he hasn't.
Where did I make that argument? I only ever see that argument being made by either feminists or SJW-incels.
No, you do, its pretty much your whole argument here. When you talk about men being treated badly online you are implying that every woman should respond to every man because they are owed a response, when you talk about women being the gate keepers you are implying that women owe it to men to open their legs. You are doing the jorden peterson bullshit where you have a bunch of claims that lead the reader to certain outcomes but never actually say what you want those outcomes to be, because you are afraid to be called out.

lil devils x

🐐More Lego Goats Please!🐐
May 1, 2020
Oh please. I was just waiting for you to make a reply like lhis but forgot to edit my post. I treat people like 'sub human' and I am 'gross' because I think for a guy who watches his weight and exercise it is not an unreasonable expectation to not date a fattie who can't move her fat ass away from the TV and bowl of cheetos? Sure there might indeed be the rare thyroid disease but 99% is just laziness and poor lifestyle choice.

Most people don't find fat attractive for the simple reason that it is unhealthy. Men don't find fat women attractive because it signals difficulties to conceive or unhealthy offspring(as a medical expert you probably know all about it) and health is the primary determinant of attraction. Not being fat is one of the very few criteria men have. Ofcourse you are going to make the argument that there are men who are into this kind of thing like feeders who fetishize fat chicks and love nothing more than put her on a probe of pure greass then yeah, you are right. Just like there are (relatively) young men who are into ganbang grannies with saggy boobs and wrinkled saggy ass. But it's a very minority opinion and none of those people I would ever want for coffee.

Again, some men like slender women(I think most). Some men like thicc women. Some men like curvy and voloptuous. But absolutely no man, other than some fucking freaks, like obese women.
Wow.. Where to start. So much ignorance here. I have actually treated a number of people with medical issues that make it difficult for them to lose weight, it is not as rare as you seem to believe it is. Many of those who have difficulty losing weight often do not eat enough and their bodies go into " storage mode", but they are afraid to eat more because they are afraid it will just make them fatter.
Then lets start with some of these medical conditions:
SOme of them are actually common, for example, Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) is a common condition that affects how the ovaries work. Symptoms can include irregular periods, trouble getting pregnant, growing excess hair and weight gain. The exact cause of PCOS is unknown, but it's thought to be hormone related, including too much insulin and testosterone. People with PCOS typically put on weight around their waist.
People with anxiety and stress disorders can struggle with their weight as a result as well:
Insomnia and other sleep disorders can cause weight gain:
Side effects from other treatments and conditions can cause weight gain:

The list just goes on and on BTW. It is ignorant to assume that all those people suffering from weight issues stuff their face with Cheetos, in fact, it is exactly the way you view them as human beings that leads to their depression, suicide and increased stress.

One of my closest childhood friends struggled with this her entire life. She is gone now. She killed herself at the age of 25 due to her struggling with medical conditions that made it near impossible for her to lose weight. She exercised more than anyone I knew while still gaining weight. She starved herself. This literally killed her. I have never had to worry about gaining weight, I was blessed with a very high metabolism, but you viewing her as she viewed herself as some sort of "Bottom feeder" is what destroyed her. It isn't " healthy" for you to view people like that, and it certainly isn't healthy for them to be viewed that way.

How you can talk about someone else being " wrong" for not wanting someone for something they have no control over while at the same time doing the same to others appears to be a case of " you get what you sow".
Last edited:


Elite Member
Jul 16, 2013
No, you do, its pretty much your whole argument here. When you talk about men being treated badly online you are implying that every woman should respond to every man because they are owed a response, when you talk about women being the gate keepers you are implying that women owe it to men to open their legs. You are doing the jorden peterson bullshit where you have a bunch of claims that lead the reader to certain outcomes but never actually say what you want those outcomes to be, because you are afraid to be called out.
Complete bullshit. I only advocate understanding. I would be the absolute last person on earth to advocate women should ever do something against their will.

Wow.. Where to start. So much ignorance here. I have actually treated a number of people with medical issues that make it difficult for them to lose weight, it is not as rare as you seem to believe it is. Many of those who have difficulty losing weight often do not eat enough and their bodies go into " storage mode", but they are afraid to eat more because they are afraid it will just make them fatter.
Then lets start with some of these medical conditions:
SOme of them are actually common, for example, Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) is a common condition that affects how the ovaries work. Symptoms can include irregular periods, trouble getting pregnant, growing excess hair and weight gain. The exact cause of PCOS is unknown, but it's thought to be hormone related, including too much insulin and testosterone. People with PCOS typically put on weight around their waist.
People with anxiety and stress disorders can struggle with their weight as a result as well:
Insomnia and other sleep disorders can cause weight gain:
Side effects from other treatments and conditions can cause weight gain:

The list just goes on and on BTW. It is ignorant to assume that all those people suffering from weight issues stuff their face with Cheetos, in fact, it is exactly the way you view them as human beings that leads to their depression, suicide and increased stress.

One of my closest childhood friends struggled with this her entire life. She is gone now. She killed herself at the age of 25 due to her struggling with medical conditions that made it near impossible for her to lose weight. She exercised more than anyone I knew while still gaining weight. She starved herself. This literally killed her. I have never had to worry about gaining weight, I was blessed with a very high metabolism, but you viewing her as she viewed herself as some sort of "Bottom feeder" is what destroyed her. It isn't " healthy" for you to view people like that, and it certainly isn't healthy for them to be viewed that way.
I'm genuinely sorry about your friend. And OK I admit, that post was a bit crass. Still, I feel for people with medical issues but most people(men and women) who are overweight is definitely because of poor lifestyle choices and people are well within their means to do something about it. Again, unlike height or ethnicity.


Mad Hatter Meme Machine.
Apr 4, 2020
When you talk about men being treated badly online you are implying that every woman should respond to every man because they are owed a response
If I send in an application to Yale or Harvard and am rejected with a form letter, does imply that I believe I am owed entry into these universities?
If I apply for a job at Facebook pr Google and am rejected with a form letter, does that imply that I believe I am owed a job there?

Or is it just the "I feel that I was treated badly" aspect of it that leads you to believe that "I feel I am owed acceptance"?

when you talk about women being the gate keepers you are implying that women owe it to men to open their legs.
Is Harvard strict in their acceptance criteria? Does one who recognizes that fact secretly believe that Harvard owes it to them to accept them?

I don't see how it follows that "if one feels they were treated badly, then it means they think they're owed something". I just don't see how that logic makes sense.

You are doing the jorden peterson bullshit where you have a bunch of claims that lead the reader to certain outcomes but never actually say what you want those outcomes to be, because you are afraid to be called out.
I think you're just jumping to conclusions.


Elite Member
May 11, 2020
Oh please. I was just waiting for you to make a reply like this but forgot to edit my post. I treat people like 'sub human' and I am 'gross' because I think for a guy who watches his weight and exercise it is not an unreasonable expectation to not date a fattie who can't move her fat ass away from the TV and bowl of cheetos? Sure there might indeed be the rare thyroid disease but 99% is just laziness and poor lifestyle choice.

... you are going to make the argument that there are men who are into this kind of thing like feeders who fetishize fat chicks and love nothing more than put her on a probe of pure greass then yeah, you are right. Just like there are (relatively) young men who are into ganbang grannies with saggy boobs and wrinkled saggy ass. But it's a very minority opinion and none of those people I would ever want for coffee.

Again, some men like slender women(I think most). Some men like thicc women. Some men like curvy and voloptuous. But absolutely no man, other than some fucking freaks, like obese women.
Speaking of poor lifestyle choices, this is not what to say when you want people to believe that you are not superficial and callow.

I only advocate understanding.

...Still, I feel for people with medical issues
Given that you tried to mental health shame me earlier? No you don't.


Do everything and feel nothing
Mar 3, 2009
If I read that correctly, I thought the 'statistic' is that 80 percent of women will find 20 percent of men attractive.
And yet 60% of women over 16 are in a heterosexual monogamous relationship...

I don't believe that as many as two thirds of them don't find their partner attractive.
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Follower of the Glorious Sun Butt.
Apr 1, 2009
Whatever, just wash your hands.
If I send in an application to Yale or Harvard and am rejected with a form letter, does imply that I believe I am owed entry into these universities?
If I apply for a job at Facebook pr Google and am rejected with a form letter, does that imply that I believe I am owed a job there?

Or is it just the "I feel that I was treated badly" aspect of it that leads you to believe that "I feel I am owed acceptance"?

Is Harvard strict in their acceptance criteria? Does one who recognizes that fact secretly believe that Harvard owes it to them to accept them?

I don't see how it follows that "if one feels they were treated badly, then it means they think they're owed something". I just don't see how that logic makes sense.
Oh holy crap, you're so close, you're right on the edge. GAH, its killing me. No, it doesn't mean you think you are owed a job there, trying doesn't mean you think you are owed, its how you act after you get rejected. If you rail against Yale for them foolishly not choosing you then that means you thought you were owed. If you hit on a woman and she ignores you or turns you down then just go on with your day, don't take it personally. Don't act like she even owes you a response, cause she doesn't. Believe me, I understand that can be annoying, when I walk around the neighbor hood I tend to wave at everyone I see, if I don't get a wave back, I get annoyed and there is always the temptation in the back of my mind, to chase that person down, grab their arm, wave it at me, then go on with my day. But, I never act on that because that is a bad urge.

Complete bullshit. I only advocate understanding. I would be the absolute last person on earth to advocate women should ever do something against their will.
Both of you should check this vid out, its only 7 min and it perfectly illustrates my point. As far as I can see both of you are acting like Ice Posiden here. Look at how he reacts, not only does he take it super personally but later on he even rails against her more on another stream.


Elite Member
May 28, 2020
United States
And more to the point, that is not a real statistic. Okcupid is not a scientific body, and I'm sure not every woman took that test.
Oh, well, I guess analytics based on user data of online services aren't scientifically or statistically valid now. Which is why Amazon doesn't have a trillion-dollar market cap, Facebook share value didn't drop by 40% after the Cambridge Analytica scandal, Alphabet isn't at the center of antitrust review and an ongoing fake news and advertising controversy, and "bizarre" stories like Target sending coupons for baby products to women who haven't disclosed pregnancies and Netflix recommending shows to people based on device and time of day just never happen.

Funny how the fastest-growing and most controversial business practice of our age vanishes entirely into the Luminiferous Aether with naught a trace the nanosecond it can be applied to show maybe, just maybe, if you squint hard enough and look sideways, women might behave in less-than-saintly dating practice. Nah, gotta keep up that benevolent sexism by any means necessary, right?
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Elite Member
Aug 4, 2011
And yet 60% of women over 16 are in a heterosexual monogamous relationship...

I don't believe that as many as two thirds of them don't find their partner attractive.
Which is not to say they should find their partner attractive. Men are gross.