A few thoughts about January 6, 2021


Is on the Gin
May 26, 2020
Why would Biden be basicly Stalin? Why would Obama be a secret muslim? See the pattern?
I dunno depends how strong the faction wanting re-education camps and a truth and reconciliation council are behind the scenes.

Also before I get called out as presenting something no-one has suggested here's a number of articles about de-programming Trump supporters specifically

And the Reconciliation council


Terminal Blue

Elite Member
Feb 18, 2010
United Kingdom
I think we're taking it lightly because of how stupid the whole thing was. Yeah, they got into the building but they weren't organized, no one had a plan. They got inside and mostly just milled around, took pictures of themselves (making it very easy to ID some of these idiots), and sat on other people's chairs. This could have all been a lot worse.
So, as far as we can tell the ideological instigators of the actual attack were mostly Qanon people. A huge part of the Qanon narrative is the idea of the "storm", the event where Donald Trump and the US military will succeed in exposing the satanic paedophile conspiracy and its members will be imprisoned, leading to military rule and the restoration of America to a proper Christian state. They believe that this is a prophesized event which is immanent and inevitable. Basically, the Qs believed that if they simply occupied the capitol, something would happen. That's why they just milled around aimlessly, they were waiting for the prophesized event.

The scary thing here isn't the event, but the implications. The implications are that dangerous right-wing extremists can simply walk into the centres of government and police will pose for selfies with them. This event is incredibly empowering and emboldening for right-wing extremists, because now they know how far they can push things, and there's no guarantee that the next group to try something similar won't have clearer and far more dangerous plans.

People are watching.
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Elite Member
Apr 30, 2020
So don't even try at all?

It seems more like an assumption it wouldn't work than anything proven there.
I'm saying that "facts and logic" hardly work with what we're dealing here. I disagree with tstorm a lot, but he's right in pointing out that you can't fight approach based on emotion and mysticism only by pulling a Ben Shapiro(paraphrasing, obviously).

Yes, clearly that proves Ol' Joe Biden is more leftist than Antifa, and will start building gulags in no time. But please, tell me more about The Left always exaggerating things.

Also: You argue for changing minds if conspiracy theorist(i assume) in one post, and condemn "deprogramming" in another? What's the difference between the two in your mind?

Also, also: Are you against reconcillation with Trumpists? Cause i wouldn't necessarily disagree...
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Elite Member
Sep 16, 2014
United States
If you're curious as to why they arrested so few people: there were off-duty cops among the insurgents. Couldn't accidentally arrest their own, that would be uncouth.


Nascent Orca
Jun 21, 2012
Is it 350,000 covid deaths in the US yet?
About 375k. They will reach 400k before Trump leaves office. Almost 4K deaths per day

But, you know, its just a seasonal flu

Meanwhile, I'm going into lockdown for 3 days over 1 case


Elite Member
Jun 28, 2016
United States
Japan has an extremely conservative, nationalist government. One very conservative party has had a complete stranglehold on Japanese politics for 70 years now. Both the current and previous prime minister of Japan, as well as most of their cabinets, are also members of far right nationalist, neo-Imperialist organisations.

People in the West often don't realise quite how insanely right-wing and authoritarian Japan is. Japanese politics are far more closely aligned with people like Trump than with American liberals, let alone the American left.

There's also Trump's hostility towards China, which is likely to play well on anti-Chinese sentiment in Japan.
I am aware of how the Japanese government is very conservative and most people idea from Japan comes from anime and video games that don't really attempt to make commentary and if it does it is lost due cultural disconnect.

I can see the you hate China we do too being a good enough rallying cry if you only take it at surface level but what can you do.


Do everything and feel nothing
Mar 3, 2009
You can make anything sound bad or good, based on the wording. That's why facts are more important than rhetoric.

Your claim that they wanted to "overturn the will of the people" is not a fact. From their perspective, the will of the people was discarded months ago due to election fraud.
Your claim that they were trying to "undermine the constitution" is not a fact, but is based on the above assumption. In their eyes, they were defending it.
If you plan to overturn an election result, getting the facts right about whether the election was objectively fraudulent is kind of important. There is no adequate evidence the election was fraudulent. Mass delusion is not adequate justification to storm the Capitol. At least to reasonable people.

They weren't even defending the constitution. The states have rights to choose their candidate and send their electors. Even Trump himself has been trying to utilise that, by badgering state politicians to overturn their state vote and return electors for him via legislative writ. If you think something is wrong with Pennsylvania's vote, you storm the Pennsylvania capitol. But that's much less showy, isn't it?

Rhetoric matters for this reason. Why do people believe the election was fraudulent, despite the fact no-one has shown any significant objective evidence? The answer is: rhetoric. We wouldn't be here if Trump and his political and media allies hadn't spent months making so many people doubtful and fearful of election fraud. Those fears have been ramped up vastly beyond the obervable reality of fraud, historical or current. That's why you're filling up a thread with claims, having completely lost perspective on how reliable the evidence is. That's why the circle of distrust has expanded from the Democrats and state election officials to judges, to state Republican officials, to federal politicians, SCOTUS, and even by now the vice president.

This is what Tstorm pointed out with the story about the conspiracy theorist. The facts are a minor component to many people's beliefs. They need a much bigger and wider psychological push to move them.
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Elite Member
Dec 28, 2010
Why on earth would Biden be an anti-Japan president? Like, that is a notion I find very baffling.
Admittedly I can only speak about a small sample size, but to some any positive attitude towards China is a negative attitude towards Japan.


Elite Member
Apr 29, 2020
United States
I think we're taking it lightly because of how stupid the whole thing was. Yeah, they got into the building but they weren't organized, no one had a plan. They got inside and mostly just milled around, took pictures of themselves (making it very easy to ID some of these idiots), and sat on other people's chairs. This could have all been a lot worse.

People who are comparing this to 9/11 and Pearl Harbor are blowing the whole thing out of proportion.

I'm pretty sure the reason any of this is happening is because people are bored, angry, and have no outlet to release their stress because of all the lock-downs. That's why the riots happened earlier last year, and that's why this happened, because people are out of work, have free time on their hands and nothing better to do than go to rallies and marches and spend all day listening to youtube conspiracy theories.

This wasn't an organized attack on democracy, this was a mob of idiots who got worked up but didn't know what to do once they got into the building because I don't think any of them actually expected to get that far.
Personally i am not really surprised and most of those around me are neither.

The reputation of the US has tanked severely over the last couple of years and a bunch of Trump supporters trying to storm the Capitol to attack your congreass to avoid vote confirmation fits well in.

We have seen again and again things happen in the US that we never would thought possible in a developed country. Many of us think that the US is pretty close to a failed state because its system is fundamentally broken and it shows.

So we are not actually surprised.

But the good thing is that Biden has won. So the Trump lunatics are recognized as minority and not as representative of your average American.
It's no secret I have no love lost for America. It's why I'm trying to Ex-pat out of this dump, and I'm doing my damnedest to convince friends and family to join me. This is not a place that has treated the majority of them well.

But this 'no big deal' angle actually has me perplexed.

A mob being stupid is actually apart of the definition. When you let the mob take over (and yes, I mean any mob, my more biased of community members), you abdicate individuality for the sentiment of the moment. Then the lower minded allows their ID to take over and you get destruction.

And this is no way sits with just political mobs. I remember checking in on friends during the 2014 World Series riot where Giant fans, so excited that their team won, decided to destroy San Francisco. People being stupid in groups is nothing new. I get that part of it as well.

But what happened was beyond just the mob. The failure of multiple levels of protection due to a complicit nature disgusts me.

We're talking about a President who was almost National Guard-happy with deployment. Wherever there was a group of the 'unsavory' nature, Trump wouldn't bat an eye to the idea of sending them out. Yet the place he sworn to protect, he saw no reason to?

The chatter that was literally broadcast to the world was largely ignored. Capitol Police showed up underpowered and undermanned for reasons that escape me. I mean, they don't, but it would be speculation here without evidence.

It's attractive to just shrug and say "America being America". It's nice and tidy and it gives everyone the feel good sensation of an 80's sitcom step-mom shaking her head bemusedly at her new zany kids doing some shenanigans again this week. However, at this time, it would be like if that same 80's sitcom step-mom bemusedly shook her head for finding out that her new zany kids conspired with Dad to get their biological mom back via calling the cops and manufacturing a story of abuse to get Step-mom thrown in jail.

Officers sworn to uphold the law were either left to the mob or sympathized with the mob. Egregious.

Politicians stroke the fire for months and acted surprised when it got out of control. Appalling.

And the President not only joined in with the politicians, but due to a lack of actual leadership, he permitted it instead of actually putting out a deterrent, lovingly scolding the mob like that 80's sitcom step-mom's new husband... you remember the one, the guy who actually went along with the kids to get their biological mom back? Complete with a declaration of Love and how special they are to him.

There's a reason why most people are trying to find the definition of Sedition, Coup, and Insurrection over the last two days.

To the people who are so keen on finding, exposing, and eliminating threats to the American Way of Life, I have good news for you. It became abundantly clear who those parties are. All you need is the temerity of your convictions to actually be uncomfortable for a second and fight what you supposedly hold dear.

To everyone else, if this mob railed and crashed unto a properly set up line of defense and walked away smarting, yeah, sure. Who cares. It would be shocking to see the Capitol accosted like that, but the system worked. But that didn't happen. The Mob got control of the Capitol building because the system was actively shut off for a political stunt. For bruised egos.

And Trump could have easily stopped it in one of two ways. Finally completely showing the evidence that he swears he has tons of, or setting up as thoroughly for the mob as he did for others in the past. He did not show the evidence because he does not have any. And he didn't want to set up defenses because he is a sociopath.

"Stupid America" all you want. It's nothing we don't do here. But this is atypical.


Elite Member
Jul 16, 2013
Lol. First Trump riles up his supporters with his nonsensical ''they stole the votes'' for months on end and then when it starts to negatively affect him by inciting to violence he stabs his most loyal supporters in the back saying they are criminals who deserved to be locked up.

Trump must be the most gutless, hypocritical coward that ever existed. Even for delusional conspiracy nutjobs it makes you wonder how they keep worshipping this turd.


Elite Member
Jan 16, 2010
Trump must be the most gutless, hypocritical coward that ever existed. Even for delusional conspiracy nutjobs it makes you wonder how they keep worshipping this turd.
Yeah, someone like that is supposed to be charismatic and a master orator or something. That someone gets to be Cartoon Evil President by basically just turning up is embarrassing.


Elite Member
May 13, 2010
Yeah, someone like that is supposed to be charismatic and a master orator or something. That someone gets to be Cartoon Evil President by basically just turning up is embarrassing.
He didn't just turn up, he tapped into a disturbingly large percent of the american population that are hateful, violent fuckwads, who have been simmering on the sidelines for years, and slowly getting worse.


Beloved Tyrant
Mar 15, 2008
Lol. First Trump riles up his supporters with his nonsensical ''they stole the votes'' for months on end and then when it starts to negatively affect him by inciting to violence he stabs his most loyal supporters in the back saying they are criminals who deserved to be locked up.

Trump must be the most gutless, hypocritical coward that ever existed. Even for delusional conspiracy nutjobs it makes you wonder how they keep worshipping this turd.
Oh you poor delusional fool. Don't you see? Trump is playing everyone like a Fiddle! He's playing 4D Chess while we're all barely figuring out Connect 4! Come January 20th, he's going to swoop in with all this evidence to show that Biden and Antifa and The Radical Left and Santa (yeah, you didn't even SUSPECT Santa, did you?) and Bill Gates are all in on stealing the election and Trump actually won. He'll also have his Tax Returns, which will prove without a shadow of a doubt that Hunter Biden worked with The Russians to steal children from a pizza parlor.

Right now, he needs to pretend to be down and out (needs to weed out all those fake Republicans who are turning on him now so he knows who isn't loyal to America). The trap is set and the bait is sitting there. Just needs a few more days for the Libtards to step in it and BAM!


Simian Abomination
Escapist +
Apr 3, 2020
Trump must be the most gutless, hypocritical coward that ever existed. Even for delusional conspiracy nutjobs it makes you wonder how they keep worshipping this turd.
I recently found an image that rather neatly encapsulates Trump


Elite Member
Apr 30, 2016
But this 'no big deal' angle actually has me perplexed.
It is less that it is "no big deal" and more that it is not surprising.

Should i be surprised of a Trump mob trying to storm the Capitol and end vote-counting ? After Trumpists did things like trying to abduct a governor, sending fake electors and similar stauff and after Trump made the 6th into the date of deciding the election ?

Should i be surprised about the rather late action of police after Trump has shown with Lfayette square how he can wield huge chunks of federal police as his personal guard to enforce his petty whims ?

Yes, its some new kind of transgression but it totally fits the theme and has been building up for half a year at least.

Honestly, which deocracy is more healthy atm , the US or Turkey ? It is actually difficult to answer. But when an election in Istanbul gets rerun because the wrong person won but Erdogan has to accept loosing the second time, that is overall not a good show. But it fits with all the rest.
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