Recent content by Bane07

  1. Bane07

    What tabs do you have open RIGHT NOW!?

    Modcraft escapist 4chan
  2. Bane07

    The New Crysis Warhead optimized PC

    ... Why would you need 128gigs of ram? That must be for like NASA and Government Super Computers or something
  3. Bane07

    The New Crysis Warhead optimized PC

    Right, but desktops *are* better. In a few years, that might change, who knows. I have a laptop myself, and its underpowered.
  4. Bane07

    best in-game item EVER.

    Gravity gun portal gun nuff said
  5. Bane07

    This Needs to Stop...

    The bright colors might detract from some peoples fun in the game. I'm not saying that it really bothers me (hell I didn't even know about it) but some others might. They might see it as their dark and scary game being turned more mainstream? I don't know, just throwing some ideas out there.
  6. Bane07

    The New Crysis Warhead optimized PC

    And you would be right Any other reactions to the decision made by Crytek? I think it could catch on if a lot of people buy these PCs, we could see Pcs being sold for all the higher end games some time in the future
  7. Bane07

    The 7th Generation: A Big "Meh"?

    This man is right Also look at left 4 dead
  8. Bane07

    Holy ****.....I'm on google...

    We are all on google. Type your forum alias in and you'll find your community pages for all the forums we are on.
  9. Bane07

    Poll: Stupid, offensive and misspelled gamer tags

    Free speech is free speech eh If people want to be "cuntpuncher69lolmstrchiefsucksmynuts" that's fine with me. If it were my little brother or sister or future son or daughter, Id smack some creativity in to them, but that's another matter entirely.
  10. Bane07

    The New Crysis Warhead optimized PC

    Nice, well if I buy this one I can upgrade later if I like. Anything is better than my current system. It runs oblivion on low rez and settings but that's about it.
  11. Bane07

    The New Crysis Warhead optimized PC

    Well its always nice to have that isn't it? lol I just need a quick 200 bucks, any takers? Nah just kidding. Anyway though, the rig is half decent and a steal at 700. I have no intention of of playing Crysis Warhead however. Ironic isn't it?
  12. Bane07

    "There is no game" - a short Matrix Online Trial Review

    Informative review, well written. Good Job. Not that I am in any real place to place judgment. I had always wondered about the game, a friend of mine got really into it.
  13. Bane07

    Poll: What would you do in order to kill camping?

    Sorry, Camping is just the way some people play. When it comes down to it, its just Ambushing, a very common tactic in real warfare
  14. Bane07

    Poll: What type of gamer are YOU?

    Well it depends on the map doesn't it? I like rushing, my favorite classes in TF2 are certainly the Scout Pyro and Soldier. In COd4 I would generally use an m4 with Red Dot, pretty average. p90 was not a favorite of mine, I used the mp5 if I had to go sneaky stealthy. So I suppose I am an...
  15. Bane07

    Your first game..

    First one I remember was Honestly Put Put Saves the zoo, but I don't imagine that you are counting that... So my first *real* game, I think, was The Legend of Zelda: Oceania of time. I had played games before that one, of this I am sure, but this is one that really sticks out in memory.