Recent content by billy-j

  1. B

    Old Games you remember playing but can't remember the name of.

    I had a demo of a PC RPG game, where you had to choose between warrior, mage or thief (original right?) but you had to choose what your character worshipped before you start (earth, fire, life, death, there were loads). If I remember correctly it was a top down/isometric view, but I can't...
  2. B

    Jimquisition: Jimquisition Extra: Virgillio Armarndio's Art Hole

    This fucking dolt clearly has no idea what he's talking about Space Invaders is a purely male affair, in fact it's about penis envy, can't you see that you blithering idiot? I'm sure you can all agree how much the object the player controls looks like a tiny penis, and the general phallic...
  3. B

    If you watch x backwards, it becomes y

    If you watch Black Swan backwards, it?s about a dancer who cures her insanity by sleeping with Mila Kunis (now THAT's a best film contender!)
  4. B

    If you watch x backwards, it becomes y

    If you watch 127 hours backwards it becomes a heart-warming story about a dismembered man being reunited with his lost arm in the middle of the desert
  5. B

    I fail to see how this is funny.

    I'm gonna say Friends, seriously it's the most overated show in existance. Basically everything Judd Apatow has ever done, especially Seth Rogan (loved when Family Guy made fun of the fact he's not funny) although saying that Michael Cera gets on my tits too, he was OK at first but he just...
  6. B

    Wierd or funny laws or rules you have heard of.

    In Nottingham you can shoot a Welshman on sight with a longbow as long as it's afte midnight (better not go clubbing there then) In England it's illegal to eat mince pies on christmas day
  7. B

    The Best Sword-Wielding Hero

    No question, Guybrush Threepwood how many other of these guys can not only swing a sword but back it up with razor-sharp accurate quips?
  8. B

    Games That Should Have Been Good

    Enter the Matrix and Deus Ex 2
  9. B

    Games you secretly love, openly hate

    I'm always on about how games lik Katamari Damacy are in no way good but i actually have a copy of We Love Katamari on my shelf i also have a gun in my mouth right now, bye bye!
  10. B

    Poll: How many people own all 3 consoles?

    ^ w00t maybe i'll get a PS3 then, if I can afford it that is!
  11. B

    Best game that didn't get a sequel

    Project Eden, one of core's best games, shame they concentrated too much on Tomb Raider Conker's Bad Fur Day a new 2D Worms, i know that's not technically a sequal but this series needs to go back to 2D
  12. B

    The Scariest Games Ever

    Silent Hill 1, amazingly creepy atmosphere and the PS1 graphics actually helped make it scarier
  13. B

    The Worst Video Game Plots

    True Crime: Streets of LA, it starts out as a generic LA cop style story, fair enough, but then you get these immortal clone guys, then you fight a dragon? WTF!
  14. B

    Poll: How many people own all 3 consoles?

    I've got a Wii but i'm stalling over which to buy out of the PS3 or 360, i want to play MGS4 but i also want to play games like Bioshock which i can't play on my PC because it's a massive pile!
  15. B

    Most overrated games and game series......

    I'm going to jump on the hate train now but Halo is far too overrated for me to let it pass by without a mention but as for one of my own i'd say the resident evil series up to 4, i just don't get what people saw in them