Recent content by Demasu

  1. D

    Zero Punctuation: Borderlands

    I'm thinking I'm retarded because I can't watch the review. I press play and get a 5:25 minute long video about shows on the Escapist. What am I doing wrong besides everything?
  2. D

    A beautiful baby girl.

    I'm partial to Natalie myself. Jazz also isn't bad, both people I know with those names (Natalie and Jazz) are great people.
  3. D

    worst movie

    God I hated that movie. I had an English teacher make us watch that movie instead of reading the play, or watching one of the plays that actually did it well, like the new one was a good replacement or something. I might actually be able to get through that movie if forced, if it weren't for...
  4. D

    do you listen to radio anymore?

    I listen to it at night when I sleep, and when I'm in the car. However if nothing good is on, I listen to my mp3 player instead.
  5. D

    Words/Phrases that annoy you.

    Could care less.
  6. D

    Sleeping Music

    I listen to the radio when I'm alone to be able to get to sleep. 'Course there's a few times when I can sleep with just the noise of someone breathing.
  7. D

    Celebrities from your hometown?

    Everyone of these people and I have to mention ZZ Top again, because they are awesome. Plus every astronaut lives here for a while at some point in their lives.