Recent content by JoelChenFA

  1. J

    The Big Picture: Wrongs & Rights

    We will watch it anyways.
  2. J

    The Big Picture: Wrongs & Rights

    I have thus decided to boycott just in case it works
  3. J

    The Big Picture: Wrongs & Rights

    Unfortunately in Business (and Pawn Stars) you don't make money paying more than market value for something. Even if you paid more you better hope you earn it back. Anyone holding the rights is going to leverage the current hype of Avengers to ask for insane prices. As they should.
  4. J

    The Big Picture: Wrongs & Rights

    Maybe in Communist Russia that the way they do it. But capitalism fueled by greed? That's why "rights" and lawyers exist no?
  5. J

    Amazon Declares Diablo III Its Most Preordered PC Game Ever

    Or record number of eggs in Naysayer's faces?
  6. J

    Amazon Declares Diablo III Its Most Preordered PC Game Ever

    You either earn $0 if you have no luck with loot, or get something. IF you are going to be playing 24/7 already anyways due to addiction. Why not make money. There is no downside. The black market exists anyways. Think of the RMAH as any futures exchange. It reduces counter party risk. Also...
  7. J

    Re-Take The Cabin

    The Geek God that wanted more? Maybe the Giant Hand at the end was his?
  8. J

    The cabin in the woods(dont look here if u havent seen it)

    The torture zombies did have a 100% clearance rate before this.
  9. J


    How did this very bad comic win over "Manly Guys doing Manly things?" Oh yah. Cronyism
  10. J

    Is The Hunger Games so different from Battle Royale?

    Not a problem for Asians. We have the same problem with caucasians looking all the same. But we don't have facial recognition issues since we are humans, not computers and generally do facial recognition easily. Maybe you have a disease? Not being a troll but i heard some autistic people have...
  11. J

    BioWare Uses Stock Photo for Tali in Mass Effect 3

    You would have even more if its a Quid for everytime someone claimed escapist didn't pay them or videos / articles and such.
  12. J

    Escape to the Movies: Tim and Eric's Billion Dollar Movie

    Just cause we can't explain in words how much we hate something, don't make the hate any less intense. Just like BOB, great person of many words, cannot explain why he likes Timber And Erica, beyond the fact that he likes it and its hard to explain.
  13. J

    Watch Videogame Pick Up Lines Brutally Murder Romance

    Maybe you are just not that good in bed? I kid, I kid! Obviously it is the woman's fault. Shallow as they are.
  14. J

    Watch Videogame Pick Up Lines Brutally Murder Romance

    You mean grammar lessons, not all grammatical lessons are about grammar. I personally have been to both grammatically correct and incorrect engineering lectures.
  15. J

    Watch Videogame Pick Up Lines Brutally Murder Romance

    If you have no problem getting dates, then what is your secret if not to be funny and confident (like the guys in the video)