Recent content by justnotcricket

  1. justnotcricket

    Do some gamers want to exclude others from gaming?

    Long analogy incoming... I see a lot of this kind of thing as basically boiling down to a selfish fear of change, or, as I have experienced it personally, the 'Lipstick problem'. To take this trivial analogy (because videogames are no more essential to life than lipsticks are, people, no...
  2. justnotcricket

    Bethesda Admits Missing Skyrim DLC Isn't Sony's Problem

    Basically this. I won't claim to be any kind of expert in programming/console system architecture/anything of the kind, but from my experiences as a player, every single game I've bought for the PS3 *except* Skyrim, hasn't had a single problem in running, DLC or no. This includes any number of...
  3. justnotcricket

    What type of gamer annoys you most?

    People who buy into the PC vs Console thing, from either side (although the most vocal ones seem to be the PC people). Who cares which plastic and silicon filled box you play your games on? There are developers that make games for each and for all. Just enjoy the fact that you can afford to...
  4. justnotcricket

    Bethesda "Disappointed" There's No PS3 Skyrim DLC Yet

    In many ways, I wish Bethesda would stop pretending they care and just develop for PC only, or PC and Xbox, or whatever they feel they can manage. Just give *someone* a quality product, on time. At this point, it would have been easier and less hassle to just save up, upgrade my PC, and play...
  5. justnotcricket

    Bethesda Has "No Timeline" for Dawnguard on PC and PS3

    Sigh. As a PS3 user, this does not impress me. As a PS3 Skyrim player, it doesn't surprise me. As an average person, it perplexes me. Did their studio blow up or something? I'm not that fussed about the dlc anyway (not really a vampire fan, also the review was a bit lukewarm) but if you're not...
  6. justnotcricket

    The most beatiful game character

    Girl: Rosa from FFIV. I think that's her name - the blonde, princessy one that the angsty main guy likes? Her outfit is, frankly, an abomination. However, she looks so pretty and gentle and nice. Boy: EZIO AUDITORE. Man, do I ever want a piece of that... most specifically in his 20s-30s phase...
  7. justnotcricket

    Greek triple jumper expelled from Olympics for racist Tweet that wasn't actually racist.

    It's a shame for her that she got kicked off the team, but that's what you get for gargling rubbish out over the internet when you're in a high profile public position. I've always thought that the *idea* (if not always the reality) behind the Olympics these days was that it was supposed to...
  8. justnotcricket

    Smite Dev Removes "Offensive" Goddess From Website

    Well...they made a game that trivializes gods (of necessity, wouldn't be much of a 'game' otherwise, unless it was maybe one of those creepy edu-indoctrination things). It's no surprise that someone objected to that, and I support the studio's decision to try and appease people a little...
  9. justnotcricket

    Taiwanese Teen Dies Following Diablo III Binge

    It's pretty sad if this guy didn't have anyone to look out for him :-( I know my parents would have wondered if I'd disappeared for almost two days. It's also a shame that the internet cafe doesn't impose some sort of restriction on the time blocks you can buy or something, or dictate mandatory...
  10. justnotcricket

    The Big Picture: Batman Revisited, Part 4

    I actually quite liked that movie when I was younger. My first experience of Batman was the Adam West TV show, which was unadulterated AWESOME, so that 'camp' didn't really jar for me. I actually dislike the newer 'grittydark' batman because his maudlin self absorption makes me want to slap him...
  11. justnotcricket

    Your history with Let's Play

    Paulsoaresjr was my first <3 ;-) By that I of course mean that the first let's play of anything I ever watched was his 'How to Survive and Thrive in Minecraft' series. He's got just the right mix of crazy and grown-up to be awesome. Plus his guides are really good. It think the testament to...
  12. justnotcricket

    Poll: Do you play games with any girls?

    I'm a girl, so I guess any time I play there's technically a girl involved. In the less literal sense, my sister and I used to play together a lot when I lived at home. To give the female version of the original question, I played a LOT of games with my best friend, who is a guy. Now that...
  13. justnotcricket

    Your Health Will Regenerate in Resident Evil 6

    Doesn't it kind of depend *how fast* it regenerates too? I mean, if it just zips back up, it might seem a bit odd, but if it takes you a couple of minutes to fully recharge your last block while undead horrors are bearing down on you...I'd say that would add to the tension, while still giving...
  14. justnotcricket

    Battlefield 3 Premium Enlists 800,000 in 14 Days

    In this particular instance, I don't really see a need for any of the freaking out that seems to be going on... If people want to pay extra money for a bunch of possibly nice but probably unnecessary items/'privileges' - why stop them? It's their money. I'm hard pressed to think of many...
  15. justnotcricket

    Game of the Half Year

    Does an expansion count? Because the only thing that sprang immediately to my mind was Civ V Gods and Kings. But then...I've been playing that a lot...recently... Ooh! Journey! It was so...pretty... O__O *drools*