Recent content by MadPetOwner

  1. MadPetOwner

    Do you read in-game?

    Sometimes I read, sometimes I don't. Really loved The Lusty Argonian Maid though, found in Morrowind, Oblivion and Skyrim. :)
  2. MadPetOwner

    Why do you hate Skyrim?

    There are are several things that annoy me. For one, the leveling system. It's not a bad leveling system, not at all. It's just that in both Morrowind and Oblivion it was a leveling system more like a tabletop game. Where you distrubuted points, not percents. And I liked that. And the...
  3. MadPetOwner

    Favorite book series that ended badly.

    The Night Angel trilogy by Brent Weeks. Not that the series is in any way my favorite, far from so actually. But the ending was so bad, I was embarrassed on the authors behalf.
  4. MadPetOwner

    "If I get tired of hearing about the game, I won't play it."

    Never happened to me with games actually, but the I always try as hard as I can to not watch and trailers or such from a game I'm anticipating. I like the thrill of not knowing. It has however happened with a lot of books I'm waiting for. Books takes at least a year, often two to be...
  5. MadPetOwner

    Poll: Who here that has graduated high-school (or equivalent) still lives with their parents?

    I moved out at 16 when I started highschool. If I was going to live at home, I'd to travel 3h every day in bus to get to a low-end school. In the rural areas of Norway that is normal. At least when I come from a place with 300 people, we don't exactly have any schools to go to here.
  6. MadPetOwner

    Ways that Oblivion is superior to Skyrim

    The leveling system in general. Oblivion had system that, in ways, resembeled something from a fantasy roleplaying game like DnD. Skyrims leveling system is just boring. And the map. God, the map is just awful! It is useless in every single way. In Oblivion you could at least see where the...
  7. MadPetOwner

    Who would you turn gay for?

    K. D. Lang. I don't know why, but she's just so mezmerizing.
  8. MadPetOwner

    The Worst Bands Ever

    I really want to hit you with a stick right now... I agree that the other bands on your list are sort of generic, though Avenged Sevenfold is pretty good live. But SOAD?? It's okay that you don't like their music, but if you say they suck you have no comprension of music. AT ALL.
  9. MadPetOwner

    Poll: Who would cry more?

    Well, if it were me, I'd deffinetly cry more over the xbox. The xbox is just a thing, but damn how much good times have I had with my xbox. And I never really found break-ups as hard as everyone keep saying. But in past experiences, when friends have been dumbed by boyfriends, there's usually...
  10. MadPetOwner

    Twilight of the She-Geeks

    Me, being a 17 year ould girl, I'm probably right in the target audience. Still, I think Twilight is really, really BAD! I think you're on to something with man-centric-geek-culture-thingy though. Taylor Lauther isn't someone I'd kick out of bed, but then again there's not to many actors...
  11. MadPetOwner

    What does Yahtzee want?

    I would say ZP is not so much about reviewing games, it's more about making fun of games. It's something we watch for the witty comments and pure sarcasm. On the other hand there's Movie Bob, as you mentioned, which I watch not only because it's funny, but because I might pick up on a movie...
  12. MadPetOwner

    Poll: Does this song insult you?

    Usually stuff like this doesn't offend me at all, most of it is actually funny. But this song is so terrible it made me want to nerdrage my comp. Not because it was offencive, just because it plain ol' sucked!
  13. MadPetOwner

    Recommend some good Anime to me

    Definetly Afro Samurai and Detroid Metal City. Especially DMZ if you're into metal. It's really funny and has a comedic and fresh approach to death metal. Also Great Teacher Onizuka, Maria Holic and Mononoke (not teh Ghibli film, even though that was awesome too.)
  14. MadPetOwner

    Am I the only one that didn't like Dragon Age?

    I liked that game. It wasn't extraordinary in any way, but it was entertaining and I had a good time playing it. And in my opinion that's what a game should do. And yes, it was VERY generic. Anybody who has ever read a fantasy novel can see that. It was about as original as eating soup with a...