Recent content by Souldead341

  1. S

    One thing that has REALLY annoyed you today

    For the second major presentation and report for IE Senior Design, one guy didn't show up for the meeting yesterday. He didn't really write his part of the report, and then today he showed up 10 minutes before the presentation, rather than the hour he should have. At least the presentation...
  2. S

    The dumbest assignment you've ever been given?

    It was an intro course, so we did pretty much everything by hand, we needed to learn the formulas for that class. We did use Spice a couple of times for projects. The teacher also blamed the first exam's average of 26% on the class, not the difficulty of the test. He didn't want to curve...
  3. S

    The dumbest assignment you've ever been given?

    It's possible, this was the Spring 2011 semester in a University of Wisconsin school.
  4. S

    The dumbest assignment you've ever been given?

    The worst would be for my circuits class. We were the test class for online homework. The first assignment had ten questions, 7 of which had errors which could not be fixed, and the right answer would be rejected. Almost every other assignment had at least one problem that was in error. This...
  5. S

    Tales of the Walmart.

    Not a walmart, but the local Bestbuy has a sign under a bell outside. It says if the bell is ringing please call the police.
  6. S

    NPC's unaware of what you are doing

    Oblivion, I'm the champion and hero of the entire land, but the Arena Guy still treats me like crap when I join up.
  7. S

    Help For a Budding DM: How can I tame my players?

    Yeah, refuse to allow any non required electronics at the table. If you need a laptop or something fine, as long as it's only for the game but the phones and music devices get turned off. Also, set a timeline for the session. Play for say 45 minutes and then have a 10 minute break, and make...
  8. S

    Stupidest Reason Why You've Gotten Into Trouble In School.

    I got yelled at for five minutes for not wearing the official gym shirt at my highschool on the second day of gym class. After the angry tirade, I was able to explain that since the school hadn't ordered enough shirts for the year, I hadn't gotten one, like several other people. Also, that...
  9. S

    Why Is Graffiti Illegal?

    Just because it can be beautiful doesn't mean that's the look that the owner of the property wants. Who would think that a real estate broker or other "respectable" business would be good if thier building was covered in grafitti?
  10. S

    Video game weapons you found most useless!

    Personally, the shotgun in Mass Effect 1 and 2. On the poison blade in AC 2, I find it's useful for killing multiple assasination quest targets when you can't be detected, also getting rid of those stationary guards outside the codex rooms.
  11. S

    Did Mass Effect Steal It's Story Outright?!

    However, after this much time it's probably safe to assume that the similarities have tricked to Reynolds, if only by word of mouth. Also, it's not just the author who has a stake in this, there's also the editor and publishing company who could notice or be informed of the similarities.
  12. S

    Did Mass Effect Steal It's Story Outright?!

    Having read both the novel and played the game within a few months of each other, I feel that there isn't plagarism in the strict definition. It's been a while since then, so sorry if my details are wrong. I'm not going restate the idea of no original ideas, since that's been done to death...