A game says f*** you

Rabish Bini

New member
Jun 11, 2011
Any game in which you are thrown into a fight where the outcome isn't player controlled, and it's ALWAYS against you. This doesn't include things like the ending of Halo Reach, but rather boss fights in the middle of a game where you have to lose to progress the story.


New member
May 31, 2011
Zantos said:
OmniscientOstrich said:
OT: New Vegas's constant "you are free to roam anywhere you want, but if you deviate from the path we tell you for the first 20 hours we will fuck you up". Seriously, the road south there's a couple of powder gangers, every other conceivable directions there's scorpions and cazadores and deathclaws and everything else that will destroy you in less than 6 seconds.
I had my revenge here against the game in general - I used its many bugs against it to shot said strong enemies many times while staying out of their reach - even in places where you aren't supposed to be able to do so!

Note: It took a hell of a lot of bullets to take down my first radscorpion and deathclaw though!


New member
Jun 13, 2010
I haven't read this entire thread but I will say this. Battletoads. That game is one big pile of "fuck you" I can't even get passed that damn race-like level, with all the cement walls spawning, then ramps, then gigantic gaps with ramps. Like seriously, fuck you game I'm sick and tired of your bullshit, one day I will conquer you and then we'll see whose the little *****...


New member
Jan 19, 2011
I will give a positive WTF, the end of the darkness, seriously I am not going to talk about Final Fantasy and how WTF that can be. That is a given. Nah a positive WTF is the end of The Darkness, you lose! There is no good end... YEAH! Sure you won ... nothing that is!


Elite Member
Mar 20, 2010
leet_x1337 said:
Any time you have to do forced stealth in first-person. Be it a non-mandatory-but-combat-is-inadvisable game like Deus Ex, or a full-on mission like in Soldier of Fortune 2... first-person stealth is impossible for the player.

(And if Yahtzee is to be believed, the only time it's ever been pulled off is in the Thief games, none of which I've played for myself.)
...and in the Thief games (which really did to it quite well) it was the entire point of the game, so they put a lot of effort into getting it right.

Why is it that first person stealth is so impossible to you, BTW? Can you not be sneaky without having 360 degree able to see through walls vision (read: why MGS stealth was trivial) or something?
Nov 18, 2010
The last group of songs on Guitar Hero 3: Legends of Rock. I wholeheartedly agree with Yahtzee's review of it, because the difficulty curve literally turns into a brick wall. The learning curve was good for the rest of the game, but then it suddenly decides to make the remaining songs neigh-impossible except for the "gods" (or "freaks" by Yahtzee) who pay these games. Then there's the actual guitar battle with Lou, which the only way you can win on hard or expert is wholly based on luck based on what attacks either you or him get.


New member
Mar 18, 2009
Asuka Soryu said:
The electric level in Little Big Planet, especialy when you have to go through the giant wheel.
Oh goddamn that pissed me off to no end. I must have played through the level about 4 times before I got through the wheel.


New member
Feb 22, 2011
There are different grades and varieties of f*** you. For example,

1) "Broken game is broken" Prince of Persia: Warrior Within (PS2) contains a bug at the end that, if encountered, blocks the path to the final boss. Players cannot reload from an earlier save; they simply have to start over.

2) "Crazy game is crazy" Everything by Suda51.

3) "Congratulations, you're dead/the bad guy" Shadow of the Colossus, Gothic, and others.

4) "Hard but cruelly fair" Demon's Souls

5) "What's fair when it's our rules?" Battletoads, Ninja Gaiden

6) "Genre? What genre? What do you mean your head's spinning?" Nier


New member
Feb 9, 2011
Fable 3..
Trying to play it the "good" way by having ridicoulus amounts in realestate ready to put it all in the stash thing, whoop the game skips from 127 days left to 0. Leaving you with -1.2 million gold to fend for your kingdom while carrying around a good 12 million gold yourself.
Oh, the rage.


New member
Jul 11, 2011
Not the game, per se, but more the developers that fail to grasp that there are more ways to play the game than theirs. Like in Prince of Persia (2008). I was traversing the place when suddenly I kept dying for no apparent reason. Turns out that I needed to wallrun on the wall on the right instead of doing whatever I was doing. (Forgot what it was! D: )

Moments like that piss me the hell off. Where the developers are forcing you to play the game their way because otherwise you'll fail. Or the other way around where they intentionally make it so difficult that you need to do something that takes you out of the experience.


New member
Jan 15, 2010
Well once I had just started a new game of ADOM, a roguelike. Entered the first dungeon. Came to a room with a single door. Having plenty of experience with boobytraps on doors, I aproached it from the side rather than head on. Just as I get close enough to open, a loose stone falls on my head from the ceiling, killing me instantly. I died without finding a single hostile creature.

I was laughing too hard to get angry though.


New member
Sep 1, 2010
iLikeHippos said:
TheEndlessSleep said:
iLikeHippos said:
I would agree that being shot randomly no matter what you do in flashpoint is indeed a 'fuck you' - if only because it's simulating a war which is essentially a giant 'fuck you' to everyone involved.

However, in Halo and other such shooters, there are normally ways around problems like the ones you mentioned, so I don't think they qualitfy as a 'fuck you' at all, but rather just as a challenge.


New member
Jan 29, 2010
Climbing stairs in the early King's Quest games. Unlike other games where you just hold left, right, or up to climb stairs, here you have to keep tapping up and sideways to keep your character's feet on the stairs, and there's no edge gravity, so you can easily walk off the stairs to your death. And they are never conveniently designed so that you can just hold up and sideways simultaneously and have nothing to worry about. What kind of game makes a flight of stairs more threatening than a hill giant or a fire-breathing dragon?


New member
Feb 11, 2010
Urban Reign for the Playstation 2 would count in my book for a bunch of reasons. Key among them being that on some levels, the whole Mook Chivalry trope is something you'll be glad happens on a few occasions, but unlikely on the later levels where enemies will be more than glad to gang up on you and tear you apart.

It would count but I can't say it entirely does because Urban Reign is a game that requires you (the player) to know your stuff and use everything at your disposal, the higher you go, the more the game assumes this and if you don't know how to deal with a certain situation, you're more than likely done for.

While the AI sometimes clearly cheating when for some, it clearly responds to your button inputs in a fashion you'd expect from a computer (faster than how YOU could ever react less you knew ahead of time what someone was going to do), among other things, it's a game in which being very good with it, can either pay off or at the least, give you more of a chance of victory as opposed to strait up button mashing.

It almost counts, but not quite, a honorable mention I guess.