An Apology to Jon Finkel

Susan Arendt

Nerd Queen
Jan 9, 2007
Vuirneen said:
I have a fondness for knitting. It keeps me warm at night.
You know, I actually wish I was coordinated enough to knit. I'd love to do a Doctor Who scarf for myself.


Spice & Wolf Restored!
Feb 19, 2009
If I was a nerd girl, I would add myself to this list. However, I'm male, so I can't. But I will say this:


Blind Sight

New member
May 16, 2010
I'm a straight guy and even I want to go out with Mr. Finkel. The first date was to a one-man show about Jeffrey Dahmer? AWESOME.


New member
Jun 12, 2009
this is why i hate women, they cant see past one thing about a guy

"oh but raiku, mot all women are like that" to that i respond "then where are they" you then point me to places like comic-com, PAX and the like where i just get called ugly, a rapist and a sin against god.


New member
Feb 22, 2011
Thank you for calling out a fellow professional for very unprofessional behavior.

Re: Doctor Who scarves
If you ever do learn to knit, there are all kinds of instructions online with tips on choice of color, types of fiber, amounts to buy, which pattern matches which season of the show, etc. Nerds unite! ;)


New member
Jul 12, 2010

Takes her to a show about Jeffrey fucking Dahmer as a date? Then the whole 'goes on dates with her friends' beforehand? Yeah, that is actually kind of creepy.

But are we going to get up in arms for all the times a reporter has gone out with a actor, athlete or other renowned type too, and then wrote about it later then? Cause we've got about 5 decades to sort though if so. Or is this just an up in arms thing because it is some perceived insult to self indoctrinated geek subculture?

Reading the article in context, this mostly comes off as a "Lets rage, a probably pretty girl went out with a geek by mistake and didn't like it! Which is fine! But she said so publicly, despite the guy being in the public eye to begin with, and apparently using it as a means to impress women, including some of her friends!! Shame! uncouth!"



Echappe, retire, sous sus PANIC!
Apr 24, 2008
Bleh. That woman is the sort of person that makes you wish the internet had a a filter of some kind. I realise it'd be a pretty congested filter, but still.

Thanks for making it that much more difficult to be a nerd (girl), Alyssa!

Thanks (genuine ones) to Susan for the awesome stand =)

Unhappy Crow

New member
Mar 14, 2010
I don't know who Jon Finkel is, nor how to play Magic, but what she did was disrespectful and it makes women look bad.


New member
Apr 15, 2009
I can't help but be surprised at the amount of female gamers apologising to Jon for what recently happened. Not to mention, I'm surprised that Jon is using OkCupid at all, I would of thought professionals of his pedigree would already have a girlfriend, if not a wife. I am also surprised that the girl blogged something like that and expecting nothing bad to happen, especially it's not only slander to someone people respect but also symbolises something absolutely wrong with some groups of individuals.

I don't know, this entire thing is not only humanising but also the complete opposite. Not to mention, it's filled with surprises.


New member
Sep 21, 2010
This is marvelous!
I love both, Magic and "interesting", controvertial journalism, this hits both, so I'm already kind of satisfied. To me, all the linked articles were kind of fun to read, mainly because i thought, every one of them is the same but with twisted content! Did anyone realize this? To me the crux lies withn the simple sentence

Alyssa Bereznak said:
Judging people on shallow stuff is human nature
and every of those articles, the "Gizmodo; My Brief OkCupid Affair With a World Champion Magic: The Gathering Player", the "Forbes; The Science of Gawker's Nerd Baiting" and "The Escapist; An Apology to Jon Finkel" does too. This is hilarious, how Alyssa judges a "Nerd", Forbes judges a whole way of journalism "Nerd baiting", which they seem to kind of utilise themselves the other way around and this very Escapist article by judging a person for judging a person. Now, don't get me wrong, I don't want to say this isn't worth mentioning, in the manner of freedom of speech you are empowered and encouraged to write whatever you want, except, maybe
Susan Arendt said:
Except humiliating someone by name online to make yourself seem cool is disgusting, unfair, and mean. To do it for fun and profit, as the original closing line of her article suggests [], is worse.
and there you shot your own foot, I think XD

I, personally, reject the whole concept of "Judging people on shallow stuff", I don't care if I get called a nerd, freak or anything, ever, and simply reject to categorize others in this way, there are no "stupid", or "mean", or whatever people, only different ways of thinking and probably behaviour lacking some empathy, or regard of others, just as the article says itself
Susan Arendt said:
I don't care if you're trying to earn a living, I don't care if you get paid based on traffic, and I don't care if the thought of tapping land makes you wake up screaming in the middle of the night.
I only see different people, in this case: Jon Finkle, who I only could admire for mastering something i like, but couldn't say anything else about, Alyssa Bereznak who I would like to talk about her way of journalism, judging others and publishing those judgements in the net, but couldn't say anything else about and Susan, referring to this article i would like to, and are doing with this, just the same, but couldn't say anything else about.
And I think, if people just would think twice about this, it might be so much easier. Because it seems kind of awkward to me to say
Forbes said:
"nerdom" is slowly fading
when there are still so many discussions about it and this kind of discussion, giving traffic and public attention to articles stylising stereotypes back and forth only encourages those images. This doesn't make it better by itself, only our own ways of thinking does!

So my suggestion would be to think about my/your own ways of thinking first, then what they actually did there and then if you want to encourage it by doing the same, or not, in this particular case and in general.

And, not to forget, the pure irony! the utter irony of the card "Sorry", because, sorry *ouch*/excuse me, don't try to play a copy of a spell already done without the will to take the damage, or be countered, because you (edit: after reading some replys, this could be pointing at most of you) just played a copy of Alyssa's "Prejudice" XD
I would be proud of some traffic/discussion about this myself :)


Apr 28, 2008
Rock it, Susan! I'm glad there are lots of reasonable women out there!


New member
Mar 7, 2008
I agree, you can add me to that list. I play Magic myself and I am offended by this chick in more ways than one.


New member
Jun 12, 2009
my now ex wouldnt let me play magic, sucked espesially since i could only play online with a webcam


New member
Dec 8, 2008
Nimcha said:
Sheesh, way to overreact. People publicy humiliate each other over internet all the time, why did this go viral?
No idea. I don't understand the uproar at all.


New member
Aug 3, 2010
The reason why I signed, was her complete lack of professionalism, as well as the Mean Girl act she was putting on to get hits for her piece. Which is why I have told my friends about it, and copying the works to be shown instead of having them go to her post's page. She doesn't deserve the traffic over this.
On the bright side? Jon has been getting a large amount of support, from male and female gamers. He has shown what a good person he is, that instead of going to her level and spreading insults, he simply answered questions honestly and honorably about the incident. He isn't looking to smash her down or smite her; from all his reactions to it, I would say he has gained quite a few non Magic playing fans, including myself.

Samurai Goomba

New member
Oct 7, 2008
RaikuFA said:
this is why i hate women, they cant see past one thing about a guy

"oh but raiku, mot all women are like that" to that i respond "then where are they" you then point me to places like comic-com, PAX and the like where i just get called ugly, a rapist and a sin against god.
See, this is why I think it's bad to spin this article as "a WOMAN was shallow" rather than "a STUPID MORON was shallow." People use this as another jumping off point to whine about women.

Dude, you'll find somebody if you look. If you feel bad about your appearance or social skills, these are things you can work on. Bonsaik has a great relationship thread. Don't hate all women. I mean, you're hating women for things they haven't even done to you yet-that's a lot worse than some woman not liking you (or not dating you) because of her own shallow reasons. Don't become another passive-aggressive internet nice guy. I mean, it sucks your ex was a jerk, but there are nice people out there from both genders.


Dice Tart
Oct 22, 2009
questionnairebot said:
I just have a single Question...Why is this news or notification worthy? I fail to see the need to know about the high school type girls bad mouthing needs to be seen. If she wants to be a ***** let her. If she thinks treating other people online is fun or cool then let her. If we all stop talking about her eventually she will go away.
I guess because the story revolves around a Magic Champion getting accused of lying, being mocked and generally humiliated by some jumped up self centered cow using their date as a way to boost her own readers.

As Magic has a pretty big folloing, its pretty safe to say that it does appeal to a large chunk of the readers.

Personally I found more enjoyment reading the comments section... I'd be surprised if Gizmodo bother to publish anything else by her.


New member
Jun 12, 2009
Samurai Goomba said:
RaikuFA said:
this is why i hate women, they cant see past one thing about a guy

"oh but raiku, mot all women are like that" to that i respond "then where are they" you then point me to places like comic-com, PAX and the like where i just get called ugly, a rapist and a sin against god.
See, this is why I think it's bad to spin this article as "a WOMAN was shallow" rather than "a STUPID MORON was shallow." People use this as another jumping off point to whine about women.

Dude, you'll find somebody if you look. If you feel bad about your appearance or social skills, these are things you can work on. Bonsaik has a great relationship thread. Don't hate all women. I mean, you're hating women for things they haven't even done to you yet-that's a lot worse than some woman not liking you (or not dating you) because of her own shallow reasons. Don't become another passive-aggressive internet nice guy. I mean, it sucks your ex was a jerk, but there are nice people out there from both genders.
i already said, any girl ive recently talked to that was a type of person i am just insulted me then shot me down did it "for the lulz". so yeah, theres times i believe im supposed to be alone


New member
Jul 21, 2010
The response to the original article is so uplifting. There are so many awesome geeky women out there.

Im just sad I never seem to run into them...