An Interesting Fact About Your Country


New member
Jan 17, 2011
During the American Revolution, the British sang "Yankee Doodle Dandy" (Dandy basically being the colonial equivalent of gay) to mock George Washington and the US in general. The US decided to counter-troll the British by singing the song with pride.

We also have a micronation inside of our borders; Molosia (yes, the same one from Kickassia on TGWTG). It's a REAL micronation, run by one guy. It has I think 5 citizens (this one guy and his family) and actually has customs (things like alchohol, cigarettes, and... um... flourescent lightbulbs... are not allowed past the borders). Their entire tourism industry rests on $20 tours you can schedule on their website. Also, they had this thing called the "Dead Dog War". It was literally a dispute between this guy and his neighbor, who buried his dog on Molossian soil (yes, really).


New member
Nov 18, 2010
I'm from Scotland we have copious amounts of alcohol and stab happy arseholes that's about it.

On a more serious note Scottish people invented the television and the telephone and discovered penicillin.


New member
Jan 17, 2011
Eggsnham said:
Artic Xiongmao said:
Eggsnham said:
The vast majority of U.S. citizens AREN'T stupid. Believe it or not.

I think that's pretty interesting.
I find it funny that everyone's saying that. "We have SOME smart people", "The majority of us aren't stupid."

When HALF of your country starts realizing the world is not 6000 years old and evolution is not just a fantasy, I think everyone will revise our opinion about your country. And that's just one tiny example.
The vast majority of people I know in my country are Atheist, and last time I checked evolution was pretty much an accepted thing here.

And besides, when did religion ever become the basis of how intelligent you were?

There were many intelligent theists throughout history.

Not to mention the fact that there are many countries on Earth with plenty of religious folks.

And another thing, why does it seem that Christians are the only ones being challenged recently? I mean, sure Christian organizations tend to be very loud about things, but as they say, don't feed the trolls.

Really, the only stupid people in America are the ones who are running around saying and doing stupid shit while the rest of us try to distance ourselves from them.

So, in conclusion, shut the hell up, please.

Shit. I just fed a troll, didn't I?
you may have fed a troll, but you speak the truth. many thanks, on behalf of intelligent theists and intelligent Americans.
"religious people are so ignorant and intolerant."- how NO ONE sees the irony in that statement is beyond me...


New member
Oct 14, 2010

Im Portuguese, but i dont support what my government is trying to do with Finland... our Presidents left us in this financial hole, so they should take us out from it, no asking money from others....

But here goes some facts from Portugal... hope yall like it :3

But if i had to chose a favourite, i would choose beying the birthplace of James Bond films, considering the first movie from 007 ever was filmed and born in Portugal... -^__^-


New member
Jun 5, 2010
My country (Canada) is building a telescope that is (I think) twenty times the strength of the Hubble, and we invented Plastic garbage bags. Hurray for destroying the environment!

Saint of M

Elite Member
Jul 27, 2010
United States
Drudgelmir said:
saint of m said:
Texas has better Standards of Education then California.

By the way, I'm in California, and Bush was from Texas...What does that say about CA?
How did you turn the computer on?!

Seriously though? Really? Ouch.
Yeah, it's bad. Texas is about ranks 22 in the country of 50 states, CA is about 50. Of course, the last 4 or 5 governors didn't give a crap about education.

Fun Fact: There are less Mormons in Utah then there are none members


New member
Aug 13, 2010
Not a fun place to live in. Also not a good place to survive. Also, surviving is even harder when you don't believe in a certain imaginary friend.

We got great junk food though.


New member
Mar 12, 2011
Fun fact about Spain: People here are actually White, not brown, and we are in Europe, not in south america!

I know right? I couldn't believe it either!!


New member
Dec 29, 2009
Britain- We had a soldier in world war 2 who went into battle with a sword, bow and arrows and a shield. Correct me if I'm wrong, he may have been american but i dunno for definate :)


Tamer of the Coffee mug!
Feb 17, 2010
This is what my country would look like, if we didn't dig it up from the bottem of the sea floor, and then build big sand walls around it.



New member
Mar 12, 2009
My country is coming again to save the muthaf***ing day YEAH!
But in all seriousness, while I can't say anything interesting about America off the top of my head, my state Nebraska is where yellow schoolbuses originated.


New member
Mar 12, 2011
More facts for the sake of it, about Spain:

Spanish food is not spicy. That's south american food you are thinking about, boys. Also, we don't eat tacos, burritos or anything that you would associate to a typical mexican food.

Spanish is not the only official language in Spain. There are actually 4 major languages and a variety of dialects.

Cataluña is in the process of independence. Sooner or later, there will be a new country in Spain, about half the size of Portugal, and the language spoken there is "catalunyan", another variety of latin.

Spain was ruled by the dictator Francisco Franco from 1939 until 1975, who was a big friend of Hitler.

The capital of Spain, Madrid, is located in the exact center of the peninsula. It was designated so for economical factors, but the "true" capital of Spain is Toledo.

We eat very late (around 2pm-3pm) so you should understand our confussion when we see you -restoftheworld- taking dinner at 6pm.

WE LOVE PARTYING. Spain has some of the most popular clubs in Europe, and Ibiza is a typical tourist destination for people that like partying all over the world, including celebrities.

Football (soccer) is our second religion. If you want to start shit up in a spanish bar, try bashin the local team, and see how everyone melts in anger.

Spain is the number 1 consumer of cocaine in the world. Go culture!

Tips here are not obligatory, you leave a tip if you consider the waiter did ok. So yeah, we don't have crappy rude assholes as waiters here, and if we do, at least they try to disguise it up

The Madrid subway system is the 3rd largest in the world. The city itself is the 50th.

Spain has been the biggest doner of organs in the world for over 15 years.

We love sports, and we are awesome at them, every single one. U mad?

Do NOT compare Spain and south america spanish speaking countries relationship to that of USA and England. It's not the same. Here's an example: Americans love british accents. South Americans hate spanish accents with all their passion, and viceversa.
I am not exactly the most patriot guy you have ever met, but I think my country is pretty kewl.


New member
Jul 17, 2009
Here in Canada, we don't live in igloos, say about as aboot, or say eh after every sentence. What a surprise.