Apologize on behalf of your country


New member
Feb 21, 2010
gigastar said:
Ok... seems easy enough...

Also while I remember this an American needs to apologise for the following-

-High School Musical
I'll totally take that one. I apologize for HSM1, 2, 3, 4, and all related products. The neighbor child watches them constantly. I know of your pain in this arena world. I am sorry.


New member
Apr 9, 2008
On England's behalf I would like to apologise for the plague of reality shows (Big Brother and X Factor to name a couple)
I Also sincerely apologise for Hugh Grant and the role he played in almost every RomCom ever
I would also like to apologise for the colonisation of America, leading to mass genocide let's not go down that route.
I'm having trouble trying to think of things I wish to apologise for which doesn't include trivial media crap, not that we've done only good for the world.


New member
Apr 23, 2008
I, Boom129, apologise for everything. My country is-and will always be-its little cesspit of problems, its carnival of drugs, football violence, backwardness and alcohol. A ramshackle nation strung together by swindling independance-wanting bastards, dole-dependant tosspots and bored stab-happy teenagers, presided over by a few honest taxpayers and the Nanny State.

But we are not honest with ourselves; we think we are the best country ever. We are in denial that we are we are the fattest, the meanest, the most pathetic, miserable, servile trash ever shat into existance. And yet we plough on, with more arrogance than England, and more nationalism than China .

So bring your insults and your woes. Bring your Tennants special ale, your expensive cigarettes and cheap booze. Bring your smack, your crack, your cocaine, your junk-food and no salad. Bring your perversions, your anger, your hate, your contempt for every other miserable fucking creature in this world, and love only the fast-track to early death of cancer or obesity.

Welcome to fucking America; leave your sanity, your decency and your scruples at the door, and have a fucking great time.


New member
Nov 18, 2009
On behalf of England, I apologize for Big Brother. SIncerly.

Edit: Ninja'd, poopy.


New member
Oct 10, 2009
I apologise to Valve on behalf of Australia for Michael bloody Atkinson pissing all over L4D2.


New member
Feb 21, 2010
LegendaryGamer0 said:
Trust me, there are... alternative weapons, to use. Such as kinet cular manipulation.
Actually, pretend we never had this conversation.

[sub][sub][sub]For the safety of the planet. Yes, I am serious. [/sub][/sub][/sub]
There's always alternatives. But choosing between 1/4 million or millions and millions seems about as open and shut as you can get. I have no idea what you are referring to with "kinet cular" manipulation, perhaps kinetic (force) weapons of some variety, but I'm willing to discuss them nevertheless. I use kinetic manipulation in the lab to diffuse polymers onto a variety of surfaces, although I doubt that's what you were referring to...


New member
Apr 23, 2008
SL33TBL1ND said:
On behalf of Australia I apologise for... Hmm. Actually, we're to inconsequential to have done anything bad.
You tried to steal The Hobbit from New Zealand


Elite Member
Nov 9, 2008
Boom129 said:
SL33TBL1ND said:
On behalf of Australia I apologise for... Hmm. Actually, we're to inconsequential to have done anything bad.
You tried to steal The Hobbit from New Zealand
Well, that I guess. I don't know how the Hobbit would work here though.

Hawk eye1466

New member
May 31, 2010
On behalf of America I apoligize for
Allowing Bieber to live as long as he has
Our obsessive compulsive need to stick our nose in every one elses buisness
Any of our many many MANY irritaitng pop stars

Leg End

Romans 12:18
Oct 24, 2010
United States
darkknight9 said:
LegendaryGamer0 said:
Trust me, there are... alternative weapons, to use. Such as kinet cular manipulation.
Actually, pretend we never had this conversation.

[sub][sub][sub]For the safety of the planet. Yes, I am serious. [/sub][/sub][/sub]
There's always alternatives. But choosing between 1/4 million or millions and millions seems about as open and shut as you can get. I have no idea what you are referring to with "kinet cular" manipulation, perhaps kinetic (force) weapons of some variety, but I'm willing to discuss them nevertheless. I use kinetic manipulation in the lab to diffuse polymers onto a variety of surfaces, although I doubt that's what you were referring to...
Not even close, but good guess.

Let's just say, if used correctly, it could end wars before they even start without a single casualty.

If used in a more... lethal manner, it can destroy worlds.

[sub][sub][sub]Hard to explain. Cannot explain. Pretend we never said anything.[/sub][/sub][/sub]
May 14, 2010
RaZor921 said:
On behalf of Sweden, I apologize for being awesome!

Also, we rescued jews from concentration camps during the last days of WWII, but if I apologize about that people will hate me...
As your proud nordic brother, i want to say that you are forgiven, for we are sorry for the very same thing.

Bump the NORDFIST, brother!


Resident Mario sprite
Jun 18, 2008
T0RD said:
Jonluw said:
Edorf said:
Yeah, the vikings were pretty bad, but seriously, don't we have anything else to apologise for?

Oh, we do. I apologise on behalf of Norway for taking part of the slave trade.

Also, it's good to see that there are more Norwegians here now. Where have you guys been? o_O


New member
Apr 28, 2010
As an American, I, LarenzoAOG, hereby ask your forgivness for America reducing the average IQ level of the world by several points.


New member
Nov 26, 2010
theSovietConnection said:
Kanatatsu said:
theSovietConnection said:
On behalf of Canada, I apologise to the world for Toronto, and in particular to any Michigan residents here, I apologise for all the garbage Toronto sent to you.
Oh please. The rest of Canada should be down on their knees thanking Toronto for being the only globally relevant city in the country. And no, Montreal is not globally relevant, nor is Vancouver, or Calgary, etc.
Oh really? And why, may I ask, is Toronto the only globally relevant city in Canada?
Yes, really. More business gets done in Toronto's downtown core in a month than the rest of Canada in a year, and in spite of Montreal's rep, more art is enjoyed in Toronto than in all other Canadian cities combined. It's one of the great cities of the world, and Canadians really need to stop with the envy long enough to enjoy it.