Apologize on behalf of your country


New member
Feb 11, 2009
Toaster Hunter said:
From America,
The rest of the world knows what we have done. Instead of apologizing, I thank the rest of the world for putting up with us. Thank you.
I second this....


New member
Jun 4, 2008
On behalf of America I apologize for Fox News (presuming someone hasn't apologized for them all ready). I hope you can forgive them, especially considering they have given the Daily Show and the Colbert Report loads of great material over the years.


New member
Jul 2, 2010
From America: I apologize for everything except Valve Software, cheesesteaks, and hotdogs wrapped in bacon (I've had them, they're quite good).


New member
Jan 7, 2011
It's a fact that while every country has contributed great things to the world each country is also responsible for it's share of terrible shit. With that in mind I invite the escapists to come forth and apologize to the world and the internet for some awful, awful thing each person's respective country released upon an unsuspecting global community.

I'll get the ball rolling:

Ahem...On behalf of Canada I, SAT4NSLILHELPER, hereby apologize for Justin Beiber.

That felt good to get off my chest. Who's next?
the one is not responsible for the misdeeds of the many


New member
Aug 31, 2009
U.K. Bigest empire the world has ever seen. Nobody likes us including us. We don't care.

Been there, done that, invented the T-shirt.

Sorry for our atitude, But not sorry for being able to talk like pirates. And we can talk like pirates whenever we would like.


New member
Apr 16, 2009
laststandman said:
On behalf of the United States of America, I am sorry for our sports figures not being role models.
This is why I watch hockey: the sport where if they haven't done something incredible off the ice, they're virtually unknown or plain awesome on ice.
Hockey: the sport where players stay for 15 years and they're career length is average.
Football: the sport where if you aren't grievously injured in the first 5 years, you're either brett farve or you've shot yourself in the leg.
Basketball: the sport where a locker room without guns is either a middle school team or empty
Baseball: love it.

So on behalf of the US, I'm sorry for most of our sports figures. Canada's got us beat there.

you sure you know what sports your talking about? alot of players go through there career with out a serious injury in football

and i dont get where your saying the gun thing from for basketball, all i can think of happening is one incident last year..


New member
Oct 9, 2009
On behalf of Australia, I apologise for:

- Giving military support to the U.S.
- Treating asylum seekers like shit after they've risked their lives to desperately flee from danger with their families, sometimes after we helped invade their country.
- Proposing internet censorship.
- The drunk obnoxious racists who started riots on Australia Day.
- Annoying bogans who are like this IRL: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QDTjSXdZy4w :p
- Stupid customs officers at airports.


New member
Jan 7, 2011
JS that cuz im in america and in order to apologize for everything this sinking rock im about to hop off in 3 weeks has done i'd need 3 days of constant typing with the word NOSY appearing so often it becomes redundant and that wouldnt include apologizing to ourselves for fucking our own shit up FerTehLawls


Elite Member
Oct 3, 2009
United States
Dude from America.

Sorry, Vietnam, for turning your home stead into a war-time nightmare.

alot of American troops back then were wondering why they had to fight that war in the first place.


Wicked Prolapse
Aug 27, 2009
As an American, I'd like to apologize on behalf of all the ignorant shits in our country (but most Americans arent like that though, dont get me wrong, some are)


New member
Nov 26, 2008
On behalf of the United States of America I apologize for the the following:

Stereotypical movies
Horrendous pop culture and celebrity worship
Extreme Apathy
90% of today's modern musicians
Being insane in general
Limp Bizkit

I like Glenn Beck though. He's a great actor and a comedian.


The Saucepan Man
Feb 13, 2010
Sorry, don't have a country to apologize for. Hey, wait a minute! I'm not sorry; this feels really, really good!


New member
Feb 21, 2010
LegendaryGamer0 said:
Not even close, but good guess.

Let's just say, if used correctly, it could end wars before they even start without a single casualty.

If used in a more... lethal manner, it can destroy worlds.

[sub][sub][sub]Hard to explain. Cannot explain. Pretend we never said anything.[/sub][/sub][/sub]
Ah. Well, if what your talking about is an esoteric philosophical point, I can't help you. (I almost said 'Kant' help you.) But if you're idea is grounded in reality and has scientific merit, I'm listening.


New member
Jan 8, 2011
I, Jadesprite, have signed up and am logging on just this once in order to apologize on the behalf of the United States of America for, in no particular order, the Vietnam War, the current war in the Middle East, George W. Bush, Barack Obama, Ronald Reagan, just about every other idiot who was declared President (that is, just about every President), the use of the stupid dialect (you know what I'm talking about), English muffins (which are actually from the US, mind you), anti-Ground Zero ads, bad hip-hop, hippies, stupid stereotypes, horrible movies, the religion of pop-culture celebrity worship where Lady Gaga is apparently a goddess, American English, and the self-righteous bastards who believe the US singlehandedly won World War II when, in reality, we just sort of finished things up. Wow, that was a run on sentence.

On the other hand, you are welcome for MS Paint Adventures (especially Homestuck), Portal and most of the rest of Valve's games, and not much else.

While I'm at it, I apologize on the behalf of my entire species for, well, just about everything horrible that has ever and will ever happen to the world. Great, now all we have to do is wait for a woodland animal to log on and somehow understand English. Well, that was an exercise in futility, wasn't it?


New member
Aug 24, 2008
As a Brit I am sorry for the following,
Creating concentration camps,
Helping the US with the invention of nuclear weapons,
Coming up with theory of 'pro-genetics' what the nazis later used as a driving force of there propaganda,
Forcing 75% of the world under our rule,
Going to any war that the US wishes for us to go to,
Pushing video games development away
And last but not least... Slavery.

Leg End

Romans 12:18
Oct 24, 2010
United States
darkknight9 said:
LegendaryGamer0 said:
Not even close, but good guess.

Let's just say, if used correctly, it could end wars before they even start without a single casualty.

If used in a more... lethal manner, it can destroy worlds.

[sub][sub][sub]Hard to explain. Cannot explain. Pretend we never said anything.[/sub][/sub][/sub]
Ah. Well, if what your talking about is an esoteric philosophical point, I can't help you. (I almost said 'Kant' help you.) But if you're idea is grounded in reality and has scientific merit, I'm listening.
It has scientific merit.

It just cannot be entrusted to just anyone. Far too great a risk of it being used for purposes other than those intended.


That which exists in the absence of space.
Nov 27, 2009
The Dreamlands
Lose 1d20 sanity points.
I in the name of Mexico apologize to the rest of the world for having a coward president that preferred to sell all the north of our country in exchange of his life to the idiots up north (you guys know I don't hate you, I just hate you're country) helping them become more annoying and self imposed than ever and I also apologize for our Ex president Vicente Fox for actually being Bush's *****.

EDIT: I also want an apology from the USA for invading us and acting like it never happened (the word Gringo came from that invasion and it was green go misspelled) and for calling Pancho Villa a terrorist for defending our country from yours.


New member
Jan 7, 2011
Lord Wafflemire said:
On behalf of Australia, I apologize for the following

-Not doing shit to anyone
-Not failing at maintaing a stable economy
-Not suffering from terrorism
-Not being arrogant and self absorbed
-Not having our own demented version of the ENGLISH language
-Not being at war with anyone
-Being so laid back that 'patriotism' doesn't include knowing any part of the national anthem
-Putting up with the rest of the world's shit
-Inventing the Bikini
-Just generally being awesome

Yep, I thnk that'll do.
liar stable economy my ass and you have a type you put Not before arrogant and self absorbed which as your entire post clearly demonstrates you are and for the one directly after G'day mate not doing shit to anyone are you sure did you ever wonder why your seperated physically from a larger percentage of the world than anyone else? and everywhere else the most common reference to your county is a joke relating to kangaroos and wow putting up with the rest of the worlds shit? oh poor pitiful you im so sorry that no country ever really did anything to your country because there is no economic or logical conquest in doing so inventing the bikini so youll take credit for skin cancer because thats all the product is good for even considering what you probably do if you ever see one.

Even considering my above statement i do not hate australians but to be so conceited that you would actually say that just made me flip. Back to the english language thing mate refers to sexual partner so are you and barb-e not real either these arent based on american portrayals either ive been there not to mention you can apologize for your system of currency being so goddamn annoying 90$ for a game really? over here that will get you to and as yahtzee says a BJ. thank you and think before you act this conceited again.