Apple Patents New "Anti-Sexting" Technology

Tom Phoenix

New member
Mar 28, 2009
....And the point of this futile exercise is....?

No, really, I just cannot see what they could possibly accomplish with this. It is almost certain to be completely ineffective and what it is set out to do and will just end up being an enormous waste of time and money for the company.


New member
Jul 16, 2008
Spot1990 said:
olikunmissile said:
jwien001 said:
olikunmissile said:
Fuck. That.

Too far.

The resistance starts here, WHO'S WITH ME?
No need. It's only a matter of time before our exalted Google overlords release Google Skynet, take over the world, and ensure that Apple is completely and utterly wiped from existence.
That fills me with joy,fear and sadness at the same time, the strangest emotions to feel at the same time I assure you.
Nuh uh sadness and arousal are stranger. But thanks to Apple no more teary mutual masturbation.
Truly a sad day for us all.


New member
Jun 7, 2010
mjc0961 said:
So it's pretty much a failure then. I thought naked pictures was the basis of "sexting" (man I hate that word, so stupid). And even if it wasn't, it will be now.
Very very true. I think a good portion of the teens/kids that stuck to just text messages in their normal form, will resort to pictures in this case. I mean it's the easiest way around it, so in a way are we actually making the problem worse? Little Johnny and Jenny WOULD just be talking about it, but since that's out the window its full nude pics or nothing ... guess which one a teen will choose?


New member
Dec 10, 2009
but what if I want to talk about my junk to my exwife?

Good thing I won't put up with apple's BS and have an Android phone.


New member
Nov 12, 2009
"Derrick Hardy". That seems like an offensive name to me, It NEEDS TO BE REMOVED!!! THINK OF THE CHILDREN!!! D:

A Pious Cultist

New member
Jul 4, 2009
Why are all patents these days about ridiculously vague concepts but then covered up with a more technical sounding but bullshittier wording?


New member
Apr 30, 2010
People will just do it through e-mails instead or in chat programs like MSN and Skype, LOL, it's useless apple, you're wasting your time, which you apparently have plenty of if you're doing ridiculous crap like this. What, are you done counting your money already and now you're just bored? Also, all of those texts means more money for you, so why ruin it?


New member
May 21, 2008
As a 16 year old boy with a crazy mom might actually consider this I must say BULLSHIT
On behalf of a friend of mine with an ever crazier mom who tells my mom about this kind of stuff, I offer a joint ARE YOU KIDDING ME?

Seriously, I the entire first half of this I was thinking "Wow, this is dumb and will probably get broken with in a few minutes" then I got to the part about including stuff? I don't text any one in my Spanish class. Most of my friends take German or French, so how does this help me?


New member
Nov 17, 2009
Well i'm not really a apple person per-say but they may be able to stop american style slurs but they won't get the English ones! Apple you're all Bollocks!! I can also use less sentence enhancers to get my point across

Me: Hey Girlfriend.
Girlfriend: Yes?
Me: I find you rather good looking and you give me the sudden urge to take my lower (blank) and forcefully and repeatedly apply said appendage to (blank blankety blank). Will you allow me the pleasure of expressing my sudden surge of emotion?
Girlfriend: LOL You may proceed! <3

i actually had more detail in that demonstration without swearing or using slang vonacular. but i felt i need to be censored. i no want probation