Truly a sad day for us all.Spot1990 said:Nuh uh sadness and arousal are stranger. But thanks to Apple no more teary mutual masturbation.olikunmissile said:That fills me with joy,fear and sadness at the same time, the strangest emotions to feel at the same time I assure you.jwien001 said:No need. It's only a matter of time before our exalted Google overlords release Google Skynet, take over the world, and ensure that Apple is completely and utterly wiped from existence.olikunmissile said:Fuck. That.
Too far.
The resistance starts here, WHO'S WITH ME?
Very very true. I think a good portion of the teens/kids that stuck to just text messages in their normal form, will resort to pictures in this case. I mean it's the easiest way around it, so in a way are we actually making the problem worse? Little Johnny and Jenny WOULD just be talking about it, but since that's out the window its full nude pics or nothing ... guess which one a teen will choose?mjc0961 said:So it's pretty much a failure then. I thought naked pictures was the basis of "sexting" (man I hate that word, so stupid). And even if it wasn't, it will be now.
Let do this shit, man! Fuck the man! Or the fruit! VIVA LA RESISTANCE!olikunmissile said:Fuck. That.
Too far.
The resistance starts here, WHO'S WITH ME?
Well shit...that would require parenting!zombays said:Well, maybe you should teach your kids WHY it's bad to sext