Be a man (Say something you hated about a game you Love)


I endorse Jurassic Park
Oct 20, 2009
Halo: Gameplay was fun, but I would be lying if I said the indoor environments were a little bland (especially when compared to the amazing outdoor environments).

The Darkness: Let's face it, the gun play was wonky at best. Were it not for the great story and the Darkness powers, the game would be mediocre.

Fallout 3: Not using VATS? Hope you like shitty shooting and useless aim!


New member
Mar 29, 2010
ronald1840 said:

Wish everyone I heard through audio diaries weren't already dead corpses (Diane, Marsha, and Anna Cullpepper) to name some. Here's hoping Infinite does better.
I had this issue with Bioshock as.

(p.s. I love your avatar (I'm a big Persona 4 fan))

Dr. wonderful

New member
Dec 31, 2009
Dragon age 2.
Fuck your (Item) DLC and fuck your Bi-sexual romance.
Except for that Elf in Drag...That's my boo.

New vegas:

...Fuck you glitches

The Witcher:

Fuck your Combat and Fuck your Sex Cards



Dwarft Fortress:

God blasted Elves get pissey for everything

Team Fortress 2:

GOd blasted Engineers, God blasted heavies and GODDAMN SPIES.


Migratory coconut
Oct 7, 2010
i Feel cheap bashing system shock 2 in any way but i really would have loved to be able to save some of the crew depending on my actions, instead i was shuttled down a single traintrack that had the death of everyone but me (and the two lovers, well maybe) at the end.


For the Emperor!
Aug 15, 2008
Gxas said:
Pokémon B/W has the entire bottom screen being c-gear. I would rather another version of the pokétch or something like SS/HG had which allows menu access without pressing a button.
I originally was in this mindset when I first went from SS to White. I'm use to it now but it does get on my nerves sometimes!

OT: All Ratchet and Clank games need to have more zoom options for the camera controls. It's fine if you want to see what's attacking you at the front but you have no idea something is behind or to the sides of you until it's already torn your buttocks and half your health bar off!


New member
Apr 29, 2011
AH one (two) last thing(s).

Resident Evil 4 - Why oh why was there not the option to lose Ashley, cut your losses and emigrate to Mexico or something? I swear, every time the chimp was taken away I had a little party.

Resident Evil 5 - Why oh why must you insist my partner has to be a big breasted, booty shakin' girl? Why not a flamboyant gay man like Zevran? On the flipside of that I very much appreciate Jill's new look.

Yes, girls can be perverts too.


New member
Mar 24, 2010
gyllybug said:
Dragon Age: Origins - Morrigan does not ever "bat for the other side". Petty gripe I know, but the lesbian and bisexual girls of the world demand a female character to bunk up with who is not a goody two shoes or one who whines on about love and commitment. Leliana and Liara I'm looking at you.

Dragon Age 2 - What the hell did you do to Anders? How you go from "all I want is a nice meal, a pretty girl and the right to shoot lightning at fools" to "blowing up the chantry and killing the innocents inside is the only way to save ourselves" and still expect us to like this now-psychotic personality is beyond me. Also, getting lazy with level design, are we?
I agree completely with Dragon Age 2 and have several friends who agree completely with Dragon Age Origins. I'd also like a bisexual Tali so I don't have to choose between the voice of Jennifer Hale and my beloved space gypsy/battle droid :p


Hmm.. what's this button do?
Nov 2, 2009
Okay. I really love Mass Effect 2, but I can't stand how my teammates change ammo types overriding the one I wanted to use. It drives me crazy. The computer AI is terrible for them.


New member
Apr 29, 2011
Sapient Pearwood said:
I agree completely with Dragon Age 2 and have several friends who agree completely with Dragon Age Origins. I'd also like a bisexual Tali so I don't have to choose between the voice of Jennifer Hale and my beloved space gypsy/battle droid :p
Yeah that woulda been nice too xD or even Garrus! If they were willing to do it for ME2 they should have been willing in ME1 :p
I just in general found Ashley irritating >.<

Laser Priest

A Magpie Among Crows
Mar 24, 2011
Looking back, every individual element of Oblivion seems sub-par. But that game was much more than the sum of it's parts.

Also, the original Mass Effect had horrible combat and one of my least-liked fanbases.


New member
Mar 19, 2009
Zelda-Wind Waker: It takes ages to get from island to island even with the hurricane teleportation, but to be honest I don't actually mind, oh but what I do really HATE is in the Nintendo Gallery some pictures can be lost forever which made me really angry when I didn't get one.

Zelda-Twilight Princess: Padded in a way I actually don't like, also I couldn't bring my horse into the western village, oh also the sky temple, missleading, confusing ANGER!

New Super Mario Bros. Wii: Level 9-7, 'nuff said.

Beyond Good & Evil: You are half of a game, you ended before you even got going, way WAY too short.

Sly (all of them): Your voice acting makes me want to murder someone.

Ratchet & Clank: Your sequels weren't good, especially Gladiator, which I think has a different name in America, it's the spin-offy one.

Elephant Quest (flash game): I can't get 100% in the upgrades section.

P0rtal 2: GLaDOS wasn't as good a character anymore, still funny though.

P0rtal: I'm sorry but I just can't think of anything, everything is perfect, fun puzzles, Funny voice acting, best credits EVER! & the cake wasn't a lie, oh and I do prefer P0rtal 2 but it added more to it making it better but also creating a problem.


New member
Mar 24, 2010
gyllybug said:
Yeah that woulda been nice too xD or even Garrus! If they were willing to do it for ME2 they should have been willing in ME1 :p
I just in general found Ashley irritating >.<
Don't know if you saw my last post about what annoyed me about ME2 but that's the character I was referring to, Mass Effect 2 kept mentioning Ashley in a cutscene and I had no idea who she was. Calling Archangel Garrus threw me a bit as well :p


New member
Jul 5, 2009
M.E.2 you needed party banter like DAO and DA2, the characters talk about things in *safe* areas, or at least like M.E.1, where it would only happen in elevators.


New member
Apr 29, 2011
Sapient Pearwood said:
Don't know if you saw my last post about what annoyed me about ME2 but that's the character I was referring to, Mass Effect 2 kept mentioning Ashley in a cutscene and I had no idea who she was. Calling Archangel Garrus threw me a bit as well :p
Nah I didn't I couldn't find it >.< take it you didn't play ME1?