Be a man (Say something you hated about a game you Love)


New member
Feb 14, 2009
Well, if criticising the things I love makes me a man, I should really do it more often.

Oblivion: crappy main story, but I guess some of the side quests and the sheer length makes up for it. I've sunk half my life into that game.

Dragon Age: Origins: the combat really sucks.

Dragon Age II: it's not Origins You can't have a random conversation with any of the characters anymore; that was the main thing I loved about Origins was that you can have conversations. Not even with the goddamned love interests. I don't care if Sandal is watching you.
That and the reused maps, but everyone and their dog plobs on about that.
Originally I would have said the revamping of the elves, but it has grown on me somewhat, and I find myself preferring the new elves to the 'short human with slightly pointed ears' elves.

Oh, and you can't legitimately play as anything other than a human. I WANT TO BE AN ELF AGAIN.

The Moehlinator

New member
Mar 25, 2011
I loved Morrowind. I really really loved morrowind. That game basically consumed my life for a ridiculously large amount of time. I played Oblivion and I loved it as well, but Morrowind always has and always will hold a more special place in my heart. Pretty much the only thing that I liked more in Oblivion was the spell casting mechanic. After playing countless hours on Oblivion, I played Morrowind again and it DROVE ME CRAZY that I had to keep pulling out my 'magic fingers' when I wanted to roast something. Oblivion spoiled me there.


New member
Aug 6, 2010
God damn Fire Emblem. I love everything Intelligent Systems touches, but when my 95% chance to hit move, misses fucking TWICE, when I NEED it to hit, and their 12% chance to hit move, hits fucking TWICE, when I DON'T NEED IT to hit, I start to lose my shit.


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May 11, 2011
The Legacy of Kain time-travelling, destiny-changing, super-retconning clusterfuck of a story arc. As much as I loved the series, it was mind-meltingly hard to keep track of what exactly was going on, not helped by splitting the games into the Soul Reaver and Blood Omen titles. Example thoughts during my first playthroughs of the various games:

"What, Vorador is alive now? Didn't I watch him die? Note to self: cross-refrence with the second game of the other series. What period of time am I in now? Need to check level of corruption of the Pillars. Huh? I'm my own assassin? I renounce... myself? I'm actually wearing my own soul on my arm? What the dick?"

Happily Kain would then intone something cool like "Eternity is relentless Raziel" in his big deep bad arse voice and all would be well. Love Simon Templemann.


New member
Dec 31, 2009
After all the goodness that Mass Effect 1 gave us regarding the romance cutscenes,I hate the fact that in Mass Effect 2(a game which I love)you struggled with choices of which LI to choose and at the end it was quite disappointing.

On a non sexual note but still related,we couldn't even get to see Tali's face(Bioware you bastards! >.<).


New member
Sep 28, 2009
Mega Man Classic:

Needed to Metroidvania Wily Castle at least once in the series, because that would have been awesome. You know, put all the fortress bosses in rooms of the castle and have the Robot Masters chase Mega Man around within a certain range instead of waiting patiently behind a teleporter for their beating. You have to beat them and the fortress bosses to open the door to Wily. Much more interesting, much more dynamic, much less like every other home stretch in the series.


New member
Sep 28, 2009

A New Game Plus. We have needed a new game plus since the start.

Basically, reset the badges to unwon and reset all the trainers. Keep the obedience mechanic so that Pokemon from previous playthroughs won't obey until the right time. But New Game Plus would let you keep all regular items and Pokemon from previous playthroughs.

It only got worse in Black/White, since you can't trade until after beating the first gym, so you can't take in a chosen team of Lv 1s to raise from the beginning.


New member
Sep 23, 2009
- Mass Effect 2's planet mining was a crime against fun.
- Tales of Symphonia looked like shit and had a lame story.
- Star Ocean: The Last Hope had a horrible camera and too much bloom.
- Beat Hazard has a bad scoring system, broken leaderboards, sketchy controls and the hitbox is too big.
- Torchlight's alchemist class was totally overpowered.
- The fighting system in Persona 3/4 is a bad, cut-down version of Nocturne's vastly superior one.
- SMT: Nocturne has too much focus on stupid demon catching, as do a lot of other games in the series.
- Overworld travel in Tales of the Abyss was really bad because of the long loading times.
- The original Portal lacked variety of location.


New member
Jan 22, 2010
I hate how in Assassin's creed 2 and brotherhood locking on to a target is almost always a bad idea. It sounds great on paper, camera follows guy your chasing, but the moment he rounds a corner or you miss a jump you become completley dissorented and can only recover by releasing the lock on.


New member
Jan 17, 2008
One of my favourite games, and the one I chose would have to be Morrowind.
1. The cliff racers. I think any Morrowind player knows EXACTLY what I'm talking about here.
2. 'Twas glitchy, very glitchy. Characters vanishing from the map, quests not starting/finishing, the occasional clip through the map problem. (Didn't help I was on XBox, and couldn't patch the game, but hey, you gotta make do with what ya got.)
3. Bad AI. Many of the AI must have been drunk on flin or had a fair amount of skooma because their pathfinding was ATROCIOUS. They were faster than your walking speed, but slower than your run speed (even at the start of the game!), they'd get stuck behind a tree for however long it took you to either backtrack to get them out or kill them, and a few of them were just plain irritating to be around (Fargoth, I'm looking at you).


New member
Mar 1, 2010
Enslaved: OTTW.

I loved the game, but it really didnt explore the relationship between the two main characters nearly enough. The demo set the game up amazingly, but I expected a deeper interaction between the characters. Even though it was good.

And on that note: Bioshock.

Probably the biggest missed opportunity in a game in recent memory. I remember playing the opening, with the plane-part coming crashing down into the tube you are in and water starting to flood in. This was used way too little. The entire game takes place below the sea for crying out loud. Water was leaking in everywhere but it NEVER rose (after that sequence that is). So much more emphasis could have been made on the crushing sea everywhere around you...but it was not. LAME.


New member
Dec 18, 2008
Crash Bandicoot: The Wrath of Cortex. The first Crash game on the PS2 (which was also the last good one). I was a Crash fan since the first PS1 game, and I thoroughly enjoyed this one.

But it had one glaringly obvious problem - BALL-CRUSHING LOADING TIMES. I spent just as much time watching Crash fall through a trippy aether as I did playing the actual game.

To date, ModNation Racers is the only game I can think of that can match the awful loading times from CB:TWOC


I am the storm.
Mar 29, 2011
Bionic Commando (referring to the 3D romp with Spencer voiced by Mike Patton; vocalist of Faith No More).

I loved this game to pieces. It was brilliant, the bionic arm's physics and mechanics were PERFECT, and really...despite it having a typical action fare plot, it was pretty well told, was a great homage to the original (on NES; continuing plot-line, not a remake), and was pretty relevant to the timeframe it was projected to. This is a game that I honestly felt blew all its shortcomings out of the water. Then possibility ate them and spit them out.

However, it has its glaring flaws:
1) The radiation and water. The former, I actually admired at first because it was such an interesting way to make the game feel like it was an open world despite it being incredibly linear -- it was explained right out that bionics are extremely sensitive to radiation, which I found funny, because it isn't exactly a healthy thing to be in contact with, to begin with. The water, not quite as much. The problems I had with them were pretty simple, though...the radiation boundaries were excessively merciless, 90% of the time. You'd go from getting your low-key rad notification to the "HOLYSHITGETOUTOFHEREBEFOREYOUEXPLODE!!!" buzzing in a gorram heartbeat. If you happened to be airborne, at the time of venturing a little bit off your mark in some areas, you seriously prayed for a miracle, because you were pretty much guaranteed to die.
The water, on the other hand...well, the logic for it seemed reasonable -- your arm is really heavy, and you'll sink. If you're not close enough to something to grapple, you drown. Fair, but seriously...they lay this on you when you approach a stage that is pretty much COMPLETELY IMMERSED IN WATER. It ends up becoming one of those beyond tedious pitfalls that don't really serve to hedge you in, but end up making the claw-swinging feel like a gimmick sometimes, and some of said water levels (of which about 80% of the rest of the game is, for the most part) are beyond frustrating.

2) Checkpoints. For the most part, the checkpoints are actually very well-balanced. They're reasonable, give you a decent challenge the first time playing (and on harder difficulties), and come just in time to repeat the cycle. There's about two or three, though, that just exhibit some sort of really malicious intent from the game's designers. One off the top of my head is in Port Anderson III; you hack a relay, then get confronted by a wide variety of challenging enemies in a damned-near completely submerged area with a couple radiation pockets, then get assaulted in the next stretch by a bunch of grunts with a sniper so far off you can't hit him with any of the weapons given in that section of gameplay, and there's no checkpoint between, where the majority of the game would have easily had a checkpoint between two sections that could so easily kill you. In Commando difficulty, you'll see the former portion because of that sniper in the latter section so much, you're bound to lose hair (or break a controller, if that's you're thing).

3) Commando difficulty; not really in general, just specific portions. One really annoying trend is with the bosses. They're the common Far Too Powerful Boss with One Miniscule Weak Spot variety, and most often, in that specific difficulty setting, pretty much anything they throw at you is a one-hit kill. Sure, I love a good challenge, but when you're being forced to play through the same fight over, and over, and over because you can't swing the camera in time to dodge a second quick attack from the opposite direction, or you eventually eat dirt because they take a good dozen or so hits and everything they dish out will insta-kill you if you're not wholly and completely out of range, it starts becoming a boring routine. I still managed to punch through the game at a decent rate and didn't die a whole lot, but some of the encounters are just a nightmare on the Normal setting, let alone Commando, where a light breeze is likely to kill you (yes, even with all the health upgrades). The funny thing is, the AI isn't improved at all. There's just a drastic increase in the amount of health enemies have, and an even more drastic decrease in the amount of hits you can take.

All that said, the game is wonderful, such a joy to play, and definitely underrated (and since it really didn't do so well, is generally pretty cheap to pick up; I got mine at EB last year for $8), and I just have such a blast playing through it a couple times a year. The story didn't really go stale, for me -- I still knew what was going to happen after the first time through, but it didn't really bother me, nor was it my big focus -- and the gameplay is just so engaging.

Those three things, on the other hand...
Well, two, really, because I'll never touch Commando difficulty again, now that I have the trophy. Hard is a pretty good challenge, itself.


New member
Dec 25, 2008
Mass Effect 2: sometimes, the game can be controll-smashingly cheap

Company of Heroes: even on Easy, the A.I. kicks my ass too many times to count.

the Total War series: the campaign goes on FOR-E-VER.

Dawn of War: Soulstorm. That is all.


New member
Mar 17, 2010
KotOR. It... well... it ended, I guess?

Fine. There were a few glitches. Happy?
[sub]Damn, that was physically painful to say.[/sub]