While I was among the detractors of the ending to Mass Effect 3, I can't in all good conscious demand that BioWare change the ending. We have every right to criticize, berate, analyze, accept, etc... the ending that BioWare gave us to the Mass Effect trilogy. I'm with everyone when they say that the ending made no sense, plot holes were torn open, and other stuff. But, at the same time, I can see what BioWare was trying to do with it, even if the ending was just written on a napkin with "SPECULATION FOR EVERYONE" written at the bottom. They created the game, it's their business how they want to end it.
To me, the only obligation that content creators have to their customers is to make a good product. Now, one can argue that the Mass Effect 3 ending did not make it a good product, and that's fair, but when one walks over the line between creator and audience, at what point does the consumer's opinion tread on artistic merit? That's why I can't stand Star Wars detractors who constantly whine and complain about everything that George Lucas does, then make petty excuses of how "Star Wars became ours, it evolved beyond itself! He's ruining the sanctity of our movie!" Yeah, cry me a river, George Lucas made the movie, he can do what he wants with it. He wants Greedo to shoot first, let him edit it so it is so.