District 9 Offends Nigerian Government


High Priest of Haruhi
Aug 22, 2008
A Pious Cultist said:
Khell_Sennet said:
Cheap Jews have no right complaining about any comments made on how cheap Jewish people are.
Judaism is a religion not a culture, fuckwit. [/ragemode off]

I've barely slept a few hours so perhaps I'll look back at this and think "Damn I was being cranky", we shall see.
Pretty sure a group of religious people can have a culture built up around them. Religion and Culture are not mutually exclusive.


New member
Sep 7, 2007
Dear Nigeria,

We are sorry about the film to make up for this plight I have secured $13.9 Dollars from several ex-army generals hoping to avoid tax, unfortunately I need a small ($10,000) fee to release the money.


Badass Alien
Mar 2, 2009
I argue that it wasn't really Nigeria as a country that they were pointing at but humans in general and our somewhat savage and prejudice nature. The thing is, places like that are a cruel inhospitable and terrible places to live. There is war, poverty and disease. The aliens in District 9 were a metaphor for that.
I say don't hold back, we shouldn't sugar coat the world and pretend it doesn't have problems just because acknowledging that it does gives us a bad rep. We have to accept the world as it is, we have to wake up and realise the truth. That's what I think.
This was a movie, I do not hate Nigeria after watching this movie. I found myself more or less thinking that there are simply problems with this world and problems with our nature in general. They were referancing issues like Apartheid and prejudice which is still a real issue in this world of ours whether we like it or not.

Also I'll wrap this up by saying that the film makers were actually displaying a human side. Because yes there were sociopaths and gang leaders and savages and racists in that story, but also presented were people protesting the forced eviciton of the aliens and a few people speaking in their defence. It showed that there are bad people but there are also good people, this goes for Nigeria... and the entire world.


New member
Mar 28, 2009
CJ1145 said:
What, is Nigeria a gay fish?

Seriously, you complain about your bad light, when America is viewed as a bunch of overweight, slackjawed redneck neanderthals? Be glad that the discrimination is this minor.
ya, at least they get a somewhat positive rep by the rest of the world. come on, you want them to stop bitching, declare those con-artists Illegal immigrants to Nigeria. at least then Cuba will have to take the blame.


New member
Mar 19, 2008
Oh, shut the fuck up. There are countries under attack and being wrecked by the recession and they're seriously finding this a priority? If they behave this way they deserve degradation.


New member
Nov 1, 2007
Machines Are Us said:
I think they need to grow the fuck up to put it bluntly. They are a country, not a school kid getting picked on in school for wearing glasses.
Leave it to them to attack the one movie that floored me recently.

They should be happy, It was the first time anything happened in Kenya that interested me.

If I were them I'd spend my time trying to negate all the damage Vatican has done and ignore popular media. It isn't popular media that caused AIDS to spread like wildfire, pretty sure Trojan isn't releasing commercials that say "Condoms will send you to hell." :p

ssgt splatter

New member
Oct 8, 2008
Wow. They are now just starting to react to the movie a full month after it came out? Also, WTF?! They're getting worked up over a movie? It's a movie; you're not supposed to get all pissy over a movie.


New member
Sep 16, 2009
Nigeria should really work on solving their own problems instead of blaming Sony for making all of them. Blaming someone else for your problems is really childish, if you don't like getting picked on fix the problem or just ignore them.

And asking for an apology isn't going to fix anything, I doubt they'll even get one.


New member
Feb 25, 2009
Well, it's an allegory about apartheid, but that doesn't change the fact that no one should care because it's an unremarkable film. Why is it whenever there's a movie that confronts race it gets all kinds of praise? My roommate and I went to the movie and both of us left the theater wishing we had spent the time doing something more worthwhile; like staring at the ceiling.

Oh, and if Nigeria want's to argue against the witch doctor thing, then maybe they should cut down of things like this:


Apparently they're spreading a rumor that raping a virgin will cure aids.
Mar 26, 2008
I knew it! I knew it! I said that they'd crack the shits about the movie if they were already kicking up a stink over the Sony ad.
Admittedly they don't come off looking too good in District 9, but they can't be all that bad if they're offering me a cut of the interest if I provide them with my bank details to store their countries' wealth in.

*News just in; the Nigerian government have taken offence at my last comment*


New member
Jan 15, 2009
Khell_Sennet said:
A Pious Cultist said:
Khell_Sennet said:
Cheap Jews have no right complaining about any comments made on how cheap Jewish people are.
Judaism is a religion not a culture, fuckwit. [/ragemode off]

I've barely slept a few hours so perhaps I'll look back at this and think "Damn I was being cranky", we shall see.
Cranky indeed. Never said Jews were a race. I did however say that any race/subculture/nationality/gender/etc should stop living up to their stereotypes if it offends them, religion would fall under "etc".
Jews are not a race? That is news to me and to a bunch of jewish schools.
Jewish school broke race laws by refusing boy whose mother had converted [http://business.timesonline.co.uk/tol/business/law/article6578332.ece]
"JFS, formerly the Jewish Free School, is highly oversubscribed and has turned away several pupils for not meeting its criteria of Jewishness."
"We are talking about two Jewish children who want an education. If the school thinks it's worth spending millions of pounds to stop that happening, then they need to re-examine what Judaism is about."

some people that are jews see themselves as more than just a religion. I find it funny that they are willing to believe it since hilter was the one that branded them as race that needed to be wiped out. ...and yes I do know that in history, his isn't the only group that partcipate in mass slaughter for stupid reasons.


New member
Apr 25, 2008
I really don't see Sony as having done anything wrong here. Nigeria does have a bad rep in certain circles, they are just going to have to suck it up and deal with it. It's not like they're alone in being treated like that. Every country in the world is usually portrayed as their worst stereotypes in Hollywood movies, anyway. Americans are always either ultra-violent gun nuts or Christian fundamentalists. Australians are always congenial drunks. Scotsmen and the Irish are always bad tempered drunks. Arabs are always portrayed as terrorists... the list goes on and on. Not saying it's right, but it is what it is. Doesn't do much good for any country to ***** about it.


New member
Jan 27, 2009
I've always found it odd that in things with aliens the aliens find humans attractive and the humans find everything else ugly. Narcissistic much?

Neways, I think if Nigeria has enough time to whine about being made fun of in a movie they should probably be doing something else.


Day Pig
Mar 16, 2009
Remember back in the day when if someone had a concern like this the company would just tell them to fuck off? We should bring that back. Permanently.