Lol that bottom line made me laugh, along with the start of the recommendation. Very funny. Too bad the game is terrible.Bottom Line: Duke Nukem Forever is a deeply flawed game that I would have stopped playing after five minutes were it not a requirement of my job to play longer. Although no amount of money could have convinced me to press on all the way to the end.
Recommendation: If you are stuck on a deserted island with only this game to play, go fishing instead. Worth playing so that you may be able to say that you did, but otherwise imminently forgettable and not worth your time.
Notere said:This just in: He also hated on Portal 2. My judgment is reserved, and I'm only here for the game footage.
Anyone else getting the distinct link between the author's continued personal input on the site and the ill-fated Game Dogs series? You should.
I seem to recall you saying in that recent podcast that you were not going to review DNF because of your personal feelings about it. I take it that something interfered with your plan and you had to be the one to review it anyway? :sRuss Pitts said:-snip-