Ed130 said:
Less mean spirited more "Didn't you see the pattern? Didn't Dragon Age 2 raise warning bells? Didn't EA's money gouging DLC practices stop you? Didn't the Jersey Shore in SPACE! meme make you wonder?"
As for you second point, Hope is the first step on the road to disappointment.
that's kind of the message I'm getting, weather you like ME3 or not (beside the point)
1. Dragon age 2 was done by a different team on a tighter time limit...
2. Mass Effect is one of my favourite series ever....I know what EA can be like, I accept that and buy the game because why the fuck wouldn't I? even if it was DA2 all over again...I'd buy it anyway to see for myself..no way am I just going to give it all up because of people complaining on the internet
like all those people buying Diablo may not like the always online thing..but they KNOW what they are getting into, and they like Diablo 3 enough to put up with it 9and maby eeven had some fun with the game)...the "always online" hassle was enough to put me off..but is it really right of me to insult them because we have different principles in regard to that kind of thing?
and as Ive said before, I thought ME3 was amazing until the ending...and how much the ending hurts its relative to how much emotional investment the player has in it...
which kind of has me...not sure in regards to Bioware from now on....since this isn't really a DA2 situation...its kind of differnet
I don't know how much of a factor EA was in the ending, but yeah, mabye htye are grindign Bioware into the ground....
but then again if on the off chance ([i/]the off chance[/i]) Bioware's next game was..you know [i/]good[/i] then I'd probably get it..because I enjoy their games
so yeah, I'll say I'm a corporate fanboy sheep willing to eat up shit...just to save you the trouble