squid5580 said:
And the arguement I am trying to make is this. If people are allowed to announce thier sexual orientation that is the beginning. Then people are allowed to announce thier religious beliefs and political viewpoints. Since the same arguement can be used for both cases. This divides the community. Which would lead to the eventual destruction of XBL since no one is going to let the other side game in peace. Instead of having a place to play games there would be alot of arguing within the games itself that the people who are there not to argue but to play are either going to play offline games and forgo the 60 dollar gold membership or go with a console that they can play online that is more regulated.
you're talking about voice chat, which is completely unregulated aside from the mute, complaint, and feedback functions. if this was going to happen it would have already, and if anything, GLAAD's proposals would combat this by improving the complaint process.
however, you seem to think that voice chat, where the vast majority of communication (and therefore harassment) takes place, is fine as it is. yet, you're in favor of the additional censorship microsoft imposes on user profiles. if voice chat (again, the primary form of communication) is perfectly fine without censorship, why do user profiles need it?
squid5580 said:
As for the real heart of the matter. How do you know that she was the only person ever banned from XBL for what they had in thier profile? I don't understand the whole arguement. it sounds to me like what you guys and gals are saying is what she did was ok. And in a sense it is. The problem as I see it isn't the fact that she is a lesbian. What she did is violated the rules no matter how wrong or stupid or sexist you may think they are. When you or I click the I agree button when registering for anything online it means just that. I agree to adhere to these guidelines. I agree that if I don't I will face the banhammer. I can't click I agree (which is like signing a contract) and then decide I don't agree so I will just do whatever the hell I want. If you don't agree then fine take the proper steps to voice it.
i'm sure plenty of people have been banned from Xbox Live because of their profiles, and some with good reason.
in the code of conduct, there's nothing explicitly stated regarding sexual orientation. quite frankly, there was no way to know sexual orientation was bannable until someone got banned for it.
furthermore, she agreed that microsoft could take action against her account. she never agreed to give up her right to complain about it. even then, this issue is far larger than just one lesbian. it seems like you think the right thing to do would be for gays to boycott XBL if they don't like the policy. i assure you many are, and that is costing microsoft money.
and finally, since i myself never agreed to microsoft's code of conduct, i reserve the right to complain about it all i want. i think it's a stupid policy whether anyone got banned over it or not.