Escape to the Movies: G.I. Joe - The Rise of Cobra


New member
Sep 4, 2008
I personally doubt I'd enjoy it as much as I enjoyed Casino Royale. But I still would go see it, if it was called Action Man: Rise of Dr. X over here.


is Only Bob
Nov 29, 2007
I saw it at an advanced screening, because I literally had nothing better to do that day. I even flipped a coin before going in, I was that apprehensive about seeing it.

I came out dragging my jaw along the floor, going "It's like he learned how to direct! It's like the effects team weren't slacking!" I swear, it's a seriously good action movie. It's got everything an action movie should have, and it doesn't disappoint on any front. You don't even need to switch off your brain - the plot is coherent, and while you don't need to make an effort to watch it, there are some generally surprising moments. You'd have to be a truly jaded cynic or elitist snob to not get some joy out of it.


New member
Aug 8, 2009
I am actually surprised that MovieBob gave this a good review. GI Joe is apart of the Transformers Universe so their is the potential of a really bad cross over (They never go well). Now I am a fan of explosions (after all I watched Pearl Harbour just for the 40min attack scene and to watch the USS Arizona get folded like a peice of paper when its magazine went up a-la HMS Hood) but... the trailers reak of Spy Kids and Cheezy Transformer clones. Not to mention the clear rip off of clan elemental battle armour.

I am reserving judgement until I see it.... but I think I will choose an alternative to seeing it in theater. I also will not take MovieBob's review as an example of the quality of the movie after watching several of his reviews (which seem to run contrary to my opinion of the films but that of the general movie going public).


New member
Mar 27, 2009
Colour me surprised, I was expecting this to be a shit show... Almost as bad as Dragon ball. I'm glad I was wrong, looking forward to seeing this movie now.


New member
Jun 19, 2008
You are correct in your assessment as usual.

1 million times better than Transformers 2.


New member
Jun 4, 2008
Lightbunny said:
...You haven't been on the internet long, have you?
I've been on it long enough to know that people love their ignorance. And I've also been on it long enough to want to do something about it.

Stabby Joe

New member
Jul 30, 2008
I already saw this being stupid but that didn't bother me since despite my top films being similar to age old critics and being able to/loving to talk in depth about a film... I still love dumb action and if it doesn't take itself seriously like this review implied then I might go see this soon.

dalek sec

Leader of the Cult of Skaro
Jul 20, 2008
Sheepzor said:
4.35 is the point of the trailer which made me go...Hmm didn't I see that in TF1?

It does look like a good pop corn flick where you can just mong out and cheer on the good guys though...

...I do wonder (read hope) if they will make a M.A.S.K. film though.
*Remembers that from his childhood.* Holy crap.... if they went with the same mindset they did for this movie that would be frakking awesome!


New member
Feb 8, 2009
Scary, I wasn't going to see this, but now i'm going to have to give it a shot. MovieBob, if you've somehow lied to me or 'sold out' (god I hate that phrase) then you're in for a world of shit from me in the form of insulting emails and general pain-assery. (and you'll ignore me, and i'll come to the sad realization that i'm wasting me life, so generally it'll be bad for me... please don't lie to me :D )


New member
Apr 12, 2008
pete240 said:
snuffler said:
Why are you all so surprised at this movie getting a good rating?

Curtmiester said:
I still won't see this movie. I need a substantial plot for me to watch a movie and this just seems like a bucket load of random explosions.
My hats off to you sir. No really, you have my respect. I hate people that go to action movies looking for a god damn plot and come back disappointed (see Fast and Furious 4) You go to see movies like this SPECIFICALLY FOR the explosions, the fight scenes, the car chases. And the fact that you know this movie is for adrenaline junkies and not plot hounds is more than admirable, it's sensible.

This is why I'm not surprised that this movie got a good rating. Critics (good ones) know that when they go to see a movie they SHOULD be in the mindset of the audience the movie is targeting. As Bob said here, 7 year olds, and 20+ year olds who still remember what it was like to be 7 years old IS the target audience. Thats what G.I. Joe was aiming for, and it's NOT like finding a needle in a haystack.

The only way they could've made it better is if they made sure they gave everyone a sugar high before going in to the movie.

It's as if someone like me went to see a movie like oh I don't know, say "the notebook", and I was expecting car chases and explosions and fight scenes and everything that makes life worth living. CLEARLY I would be disappointed and the movie would receive a bad review from me, because I wasn't in the right mindset.

pete240 said:
this guy needs to get a better taste in films ... no way! is this crappy remake of a toy commercial better than james bond!

And how can you judge it before you've seen it?
i'm judging this movie before i've seen it because it's going to be like all the rest taking all the fun and excitement of the comic from when we was kids and just exchanging it for crappy lines and lots of explosions ... they should stop making movies like these!!
You do realize that G.I.Joe WAS NOT directed by Micheal Bay right? It was directed by Stephan Sommers, the guy who directed The Mummy.

I will admit that there is a difference between "good" and "enjoyable". IMO, G.I.Joe was a VERY enjoyable movie. Also, I have to say you CAN NOT judge a movie if you've never seen it. That's like me saying The Godfather movies are the best even though I have never seen them yet.


New member
Nov 29, 2008
for people who want c this due to this guys review DONT this review is terriblei saw the movie within 5 minutes of stepping into the cinema i knew it was going to be bad cos it was only me and my friend in there
three words