Escape to the Movies: I Am Number Four

Madara XIII

New member
Sep 23, 2010
Onyx Oblivion said:
Madara XIII said:
Onyx Oblivion said:
Oh god. High School drama...Not more High School drama!

Bulk & Skull had fantastic theme music, btw.

Thank you for that silly blast from my childhood XD

Now I'll never stop hearing it.
It's a great tune to remove drama from any situation.
LOL More like completely evicerate any drama from a situation.....kinda like the Voice acting from Megaman X4....*Cries* I still have nightmares

It's like an Ear-rape that's both funny and painful



New member
Aug 18, 2009
AssassinJoe said:
Yeah, why do they have to be killed in numerical order? The trailers mentioned this and I've been confused by it. Do the bad guys suffer from OCD? What is it like an army of alien Adrien Monks from the show MONK?

Actually that sounds pretty good.
Not sure if this is a spoiler really, but its because back on their home world, their elder placed a charm on the 9 of them that protects them from any danger ( Try to shoot them? Guess whose missing a spleen ie you). But the charm only works so much. If their killed in order, the next one ups protection breaks, and that means their fair game. ( That's why he says I am Number Four so melancholy)

OT:Just got done reading the book, and going to catch the movie later today. TBH, the writing isn't too good. But it was an entertaining read. If you find yourself without anything to watch, you should probably consider this.


New member
Jan 8, 2009
OMG Bob you are AWESOME!

HAHAHAHA I remember actually being SAD as a kid because if Tommy (Jason David Franks from Power rangers) could get bullied by Bulk and Skull... then even if I learned martial arts and got cool and stuff I'd ALWAYS be bullied.

Then, I got a big nerd girlfriend. Emphasis on big.
Big.. and violent.

I was never bullied again.


New member
Jan 8, 2009
Onyx Oblivion said:
Madara XIII said:
Onyx Oblivion said:
Oh god. High School drama...Not more High School drama!

Bulk & Skull had fantastic theme music, btw.

Thank you for that silly blast from my childhood XD

Now I'll never stop hearing it.
It's a great tune to remove drama from any situation.
Yeah... it had such an RPG quality to the music... that was like a classic Grandia scene soundtrack.

Whatever actually HAPPENED to the actor who played Bulk I wonder...


New member
May 24, 2010
HyenaThePirate said:
Onyx Oblivion said:
Madara XIII said:
Onyx Oblivion said:
Oh god. High School drama...Not more High School drama!

Bulk & Skull had fantastic theme music, btw.

Thank you for that silly blast from my childhood XD

Now I'll never stop hearing it.
It's a great tune to remove drama from any situation.
Yeah... it had such an RPG quality to the music... that was like a classic Grandia scene soundtrack.

Whatever actually HAPPENED to the actor who played Bulk I wonder...
He's in Power Rangers: Samurai right now, as a secondary cast member.


New member
Jun 13, 2010
Happy Birthday Bob!
As for this movie, it looks okay I might take a look if I have nothing else to do.


This is a...!
Apr 8, 2009
Happy birthday, Bob. Hope you have a good one.

I especially enjoyed this review. All of them are enjoyable to watch, but your straight-to-the-point style in this was was refreshing. (Although I do enjoy your sense of humor as well.) Keep up the good work!

Onyx Oblivion

Borderlands Addict. Again.
Sep 9, 2008
HyenaThePirate said:
Onyx Oblivion said:
Madara XIII said:
Onyx Oblivion said:
Oh god. High School drama...Not more High School drama!

Bulk & Skull had fantastic theme music, btw.

Thank you for that silly blast from my childhood XD

Now I'll never stop hearing it.
It's a great tune to remove drama from any situation.
Yeah... it had such an RPG quality to the music... that was like a classic Grandia scene soundtrack.

Whatever actually HAPPENED to the actor who played Bulk I wonder...
I don't know if I'd rank it with Iwadare...



New member
Aug 9, 2009
So I guess what Bob was trying to say is...

If you're part of the target audience, it's enjoyable.

Which I can understand, when I think about how I enjoyed the Power Rangers movies as a kid even though looking back at them now, they were pretty dull.

Loved the insight on how some characters that have been bullied are actually the attractive/confident/strong looking ones.


New member
Mar 1, 2010
As part of the target audience (middleschool-highschool, from what you were saying), let me say that this movie was awful. Our school got some tickets to see an advance screening Wednesday night and everyone there laughed through the whole thing. While I agree that the last 30 minutes of the movie are marginally better than the first 90, they're still barely worth paying $5 for, let alone $15.


New member
Dec 31, 2008
HyenaThePirate said:
Whatever actually HAPPENED to the actor who played Bulk I wonder...
Paul Schrier. He's actually still in the business, mostly as a voice-actor and also directing a few episodes of the series. Supposedly he's back in a regular role on the most-recent Rangers iteration.

The guy who played Skull is a Ph.d in Drama - he gets to be called "Doctor" and everything.

Logic 0

New member
Aug 28, 2009
I'll pass I'm waiting to see if drive angry is any good.

P.S: happy birthday moviebob


New member
Apr 16, 2009
I was dragged by my friend to watch a private screening of this. It's Dragonball Evolution, only less shitty, which overall still means it's mediocre. It's a story cut-and-pasted from many, MANY other movies of its time, the acting is just okay, and it spends the majority of the movie on some half-baked romance and bullshit high school life before getting to any good action.

The action itself is above average, but IMO it's not worth sitting through two hours of tasteless gruel to watch.


New member
Sep 18, 2009
Jikuu said:
Happy Birthday, Bob! Great review. I find your stuff entertaining.

Probably Stephen Fry is a misplaced tag since one of the two fellows writing the book is named Frye. I'm sure they'll fix that at some point. I wish I could see MovieBob review a movie that had Stephen Fry in it. That'd be sweet.
Watch the Alice in Wonderland review, Stephen Fry is in that movie. And yeah, the tag is kinda misplaced here.


New member
Sep 15, 2008
Hey Bob, International Pipe Smoking Day is on your B-Day. Fill your bowl with your favorite plant and revel in a treat we rarely partake in these modern times.