Escape to the Movies: Scre4m


New member
Jul 13, 2009
I don't get it. If you stopped using your "special power" because people were comparing you to a character in a stunningly mediocre slasher flick, I don't see how that's anyone's fault but yours for not going, "Whatever, I am what I am and I love what I love" instead of letting it embitter you. It came across a bit too much like the people who complain about their favourite bands/movies/hobbies going mainstream... oh my gosh, something I enjoyed and thought was fun/intelligent/creative is now being recognised as being so by everyone else! I guess that means it lost all its merit and been ruined for me! I mean, seriously, what the hell? Yeah Scream was a boring, silly series, but wasn't that your chance to use the interested it generated and point people towards the real gems of the genre and maybe enlighten a few potential budding movie buffs?

I think you're smart, and enormously talented and funny, but if you let a movie franchise ruin what you feel made you special and unique just because it shone the spotlight on the things you loved and were passionate about, well... it's just kind of distressing that someone would do that to themselves.


New member
Jul 7, 2009
HankMan said:
You really cut into that one Bob
I'm glad he took a stab at it. I can gladly say I've never payed seen any of these. I saw the fist one and it sucked.
Although think he mispronounced the title. Shouldn't it be Screfourm? He made it sound like Screforum. It bugged me a little.


New member
Nov 12, 2009
While I think the 90's was a pretty good decade, I can think of various reasons why is was bad.

Music: Good - It was the decade of Grunge, which was the final death nail to Glam metal and West Coast Gangster rap became more mainstream. Bad - Grunge was short lived due to Kurt Cobain's suicide, the West Coast & East Coast rap war became too serious and it took the lives of Tupac and Biggie. Bubblegum pop soared thanks to Brintey Spears and boy bands like N'sync and Backstreet boys. Also, Vanilla Ice, Rico Suave, and MC Hammer stayed for too long. Woodstock 99 was terrible.

TV: Good - Sort of MTV's golden era. Thanks to Beavis and Butthead, TRL, Headbangers Ball, and Yo MTV Raps. Kids cartoons were great thanks to Nicktoons, Fox Kids cartoons, and Kids WB. That, and the last few years of the decade brought the Anime boom from Cartoon Network. Saturday Night Live was fantastic. Was also the decade we saw the rise of South Park, The Critic, and King of the Hill. Tales from the Crypt. The "Stone Cold era" of WWF. Xena and Hercules were there. We also had Friends, Fresh Prince of Bell Air, and Senfield. Bad - 90210, Power Rangers went on for too long until Pokemon killed it's fame, MTV started their way into reality tv dumbness with Real World, Daria, Fox Kids got rid of many of their best cartoons too soon, Headbangers Ball and Yo MTV Raps got cancelled too soon. Cop Rock. Fox News started. Jerry Springer. Barney and Teletubbies.

Films: Good - Goodfellas, Jurassic Park, Free Willy, Edward Scissorhands, Boyz in the Hood, New Jack City, Dazed and Confused, Silence of the Lambs, The Nightmare Before Christmas, Lawnmower Man, Wayne's World, Reservior Dogs, Reality Bites, Pulp Fiction, Terminator 2, Forest Gump, Toy Story, Braveheart, Fight Club, Titanic, Independence Day, Species, Austin Powers, Armageddon, Total Recall, The Big Lebowski, Blade, There's Something About Mary, Varity Blues, Starship Troopers, Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone, the Matrix, Office Space, Se7en. Bad - Everything else. Especially Godzilla and Phantom Menance if you believe it ruined the franchise.

Politics: Good - Bill Clinton got into office after 12 years of Republican presidency and the Cold War was over. Bad - Newt Gingrich and the Republican controlled House, Monica Lewinski scandal, the rise of Right wing radio hosts like Rush Limbaugh, and the debate over political correctness.

Video games - Playstation, FFVII and FFVIII, N64 and Mario 64, Dreamcast, and Mortal Kombat. NES and Sega Genesis were ok but had their problems. Bad - Arcades became almost non-used, Sega couldn't get their act together, Dreamcast died, the Mortal Kombat controversies and anger over them thanks to Joe Libermann and Jack Thompson.

And of course, that's just a sample. Still, unlike Bob, I quite liked the 90's. Still, there was quite a few things that sucked about it, but then again, almost every decade has something that sucked about it.


New member
Jun 5, 2010
For once can you leave my era alone D:< I was born in 1990 so I'm a 90's kid and it really bothers and annoys me how you stab at my era all the time because it wasn't your precious little 80's.

I can deal with people who liked the 80's, I've liked things from it, but when you keep dissing my era saying nothing good came out of it, then you just piss me off.

Because things DID. we may have had sucky comics, but we still did good in a a lot of other things.


New member
Nov 19, 2009
lokiduck said:
For once can you leave my era alone D:< I was born in 1990 so I'm a 90's kid and it really bothers and annoys me how you stab at my era all the time because it wasn't your precious little 80's.

I can deal with people who liked the 80's, I've liked things from it, but when you keep dissing my era saying nothing good came out of it, then you just piss me off.

Because things DID. we may have had sucky comics, but we still did good in a a lot of other things.
uh, no you're not. I was born in 1986, but that doesn't make me an 80s kid. When people refer to the "kids" of a generation they mean teenagers to college-age. If anything Bob is the 90s kid here because his high school career was in the 90s. I turned 13 at the ass-end of 99, so you and me would be 00's kids.


New member
Oct 1, 2009
Somebody is bitter, I may be equally biased having grown up watching the scream movies, but having gone into it expecting the worst I was actually pleasantly surprised, and hey I would take scream over another saw sequel or the hills have eyes.


New member
Nov 29, 2008
I'll take the 90s over the 00s any day of the week.

Man...Horror movies have really taken a fall. I remember seeing some good stuff in 1999, 2002, & 2004, but unless they also double as a comedy, they're all lather-rinse-repeat with a cast so annoying you just want them all to die.

When I saw the trailer for Scream 4, I thought it was actually an April Fools joke where they were just playing the trailer to Scary Movie.


Professional Amateur
Jul 20, 2010
As much as I liked the first one and disliked the following ones, I've always thought the character design on Ghostface was great. I believe if it wasn't such a letdown that the design is in movies where it's just a douchbag wearing a costume, and it was portraying something more sinister, the character design wouldn't get crapped on so much.


New member
Jun 5, 2010
Jeez, if I wanted to hear such namby-pamby ranting like this, I'd go back to high school. jeez Bob, I know it's hard to be unbiased in a review, but I'm really starting to get sick of the chip on your shoulder whenever your personal little nerd-club hits the mainstream. I thought this was a review, not a livejournal...


New member
Sep 25, 2008
I have never actually seen any of the Scream movies beyond the very first scene of the very first movie.

From what I've seen of it and other films by Wes Craven, I always try to challenge the notion that the man is some kind of Horror master. Never was too impressed by the Nightmare on Elm St stuff- though that might be the result of growing up with Freddy Krueger being an 'icon' of a past horror age- that wasnt really seen as scary anymore.


New member
Jun 19, 2009
Yeah yeah knew this would suck right off the bat.

To everyone griping about the nineties. I wouldnt say they sucked but I sure as hell wouldn't want to relive them, or any prior decade. I mean having to deal with vhs tapes alone would be enough to piss me off.

edit: oh and a new crow movie is fail no matter the formula.


New member
Dec 18, 2009
What... is with people proudly announcing that they have never seen a Scream movie...
Does that mean you either have psychic powers or were too "underground" to even watch a movie and decide for yourself...? It's like saying, "I'm proud of being ignorant".

Me? I was quite young when I first snuck into the movies to see Scream,
Whilst not actually scared, (I may have jumped once...) I kind of thought it was meant to be satirical on purpose...

Like Scary Movie referencing it, was a spoof comedy about horror movies referencing a satirical horror movie...

I think that... the era of awesome horror movies had passed by the time I was old enough to legitimately buy tickets to see horror movies (about 10 years ago).

Movies that have legitimately made me feel scared/unnerved include...
Dawn of the Dead, The Butterfly Effect, Predator, 28 Days Later, Requiem for a Dream, and... umm I tend to watch a lot of foreign movies with titles I can't pronounce... low budget horror movies tend to turn out better because they are forces to use suspense and other elements to make up for no CGI or whatever.

Whilst a few of those aren't actually horror movies, they do have elements of suspense, character development and unnerving interactions that I affiliate with good horror movies.

Cherry Cola

Your daddy, your Rock'n'Rolla
Jun 26, 2009
After months of not wanting to put up with Bob's hypocrisy, misplaced sense of important and all those other really really shit qualities he possesses, I decided to give him another chance today. Turning my other cheek, if one might say. Maybe he had improved?

The very first thing to come up in this video is mister Bob whining about not being special anymore.

Stay classy, Bob


New member
Sep 1, 2010
So you hate the franchise right off the bat because it made your one talent meaningless?

I can't take your review seriously if you openly admit to being biased against the movie before you start...


New member
Mar 25, 2011
TheEndlessSleep said:
So you hate the franchise right off the bat because it made your one talent meaningless?

I can't take your review seriously if you openly admit to being biased against the movie before you start...
It's like saying you hate the internet because it makes it easier for anyone and everyone to have your extensive movie knowledge.