Ever Cheer For the Bad Guy?


New member
Mar 13, 2009
any villian thats baddass or is getting the shit beaten out of him by the protagonist because he has this ultimate power that always allows him to win! wtf is up with that OH HES JUST 100 TIMES STRONGER THEN YOU oh wait no your stronger now according to page 3 sub article 1/2 inches in the Janeva code stating that you have the power. God that really makes my skin crawl it's not good writing its not witty its not thinking outside of the box it's just pulling shit out of your hat and calling it writer's gold! sure using an old plot device is a start hell I love it when they pull those out from no were because they actually had to think about the plot before they made it and work from there not just oh yea uh... he found a magical weapon and this MaGiCaL weapon can make every baddy go away. Also yes I too rooted for tom in tom and jerry

Iron Lightning

Lightweight Extreme
Oct 19, 2009
Oh all the fucking time. Hell, Nightmare on Elm Street was designed for this sort of thing.

HarmanSmith said:
In the interest of science, I am offering internet cookies to anybody who can give an example of a horror movie with no "stupid white people" moments.
Yeah, the original Phone only had stupid Japanese people.


New member
Aug 8, 2009
Well, I would have said Law Abiding Citizen because I honestly felt he was completely justified in his actions. But I see thats been taken, other then that however. No, I don't think I have. I'll Edit this if I think of one I guess.


Badass Alien
Mar 2, 2009
Whenever I watch a slasher movie with Jason Voorhees I always unconditionally root for Jason. Because he's just slaughtering the usual suspects of jocks and cheerleaders and what with me being a nerd I feel inclined to agree with him.
Besides, stupid people need to be killed off to make the human gene pool stronger.

Speaking of:
Any alien invasion out to destroy the human race, god bless you boys you are doing your galaxy proud.

Aura Guardian

New member
Apr 23, 2008
Julianking93 said:
So, Escapist, am I the only one who sometimes roots for the bad guy?
I root for them all the time. They're usually the most interesting character. Some heroes bore me.

Dapper Ninja

New member
Aug 13, 2008
I root for the bad guys on several occasions:

1. The good guys are unbearably annoying.
2. The bad guys are the good guys, i.e. pretty much every Quentin Tarantino movie, Fight Club, etc.
3. Everyone is a bad guy to an extent, but they're all well-written enough to be likable and even agreeable, a la Death Note.
4. The villains just plain kick ass.


Ace Defective
May 1, 2009
I never really "rooted" for him, but I always felt bad when I fought Cortex in the Crash Bandicoot games.
Twinsanity fixed that, making me be on the same side as him.

Kinguendo said:
Yep, Tom from Tom & Jerry... Its set out so you are supposed to cheer for Jerry, but he is a thief. All Tom is trying to do is stop Jerry stealing (most of the time) and kids never seemed to realize that. Tom & Jerry teaches bad morales kids, dont be a mouse.
Oh yeah, Tom too.
I bet if the bulldog was on his side, he would've whooper Jerry's behind.


New member
Aug 2, 2008
Law Abiding Citizen, though I suppose that was a large portion of the point of said movie. I kinda wanted Joker to win in The Dark Knight and Whiplash in Iron Man 2.


New member
Feb 16, 2010
teh_pwning_dude said:
thethingthatlurks said:
I'm pretty sure Machiavellianism isn't a word, but you maybe realpolitik is what you're looking for :p
Oh, and it's existentialism, not nihilism. Nietzsche hated nihilism, and he is only associated with classical nihilism, not the modern "I kill because I can" sort of nihilism.

But something was accomplished! A potential threat was removed, and the empire had a show of power that intimidated its enemies. You might call it evil, I call it necessary

Wait, Team Rocket is evil? I always thought they were just doucebags for the sake of being doucebags, and possibly comic relief...
It is a word, I was overexposed to it thanks to Mr. Shakespeare and Iago. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Machiavellianism

Classical nihilsm is still bullshit, and the empty existentialism that Nietzsche sprayed doesn't hold a candle to the better works. Don't go confusing Nietzsche's half-baked insults of religion with the likes of Camus and Kierkegaard. He was just a madman.

How is it necessary? That's the largest load of bollocks I've ever heard. The planet wasn't a threat, such actions only serve to grow opposition and support for the rebellion. The Imperial Senate had already been disbanded.

And as for Team Rocket, that was my point. There is no comparison to cartoon villians. Team Rocket aren't evil and never kill anyone, yet you say that they're more evil than the guys who blew up a planet full of people?
Ah, one more word added to my vocabulary...

Is Camus really that great of an existentialist? I've found his works to be more of a reflection of human nature than philosophical (in the explorative sense)

It served as an act of intimidation, which was absolutely necessary. Even if the result was greater sympathy for the rebellion, would you really expect them to go up against a superweapon like that?

I said the empire was no more evil than they, true. And how exactly aren't they? One insignificant planet out of millions, that is their sole destructive power. I'm pretty sure I've seen cartoons with a (comparatively) higher amount of destruction...

Seraphic Star

New member
May 29, 2010
Xiado said:
In FF12 I sympathized with Vayne and Dr. Cid's ideals of breaking humanity free from the rule of the gods... I kinda wished I could have joined with him instead
Me too. The methods were awful, but the goals were fair. Also, the gods were obnoxious and Venat was actually doing something good for mankind.


One day, we'll wake the zombies
Mar 29, 2010
If I agree with their motives, prefer them over the protagonists/good guys, or whatever other reasons I can't think of at the moment, I'll cheer for them.

Hannibal Lector, Darth Vader, Darth Maul, Sephiroth, Clyde Shelton (Law Abiding Citizen) are a few I can think of.


Elite Member
Dec 1, 2009
Well: Jason, Freddy, Xenomorphs and Predators. I think those are kind of expected though, considering that (apart from Ripley in the Alien series) all the good guys are too criminally stupid to live.

I guess... hmm, It'd be kind of cool to see Bowser win for once. You know actually take over the Mushroom Kingdom and force Mario to become this sort of underground resistance hero. At least to spice things up, and to make the big guy actually seem like a threat. It's kind of bad that Bowser was at his most intimidating in Paper Mario 1, and that's only because I thought he was a ***** to beat at the end.


New member
Oct 26, 2009
jibjab963 said:
Yes I often do root for the bad guys. One example is in game called Gears of War. I root for the "Bad Guys" because there only defending there planet from who? Humans of course. There is no way around it that Humans are the bad guys. Wait, does that mean I am rooting for the good guys?
They attacked first, they could of just stayed inside the Earth and not attack... I don't understand this at all
Nothing comes to mind... hmm...

Maverick Siragusa

New member
May 5, 2010
avatar was bullshit humans should have one

starwars was bullshit the empire was pretty cool

and all those horror movies were the protagonists are some of the most stupid fucks who ever walked the earth and survive, bull shit


New member
Nov 4, 2009
I know it's probably stupid, but I the Music Miester to win in that one episode of Batman with Niel Patrick Heris. I mean, he was going to bring about world peace. Sure, all the worlds money and pretty much everything would be his, but who needs that when there is world peace? If you asked your neighbor for a chicken, you would get it, but you would not ask all the time, only once or twice.


New member
Jun 3, 2009
I ALWAYS root for Godzilla. Who cheers on the crappily dubbed humans anyway?

In the movie version of Kickass, I ended up dying a little insode whenever a henchman was killed. I had read the comic series a week or so before, and the bad guys didn't seem that bad with the changes to the story.

Example: Big Daddy was put on the moral high ground when he dragged his daughter into his own battles, and the gang boss seemed to want to keep McLovin out of the crime business.

That is another thing about the movie, Red Mist was alright! In the book his whole betrayal thing was a surprise, and he was wrote to be a total sadist (he actually says that he had masturbated to thoughts of torturing Kick Ass. Damn.). In the movie, most of what made him so disgusting got the chopping block.

Meh, I could go on too long with a Kick Ass rant. It was alright I guess.