Ever Cheer For the Bad Guy?


New member
Aug 7, 2009
mb16 said:
star wars: what did the empire ever do wrong? i didn't see any slave labour or death camps
half life 2: when Breen is offering freeman to work with the combine, second time I wanted to join them
thethingthatlurks said:
mb16 said:
star wars, what did the empire ever do wrong? i didn't see any slave labour or death camps
Now that you mention it, I don't really get that either. If we disregard the prequel trilogy, we just have the word of a few characters to go on that the empire is evil. Ok, they murder a bunch of ewoks in the last movie, but I really can't blame them for that...
Seriously, where the hell are the firing squads, slave labor, death camps, gestapo-esque secret police, and massive amounts of propaganda? A sorry excuse for an evil empire indeed...

OT: I usually do. I mean not when the bad guys are just mindless killers (although I always root for the monsters in those movies), or idiots, but I do on all other occasions...
Examples of Empire being evil:
1. Founded on the genocide of an entire people (Jedi).
2. As previously mentioned, destroyed Alderonn, another genocide that, since the planet was reputably pacifist and merely supported the rebellion democratically, is the holocaust except, like, a hundred fold.
3. Involvement of the enslavement of kashyyk. They imprison the Wookies and either force them to work for them or sell them as slaves.

OP: Hmm...I don't remember any in particular where I was rooting for the bad guy. There's been a couple animes and mangas that have REALLY annoying protagonist characters that I desperately wish would die (the one that comes to mind most clearly is the girl with the glasses in Code Geass), but I usually don't want evil to win out over good. I actually supported the Nav'i in Avatar and I wanted the Alliance to win in Star Wars.


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Apr 6, 2010
If the good guy is stupid and stereotypical and the villan looks cool and is a cool character, then yes.


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May 7, 2010
AidoruKami said:
jibjab963 said:
AidoruKami said:
jibjab963 said:
Yes I often do root for the bad guys. One example is in game called Gears of War. I root for the "Bad Guys" because there only defending there planet from who? Humans of course. There is no way around it that Humans are the bad guys. Wait, does that mean I am rooting for the good guys?
Um... you realize the Locusts are the ones invading the humans' planet, right?

Anyway, probably Sho Minamimoto from The World Ends With You. Not because I don't like the protagonists or anything like that, he's just too awesome to not like...
Really? I could of swore it was the other way around.
No, it's not... Take a look; http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gears_of_War#Story

Oh yeah! Thought of another one... Bowser. I mean, does anyone really care if he kidnaps Peach any more?

Also, I saw someone mention Organization XIII. That's a good one.
Actually,The locust came from underground, so they were there first. maybe the humans invaded, or maybe humans were native to Sera as well. the game doesnt really elaborate on this. something to look forward in the third one?

OT:the thing about antagonists and protagonists, is that they can be divided into political views. Villians tend towards radical/liberal thinking, where their ideas lead to complete revision of the way things work. Good guys are more reactionary/conservative. they fight for the way things were and always should be. I'm more of a conservative thinker, so I'll usually side with the good guys unless the bad guy's motives/methods/beliefs are sound


New member
May 12, 2010
Having recently played Stubbs the Zombie I can say yes, if you can count all those innocent people in the game as protagonists. I would mostly consider Stubbs a villain, he killed a LOT of innocent people for little to no reason at all. Aside from the fact he's a zombie lol. Other than that the city of Punchbowl, it's police force, it's teenagers, it's farmers, it's scientists, it's military and most definitely it's robots all most thoroughly deserved it.


New member
Aug 1, 2009
i wanted the bruce willis lookalike to win in district 9 and i was so sad when the colonel died in avatar


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Apr 30, 2009
It's about all I do when watching movies. In games and movies, I'm a ridiculously evil bastard. I was rooting for the Sith and the Galactic Empire throughout the Star Wars series - perhaps in part because the Empire looks so cool and badass, compared to the Rebels with their crappy hodge-podge uniforms and scavenged/donated weaponry. The only time I'll say I prefer the good guys to win is in the Star Trek movies (Mostly thinking of Kirk and Picard and their bunch - not that abomination J.J. Abrams made, I wish that ship blew up and took that hokey wannabe TOS cast with it).

Seriously though, bad guys get the badass music, they're cold and calculating and most of the time they're extremely intelligent. It's always through dumb luck that the protagonist of the story defeats them (OH NO, an obscure exhaust port is the end of the Death Star...I mean rly...real world, the Death Star would never have been blown up, the Rebels would have been crushed, Empire rules the galaxy). It's more fun to see the bad guys win anyway since movies these days refuse to allow it...for example Joker or Batman? Yeah, Joker was way cooler than Batman - totally was behind the Joker. I wonder how many movies were made that feature a "bad guy" as the protagonist and have him "win"? I wonder about Falling Down? He seemed to start out the good guy but ended up the bad guy (in a ways) by the end. Open to debate I'm sure, but I rooted for him throughout the movie.

P.S. I didn't watch Avatar but I had a friend who did and I walked in on the part where they were trying to destroy their ships...YES I wanted the Humans to destroy the - smurfs? I dunno whatever they're called. They were all like "NO, he's gonna hurt him" and I was like "YES, kill the traitor!" If they ever made a cool good guy I might root for them, but I haven't really seen one yet.


New member
Dec 7, 2009
I can't think of anything off the top of my head, but I often do. Usually just because in modern cinema a great many protagonists are twats. Sure the enemies are usually stupid, but their less stupid, and actually have something to do other than stand with a blank stare going "boianeionaoingoai"


New member
Mar 2, 2009
I was rooting for Colonel Quarditch and the humans in Avatar, if that counts. Probably does, since we are supposed to be rooting for the over-grown blue Smurf catpeople.

The Seldom Seen Kid

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Apr 28, 2010
I root for the sun whenever I watch Frosty the Snowman.
I find it irritating how he's never brought into account for his heartless and cold-blooded thefts of snowman clothing apparel.

EDIT: Also, as someone mentioned above, I also rooted for the humans in Avatar.

The Riff

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Aug 23, 2008
Voldemort in the harry potter series. He seems like a pretty cool guy, would probably be awesome to hang with him sometime. That hand harry is all "I R SO HOLY"

Which brings me to a question. In the first move they keep going on about that Harry didn't get killed because of love and etc. and then they do it in every single movie, they keep reminding us that it was love that protected him and her blah blah blah. They have dome that in every movie. VOLDEMORT I AM PRETTY SURE THAT HARRY ALREADY KNOWS WHY HE DIDN'T DIE! THEY KEEP GOING ON AND ON ABOUT IT EVERY YEAR! KILL HIM ALREADY!


New member
Mar 31, 2009
I just want to point out that 'bad guy' and antihero are not the same thing.

Light (Death Note) is an antihero.

The Doctor from The Human Centipede is a bad guy.

Alex from A Clockwork Orange is an antihero.

Hannibal Lector is a bad guy.


Kyuubi Fanatic

Insane Fanboy
Feb 22, 2010
Plenty if times. Clyde in Law Abiding Citizen, the psycho from Se7en, John Travolta in Swordfish, any character who genuinely believed in what he did so much I couldn't help but hope he succeeded. It helps if their reason is justified (Clyde).


New member
Apr 2, 2010
Doctor who the episode were
Were rose teleports to another dimension forever
I was cheering for the daleks