Ever Cheer For the Bad Guy?


New member
Mar 11, 2010
Jonluw said:
I at least found my self sympathizing with VIKI in i robot.
I was sitting there genuinely thinking that the protagonist was being illogical and irrational.

Edit: Does this mean that the normal person would perceive me as evil?
I totally agree, so often there is a villian out to exterminate human kind for the greater good of the universe. another example was Duke form Tales of Vesperia, though in a fantasy world, I was easily swayed from believing in the main characters ideals to wishing that they would perish in order for the greater good and none of the "hopefully humanity will improve" which ofcourse, it wont.


New member
Oct 23, 2008
you know, I was doing that for the last few chapters in Full Metal Alchemist. I'm sad that series is done. T_T


New member
Sep 21, 2009
Yeah, when I watched Sonic X (I was little, don't judge me), I actively, positively wanted Sonic to die and Robotnik to conquer the world.
Oh, and Avatar, of course.


New member
May 31, 2010
Wile E. coyote in looney tunes, I mean hes really just trying to get something to eat, is that so wrong?

Any villian where all he was doing was killing people who deserve to die, Clyde from law abiding citizen being the best example, also the bad guys in horror movies just because the people they're killing are just so dam stupid


New member
May 24, 2008
I rarely cheer for the villain. Not because I'm a goody two-shoes or any of that, but because it often screws with he flow of the story if the villain does better. Whenever that isn't true, I could potentially root for the villain, but most of the time if the hero is pathetic, the villain is even worse, and thus neither is worth rooting for.

JourneyThroughHell said:
Oh, and Avatar, of course.
Unless we're talking ": The Last Airbender," in which case ignore all the following, I couldn't bring myself to root for the bad guys in Avatar. Sure they had the cooler gear, but all I could think while watching them is "what the hell? *I* could do better than that. What idiot is running the armory for these guys, and why is their general an arrogant retard?"

Admittedly, they didn't really have a way to predict the hoard of animals that kicked their ass, so I can't fault them for that one. But why would they carpet bomb from a couple hundred feet up when they could do it from the stratosphere? Actually, why did they even HAVE ground troops on that mission, when there wasn't any ground targets to capture? Or any escorts? The bomber should have been 10 kilometers up and alone, dropped, and come back, mission successful.


New member
Jan 9, 2009
Half way through the first series of Pokemon I found myself cheering for team rocket I mean they go through so much just for one Pikachu they deserve something and ash and the rest of them always struck me as too goody-goody in order for me to sympathize with them as opposed to team rocket who seemed a lot more flawed and thus more relateable.

Brad Shepard

New member
Sep 9, 2009
Shockolate said:
I wonder how long it takes for Death Note and Code Geass (up to interpretation mind you) get mentioned.
Cant everyone in Code Geass be considered a Bad guy? Or for that matter, there are no good or bad guys in my favorite Anime, just people out for there goals, using whatever means they can to get to that goal.

OT: Bowser, give the guy a break and go on a date with him Peach, ok? Even if its just go karting or what not.

Silver Patriot

Senior Member
Aug 9, 2008
A lot of old cartoons. Sometimes you just want to see Captain Planet get his ass beat.

GI Joe (Old Cartoon): Now don't get me wrong, I like the Joes. I just feel bad for Cobra sometimes. Some victory would be good for him.

Quarantine: I don't know if they were the "bad guys" but I was rooting for the Government the entire time. Sealing the building, snipers on the roof, I feel safer already!

Pokemon: Team Rocket. I just feel sorry for them at this point. Even when they're not stealing Pokemon they get screwed. I mean come on!

Nex Vesica

New member
May 20, 2010
Not sure if its been mentioned yet but in regards to Star Wars the Empire was actually evil to all the non-human races/anyone who went against them...plus there's the fact that they blew up a pacifist planet just cuz in the movie. Yeah, it doesn't get portrayed much beyond that but eh...its not a political movie and I think one of the things that bogged down the sequels was the fact that it focused on Republic politics. The simplicity of the original series is part of its charm and I'm glad it wasn't bogged down with various political discussions or pointless murder scenes of the Empire shooting up innocent people though if you need another example Luke's aunt and uncle.

There are some instances where I enjoy the villain more but its usually because of poorly written good guys. I don't like when people want the villain to win simply because he's not the good guy/it'd be unexpected. Yeah, you probably wouldn't see it coming but then its difficult to pull off a real ending, unless you're intending on doing a sequel as it raises a bunch of questions and makes you want to see more of the story after the bad guy succeeds. I'm going to use Braveheart as an example, an excellent movie but who didn't want to see that final battle at the end, or the subsequent winning their freedom?

On that note...I was very much against Ferris Bueller during the majority of the film, he was a dick.


New member
Jun 6, 2010
Im not sure if these would really be classed as bad guys but in the C&C series i prefer to play as the N.O.D forces.
Like i said im not sure if they really are villians, but i feel that they are portrayed as such


New member
Jan 25, 2009
Yea I was behind The Joker and Two Face while I was watching The Dark Knight, Batman's voice just gives me the shits