Ever Cheer For the Bad Guy?

Zorg Machine

New member
Jul 28, 2008
The obvious one is of course Death note.
especially after L died
Also Silence of the lambs, FF7, bleach (I'm just wishing that someone will win, it's been a year, get on with it!) and Halo 1, 2 and 3.


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Feb 26, 2009
what did anyone lose when alderaan was destroyed...nothing, i mean there are more valuable planets in Star Wars mythos


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Sep 16, 2008
AidoruKami said:
jibjab963 said:
Yes I often do root for the bad guys. One example is in game called Gears of War. I root for the "Bad Guys" because there only defending there planet from who? Humans of course. There is no way around it that Humans are the bad guys. Wait, does that mean I am rooting for the good guys?
Um... you realize the Locusts are the ones invading the humans' planet, right?

Anyway, probably Sho Minamimoto from The World Ends With You. Not because I don't like the protagonists or anything like that, he's just too awesome to not like...
Really? I could of swore it was the other way around.


New member
Jan 27, 2010
I find myself rooting for most bad guys in most stories - heroes are always there to statisfy cliches, so usually the bad guys tend to be the well written, interesting guys with the elaborate plans.


New member
Aug 17, 2009
Wow, I didn't see it mentioned yet. Deathnote, obviously. Who doesn't want Kira to win? A major theme of the show is blurred right and wrong.


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Jul 31, 2009

During the part where they fire missiles at the giant tree, my brother said "I love a happy ending. America Wins!" It was absolutely hilarious at the time.


New member
Jun 29, 2009
I wanted Organization XIII from Kingdom Hearts to win. I still have no idea how they were evil. They only wanted to get their hearts. Sure, their leader was a tool and others tried to steal the hearts of other people for stronger Nobodies, but most members honestly thought this was a means to an end.


New member
Mar 10, 2010
Yes, often.

Look a my avatar and you will see an immediate example.
rosemystica said:
I absolutely adored the entire Books of Magic miniseries... except for Tim Hunter.

I was always rooting for Mr E to strand him at the end of time. (Though it's kind of debatable that Mr E is a villain. Just depends on your point of view.)
Evil in itself is only a point of view.

Many villains were hailed as heroes by some. We now think that those some were sick bastards, they probably thought we were weak and deserved to perish...

It all gets very confusing and morally debatable.


New member
Jul 31, 2009
I wanted the bad guys in Avatar to win. Because then the movie would have been more realistic.


New member
Jun 10, 2010
jibjab963 said:
AidoruKami said:
jibjab963 said:
Yes I often do root for the bad guys. One example is in game called Gears of War. I root for the "Bad Guys" because there only defending there planet from who? Humans of course. There is no way around it that Humans are the bad guys. Wait, does that mean I am rooting for the good guys?
Um... you realize the Locusts are the ones invading the humans' planet, right?

Anyway, probably Sho Minamimoto from The World Ends With You. Not because I don't like the protagonists or anything like that, he's just too awesome to not like...
Really? I could of swore it was the other way around.
No, it's not... Take a look; http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gears_of_War#Story

Oh yeah! Thought of another one... Bowser. I mean, does anyone really care if he kidnaps Peach any more?

Also, I saw someone mention Organization XIII. That's a good one.


New member
Jan 2, 2009
Yes, all the time in fact. It all started with my favorite Sith Lord, Mr. Darth Maul, and his double lightsaber. I also cheered for the bad guys in the movie Vantage Point(good movie).


New member
Jul 16, 2009
Okay. I usually find myself cheering for the bad guys. You wanna' know why?
Because the antagonist is generally given far more character depth than the protagonist is. (There are exceptions of course, such as Fable's now legendarily laughably stupid crop of villains)
A villain who has a clear motive with a clear reason for pursuing them can be a fantastically compelling character. One thing I'm personally very fond of is a relateable, human villain. At least insofar as not being stupidly evil for no clear reason other than being a douche. Half Life 2's Wallace Breen is a clear cut example of this, brought to life by the late, great Robert Culp. Breen is a guy given oodles of (largely illusory) power that he uses to (at least in his own mind) make the best of a bad situation. He rationalizes (correctly) that if they don't kowtow to the Combine's demands the entire human race will be wiped out, and he does what he can to keep it alive, albeit at the expense of freedom, privacy and even basic biological urges. All of which he attempts to rationalize until the bitter end despite the massive amount of suffering going on. Suffer, that has, caused humanity to revolt their against their alien oppressors, which Breen equates to signing the species own death warrant. Still, hidden behind all of his tragic rationalization is the fact that this is a man, who has been (more or less) in charge of all daily affairs on the entire planet for the better part of the last 20 years. He has power and status. He's grown accustomed to it and isn't going to let it slip away without a bloody fight.
This is just one example of a genuinely great villain. Others far less sympathetic examples do exist but this is one of the all-time greats.


New member
Mar 31, 2009
The Velociraptors in Jurassic park.
Who would understaff a Island with carnivores that are perfectly adapted to the surroundings.
Meh screw guards,isolated fences for highly intelligent animals and reliable personnel.


New member
Apr 12, 2009
Jonluw said:
I at least found my self sympathizing with VIKI in i robot.
I was sitting there genuinely thinking that the protagonist was being illogical and irrational.

Edit: Does this mean that the normal person would perceive me as evil?
Nah thinking that will smiths "acting" is irritating is rational conclusion given that it so unconvincing of real life.

And I had to stop playing Killzone because I felt to much sympathy for the helgast.