Ever Cheer For the Bad Guy?


New member
Feb 16, 2010
teh_pwning_dude said:
Yes, because they're usually more interesting than the douchebaggy main leads.

thethingthatlurks said:
mb16 said:
star wars, what did the empire ever do wrong? i didn't see any slave labour or death camps
Now that you mention it, I don't really get that either. If we disregard the prequel trilogy, we just have the word of a few characters to go on that the empire is evil. Ok, they murder a bunch of ewoks in the last movie, but I really can't blame them for that...
Seriously, where the hell are the firing squads, slave labor, death camps, gestapo-esque secret police, and massive amounts of propaganda? A sorry excuse for an evil empire indeed...
They blew up a whole planet. Full of people. Did we forget this? And they did that after they got what they wanted.
And for all we know, Alderan could have harbored weapons of mass disintegration :p


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Jun 5, 2010
yeah but at that point people were saying "you know what i may not have voted for this guy but at least he gets things done, he isn't so bad after all" and he panicked and blew a planet up if he had really thought about it he would have raised takes although more people would have joined the rebellion then probably


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Jun 8, 2010
I usually root for any bad guy thats doing something for a good reason even though their methods may not seem so good


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Mar 5, 2008
Not really. Now and again, but not in any good movies, only in movies with protagonists so stupid and irritating that I want them dead. Which is pretty rare, really.

And excuse the rant, but really people. Rooting for the bad guy for no other reason than "the good guys always win, it's too predictable" displays an immense lack of understanding of storytelling. Every story has a point. If the good guys are somehow in the wrong, then the bad guy may win, thus meaning the theme of the movie is to avoid making the mistake that the good guys made. But in the vast majority of stories, the point is hinging on the success of the good guys, meaning that if the bad guy just wins at the end, it renders the entire movie pointless.

It's the same as most of the people who liked the ending to Red Dead Redemption: just because it's surprising doesn't mean it's good. Surprised have to be in line with the theme of the story, or else they're nothing more than a surprise for the sake of surprise that completely nulls any value the story could have had. "It's too predictable" is nowhere near a good excuse for the bad guys to win, and if that's the only reason for it, I can safely say that story will almost always suck immensely.



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Jul 8, 2009
Well, you can be evil in Infamous, so I guess that counts ... -ish. Also, slightly obscure, but in FFX, Seymour likes being dead, so through all of my battles with him I was just hoping that his wish would finally come true and he'd Actually F***ing Die!!! Oh and technically, if the Al-bhed are evil, then I wanted them to blow the crazy people to kingdom-come with there giant lazer beams. And if the crazy religious people are evil, then I wanted them to destroy the Al-bhed so that summoners could keep summoning ... don't judge me, I like Anima and Valefor.


New member
Feb 16, 2010
teh_pwning_dude said:
thethingthatlurks said:
And for all we know, Alderan could have harbored weapons of mass disintegration :p
Also for all we know, 80% of the planet was an orphanage for kittens and puppies. What then?
Uhm, preemptive first strike so that the kittens and puppies could not be weaponized?
Come on, what evidence do we have (in the old trilogy) that the empire is really stomping-on-kittens-and-flicking-off-babies evil? The story is told from one side, except for a hideous old guy muttering something about the dark side of something...

Obrien Xp

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Sep 27, 2009
Yeah, every show that I watched as a kid I rooted for the bad guy. Nowadays, I usually root for the antagonist if they're bad ass.


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Feb 12, 2010
Shockolate said:
I wonder how long it takes for Death Note and Code Geass (up to interpretation mind you) get mentioned.
I've also cheered for both Kira & Lelouch on those series but that was merely because they made the story more interesting.

I always find it more interesting when the villains get their way every now and then; like the Joker in the Dark Night and the Mule in Foundation and Empire (sorta).


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Mar 22, 2009
I often cheer for the Japanese in Whale Wars. Matter of fact, the only reason I'm watching this season is because they ram Sea Shepherd's new fast boat.


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May 16, 2009
cormacdffy said:
I wanted Heddey Lemarr in Blazing Saddles to win. Never knew why, though cos he was a dick.
Hedley. The running joke was that people would call him Heddey :p
baseracer said:
I wanted the bad guys in Avatar to win. Because then the movie would have been more realistic.
Seems like the Empire in Star Wars and Avatar seems to be the winners of this thread


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Jun 25, 2008
I would like to ask the topic... do you mean antagonist? or the ... morally unethical guy. Because someone said Dexter and he's not evil, just misunderstood =D

canadamus_prime said:
Cheveyo said:
In Law Abiding Citizen, I wanted Clyde to kill everyone.
Was he really the bad guy though? It was so hard to tell.
^ another Law Abiding Citizen, it was hard to establish who was "good" and "evil" (although the ending pissed me off to no end)

If it means anything, i voted for Liev Shrieber in Repo Men and i was SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO happy with the ending, despite so many others hating it


New member
Feb 16, 2010
teh_pwning_dude said:
thethingthatlurks said:
Uhm, preemptive first strike so that the kittens and puppies could not be weaponized?
Come on, what evidence do we have (in the old trilogy) that the empire is really stomping-on-kittens-and-flicking-off-babies evil? The story is told from one side, except for a hideous old guy muttering something about the dark side of something...
Blowing up the planet! That's what made them evil! That's what this discussion is about!
You have a really low standard of what constitutes evil. If obliterating a single planet in a galaxy for questionable reasons (at best) is evil, the average 3rd world rebel leader must be satan himself...


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Dec 18, 2008
If you count Clyde as the bad guy in Law Abiding Citizen, then that's one.

Although, I wouldn't put him in the "evil" category.