Ever Cheer For the Bad Guy?


New member
Dec 9, 2009
I'm sick of the cliche of the good guys always winning, I would love for the badguys to win for once, so im often cheering their side.

Reminds me, film called Chaos...
Good guy throughout the film turns out to be the mastermind behind this huge plot, and makes it off on a private jet with a billion dollars. Didn't see it coming at all, was very refreshing to see the baddies win. =] x.


New member
Aug 10, 2009
In Modern Warfare 2, has anyone considered that Task Force 141 have so little problem killing? They're all mass murderers.

The favela mission "Takedown" comes to mind. TF141 attack the militia first, out of nowhere they storm into this neighborhood guns blazing. From the militias point of view they are just defending their homes.

If a bunch of black ops guys came down your street shooting through your house at your family for seemingly no reason wouldn't you shoot back? Alejandro Rojas probably brings money into that neighborhood even if he is an arms dealer. God knows they'll need reparation money.



New member
Apr 28, 2010
Does cheering for Tobin Bell (Jigsaw) in the Saw movies count? (I get the feeling I got ninja'd on that one). I also cheered for Hannibal Lecter, but only because of this one time when I took a personality test (a real one not those bogus ones on Facebook) it had a list of real and fictional people who had the same kind. Guess who was on the "Fictional People" list?


New member
Aug 10, 2009
Also, again in Modern Warfare 2 when Task Force 141 sets off an EMP above Washington DC (In order to stop the war that is raging in multiple states? I guess someone can explain how that works later.) And it kills (probably) hundreds of American soldiers. (Think of the pilots and passengers in the helicopters falling out of the sky, not to mention all the planes carrying innocent civilians).

Price uses a hammer where the scalpel was needed, and in doing so kills hundreds.


Elite Member
Jan 6, 2009
BudZer said:
Funny that you mention this, just yesterday I was watching Avatar for the first time. It was so awful that I found myself routing for the bad guys.
Yes. Throughout the whole movie I hated the military, but Colonel Kickass was just so awesome I had to say "You know, if the Na'Vi would just move this could be over with no blood shed."

Plus, you know, he was able to grab a mech suit and escape his ship WHILE ON FIRE and then take on both of the main characters still capable of battle; he nearly won. For an old man he was pretty awesome.

Seraphic Star

New member
May 29, 2010
oranger said:
KEFKA. burning the world has never been filled with such glee.

Batfeces insane? Nah, I don't see how can anyone cheer for that. I cheered for Kuja in FF9 and for Seymour in FF10, but Kefka just lacks the rational thought behind it. Sure, he's crazy, and some say it's because of his tragic past, but I do not approve poisoning a whole castle.


In brightest day...
Nov 18, 2009
Marter said:
First off, high five for watching Orphan!

I often root for the bad guys, just because movies nowadays are too predictable. I'd like to see the bad guy win once and a while, so I cheer for them.
I'd like to see the bad guy win occasionally, but not just for the sake of changing things up a bit.
thethingthatlurks said:
mb16 said:
star wars, what did the empire ever do wrong? i didn't see any slave labour or death camps
Now that you mention it, I don't really get that either. If we disregard the prequel trilogy, we just have the word of a few characters to go on that the empire is evil. Ok, they murder a bunch of ewoks in the last movie, but I really can't blame them for that...
Seriously, where the hell are the firing squads, slave labor, death camps, gestapo-esque secret police, and massive amounts of propaganda? A sorry excuse for an evil empire indeed...
Something I've mentioned before, and probably will do again. Every 'evil' act carried out by the empire is the result of direct provocation by the rebellion. If you ignore the expanded universe, the prequel trilogy, and the fact that the Emperor basically says "I'm evil", there is no real proof that the Empire is a bad thing.


New member
Jan 14, 2009
I cheered for the bad guys in Avatar. Simply because of how ridiculous both sides were.


Kid makes a post...
Jun 1, 2009
How are people saying the destruction of Alderaan isn't evil? It's the genocide of billions of people. Fucking billions. Yeah, in comparison it's not too big of a deal. But I don't buy into the idea that "it's all relative". It's not. If you kill one random person in cold blood, that's wrong. If you murder a family, that's evil. If you blow up a planet, wiping out civilisations and millions of innocent families, that's hands down worse than Hitler. This wasn't even a justifiable military action. Alderaan was irrelevant to the Empire's enemies. It was an innocent planet that wasn't complicit with the Rebellion.

This can't even be linked to Hiroshima or Nagasaki, which are morally questionable at best. This is more like the Holocaust, but on a global scale for a planet which is almost definitely more populated than Earth.

Edit: Actually, I think it would be more like nuking the entire Middle East to get rid of a few hidden Al-Qaeda cells.


New member
Dec 31, 2009
If Hannibal counts as a bad guy, yes. Also, I rooted for the bad guy in Watchmen. And lots of other times too, I'm sure, but I can't recall any at the moment.


New member
Mar 7, 2009
I don't know if he's classified as a bad guy or anti-hero in the movie but definitely Michael Douglas' character in Falling Down. "And you're gonna die, wearing that stupid hat. How does it feel?" Come on, that's classic!


New member
Mar 16, 2010
Avatar - I was cheering for Colonel MOTHERFUCKIN' Quaritch.

I was pretty pissed off at the "hurr durr environmentalist" message the movie was trying to give us, and I am also a firm believer that technology > everything else... so no surprise there.