Games that you mentally declare non-canon.


New member
Jan 2, 2011
Cyrin said:
The Elder Scrolls: Oblivion

Perfect Dark Zero

Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic 2: The Sith lords

That said I'm glad that I'm not the only one who thought KOTOR 2 was a piece of shit story wise.


New member
Nov 10, 2010
Metroid: Other M. I don't care what defense you have; the story needs to die in a fire...and maybe the voice actors with it. I haven't decided yet.


The Purple Mage
Nov 9, 2009

Star Wars: The Old Republic. Nonsense. The expanded lore wasn't this disregarded since Attack of the Clones. Also, I've seen many free-to-play MMOs that are better. fact...

I think every Star Wars game designed after The Phantom Menace came out is non-canon. That includes The Force Unleashed: A story about a Super Jedi, who could defeat anyone who came along, starting the Rebel Alliance by accident (spoiler alert).

What I want to know is when Lucas Arts are going to drop this shallow pretense: That the prequel trilogy wasn't seven or eight hours of constant agony drilled right into the fore-brain; declare the whole confused lot of it non-cannon and move on.


Metroid Other M
Enter the Matrix
Were there any games based on Star Trek: Enterprise? Well, those ones.
How about games based on the 2009 Star Trek? Throw those in the NC pile too...
Assassins Creed 2 Brotherhood
Assassins Creed 2 Revelation
Assassins Creed 2 Another Sequel
Assassins Creed 2 The Sequel after Another Sequel
Silent Hill Origins
Assassins Creed 2 The Prequel

And, oddly enough, the original Fable. I played Fable 2 first, and the poorly-explained history was, in my mind, better than what was actually shown.


New member
Jun 1, 2012
Dawn of war 2. Incredibly repetitive and with a total lack of any epic feel that DoW had. I mean why would you take a system were you could control 80 or so marines and 5-6 tanks to were you control less than a dozen in total - most of the time less.

DoW really had that epic "galaxy at war" kind of feel to it and some of the battles were properly tense and tight. Dawn 2 just made me bored "Oh did all my squad members die? Sorry I feel asleep."

The White Hunter

Basment Abomination
Oct 19, 2011
TerribleAssassin said:
SkarKrow said:
TerribleAssassin said:

Heroes, Shadow, Riders, 06, Zero Gravity (but the Hero theme was so badass enough I considered keeping it canon, Unleashed, the Kinect Riders one and Generations.
Most of this. Though I enjoyed Heroes it has a crap story and Shadow should have stayed dead.
Generations was also fun but crap story, too short, too little desire to play stuff again, too many "Green Hill" type levels and city levels.

Colours can stay canon though, Colours is great.
Notice how I kept Colours out of the non-canon list, and also, it's the one I've yet to play.

Seriously, Sonic games have the best music going for video games.
Do play Colours, it's in the Unleashed style but a lot better.

They also do have great music tbh, wouldn't say the best going but definately up there with the best of em.

Lord Quirk

New member
Aug 15, 2011
OniaPL said:
I don't understand why some people say "Dragon Age 2". There never was a sequel to DA:O... I really wish they would make one though.
The Awakening DLC is sort of a sequel, I liked it better than DA2. It's set after DA:O where you fight dragons and broodmothers and meet sentient darkspawn and Anders still has a personality. It references your choices in the first game (if you imported) more than DA2 as well.The proper sequel, in my eyes. DA2 was just some bizarre spinoff where the protagonist was a white-haired mage who hates people.


New member
Jul 5, 2012
Mass Effect 2 (Yes, the entire thing)
The ending of Mass Effect 3
Dragon Age 2
Fallout 3
Metroid: Other M
Every Silent Hill after The Room (except shattered memories)

Hey, that was less than I thought.


New member
Jan 6, 2010
Max Payne 3, just... why...

I see a surprisingly large amount of Fallout 3 haters here. Even if it did travel far away from the first two games it opened up a wasteland world for another generation.
Although, I miss the dark humour :( *munches on fingers dipped in garlic*


New member
Apr 24, 2008
Also I prefer that Shadow stay dead in Sonic Adventure 2. Not that I really care a whole lot about Sonic, but it just didn't make a whole lot of sense to revive him in the later games.


New member
Dec 17, 2009
Supreme Commander 2.

I loved the Aeon Illuminate. So why, in Supcom 2, was it reduced to the virtually unrelated story of two bickering yank teenagers with no obvious connection to the illuminate other than using the units? When I heard that Squeenix were going to be involved in Supcom 2, I was thrilled. Japanese giant robot designs and western story-telling? Hoorah!

But nope. They put Square Enix on the damned story. What, in the fucking hell...


Follower of the Glorious Sun Butt.
Apr 1, 2009
Whatever, just wash your hands.
Garrett said:
If Max Payne 3 wasn't cancelled, I'd probably treat it as non-canon.
You do realize that it did come out and it was pretty good, story took some missteps but the gameplay was solid.


Je suis joined jewels.
Jan 19, 2009
The existence of Myst, the existence of Myst II and the existence of Myst IV are not canonically possible. There can be two of them, but not all three (and declaring the trap book Myst II non-canon really wrecks a lot of stuff and doesn't really fix the inconsistencies in I and IV).

However, Uru's explanation of "instancing" takes the cake.

Since each player can exist in their own "instance" of any "age", and the books on their shelf all link to their own "instance", and you can only play with other people in instanced ages by using the Nexus or having them use your bookshelf directly, this means that there's an identical age for every single person.

Which is fine, until you realize that the books link to other places that already exist.

This means that:

...there are thousands of identical tombs in the universe with identical security, identical damage, and identical body of an identical king from an identical background leading identical civilizations in identical giant underground caves...

...underneath identical New Mexicos accessible by identical volcanoes in the desert.

It also means that there's thousands of these mindscrews floating throughout the universe:

<img width=400>

Sorry, no. "Instancing" is a gameplay convenience, the reality is that the written page will link to the closest version findable.


Je suis joined jewels.
Jan 19, 2009
AlotFirst said:
How long will it take for Morrowind/Daggerfall fanboys to invade thread and shout "Oblivion!", "Skyrim!"...
Alternatively, my Daggerfall fanboy inside can (and will) point at The Warp in the West and say "NOPE."


New member
Jul 31, 2009
Castlevania: Lords of Shadow. There was nothing wrong with Lament of Innocence's story aside from it not being needed really, but sure lets go ahead and make a new story that is incredibly cliche and borrows heavily from GoW in both gameplay, and more than a few plot points. Oh you are angry at the lords of shadow (gods) for your wife's death? Take this chain weapon and dodgeroll/quicktime event your way to putting satan in a headlock! Then you become the evil you were trying to destroy dun dun dun. Seriously the series was perhaps a bit stale, but it didn't need to be reborn as a DLC cashgrab with no real saving grace aside from the voice work and music. Which have never been an issue in the series IMO.

Metroid: Other M. Even if you liked the game you'd probably rather be playing ANY other metroid game. Even the pinball one.

Silent Hill: Shattered Memories/Homecoming/Book of Secrets/The movies

Chrono Cross (needs to die in a fire like all the characters from CT apparently)

All Legacy of Kain Games after Soul Reaver. I prefer to think they used the original intended ending that is already on the disc. Even though the plot after SR just BARELY makes any sense with only one glaring exception (Vorador's miraculous recapitation) its just some of the most convoluted and asinine crap I've ever suffered through. The games themselves aren't that great after SR either. I kind of liked BO2 and Defiance at times but they were short lived.

All Lufia games besides the original 2

Tenchu Z, and Shadow Assassins. The former because I never played it, and the latter because it sucked and the only actual plot point is at the very end. And it sucks, even though it was completely surprising. Also the game has probably killed the series so its not worth remembering. Also the DS game really sucked, but as I only played a few hours of it idk if it had a plot.


New member
Jul 12, 2012
Worgen said:
Garrett said:
If Max Payne 3 wasn't cancelled, I'd probably treat it as non-canon.
You do realize that it did come out and it was pretty good, story took some missteps but the gameplay was solid.
I don't understand, how can so many people think that Max Payne 3 was released. You are all probably playing a game with completely different title and for some reason say it's Max Payne 3.


New member
Mar 9, 2010
Haven't even played ME3 but I've found out about the ending and why the Reapers do what they do. Bioware, I am disappoint. If you have a badass incomprehensible eldritch abomination, you NEVER explain why they do what they do or how they work. They are no longer interesting once you do that.

You're good enough storytellers that you should have known this.

Anyway, that and the ending is the reason I pretend that the series got canceled after ME2.