Gamestation Defends "Sexist" Ad


New member
Apr 24, 2008
Art Axiv said:
I am a bad bad person because I giggled.
No, good and bad are subjective and rely only on the society we live in (I giggled too xD).

I don't see anything wrong with that ad, but then again, some people can't handle the truth! You heard me, ladies. Each and everyone of you are indecisive money grabbing whor

[small]User was banned for offending the opposite sex by projecting his frustrations onto it.[/small]


Charismatic Leader
May 5, 2009
Susan Arendt said:
Here's what's really interesting to me - I had the same interpretation, that the ad was implying the girlfriend was cheap (kind of an "oh, snap" insult or so-called "edgy" humor). So Andy and I were wondering if guys read that ad one way, and girls another?

Oh, and the ad is dumb, but not worth really getting all that upset over.
I immediately took it as an expensive girlfriend comment myself. Maybe it is a difference in the sexes perception on it. Interesting.


New member
Oct 15, 2009
Yes, the ad is sexist and yes, it is offensive. Just because a lot of you don't seem to realise it doesn't mean it's not.

If you don't get discriminated against, it's hard to recognise discrimination. Especially when it's framed as a 'joke'.

The original complain it quite sensible - Would an employee be disciplined if they told a customer that a game was "Cheaper than your girlfriend. DUR HURR!" or "Cheaper than your mum!"? Yes, they would.. So why can corporate print it?


New member
Jul 8, 2009
Sounds like someone got a little sensitive and hit the bull shit button. Who cares if they say that games are cheaper than having a girlfriend? Honestly, everyone needs to grow the fuck up, it's amusing because it's blatantly misogynistic.


New member
Aug 16, 2009
Wait, what?

I thought this meant that having a girlfriend is expensive. And this game is cheap. So buy this game. It doesn't imply girls are cheap at all :S

Plus I kinda laughed when I first saw it.


is a trap!
Nov 22, 2010

I'm sorry, but this may be a case of someone demanding political correctness where it is not needed. Seriously. The idea is to make you laugh. I don't even have a girlfriend, and I thought it amusing. If you don't like it, don't buy from their store or work there.


New member
Apr 24, 2010
IronicBeet said:
Right, and there's never any ads that show women being smarter/more competent than men, right? Sexism is a one-way street, everybody knows that!

Of course, I don't mean to imply that my sarcasm says that I'm offended by the opposite happening. I don't get offended by man/woman bashing because I'm not a little baby-man.
And don't forget all the ads that imply that if a man isn't genetically modified to be on the cover of a romance novel, they are impotent, have small dicks, stink, do nothing but watch football and ignore their wives/girlfriends.

That's ok in advertising but don't you dare make a joke at the expense of a woman. For example, the State Farm commercial that has a black couple and the woman turns her average looking boyfriend into a shirtless model, then he turns her into a woman with big tits and she starts going off on him with "Oh! So THIS is what you like, uh huh...I see how it is". It was ok for the woman but the man is a monster for doing it.


New member
Apr 24, 2010
RachelSoma said:
Yes, the ad is sexist and yes, it is offensive. Just because a lot of you don't seem to realise it doesn't mean it's not.

If you don't get discriminated against, it's hard to recognise discrimination. Especially when it's framed as a 'joke'.

The original complain it quite sensible - Would an employee be disciplined if they told a customer that a game was "Cheaper than your girlfriend. DUR HURR!" or "Cheaper than your mum!"? Yes, they would.. So why can corporate print it?
Been a white, Republican male American on this site or pretty much any other site on the net? If not then you haven't been discriminated against since it's ok to bash any of those things but any other thing is grounds for banning and the posts get deleted.


New member
Sep 13, 2010
That ad would be so much easier to get away with over here.

The thing is, it' barely sexist. It's one of those jokes that straddles the line between sexism and simple tastelessness.

Moonlight Butterfly

Be the Leaf
Mar 16, 2011
Okay the rather lightly sexist nature of this advertisement aside this is a tip of a very real iceberg sized problem with game industry.

They are saying 'It's okay to be sexist becuase women are in a minority' This is exactly the same argument C&VG magazine used when it started printing half nude women across the covers. Okay so it's 'okay to discriminate against groups of people because they are the minority?' What kind of fascist b*s is that.

Like I said earlier in this thread no one would say 'okay so our main audience is white so we will make a causally rascist joke in our advertising.' It makes people feel exactly the same way offended and further excluded from somthing they might other wise want to pursue.


New member
Mar 14, 2011
DazBurger said:
ShadowKirby said:
Chibz said:
It's actually kinda funny, even to me.

Of course, the whiner brigade shows up and tries to ruin everyone's fun.

God I hate our species.
Yeah, sexism is fun right!

Well... Yes.. Yes it is! Very funny indeed! Right up there with racism and terrorist!

... If you dont detect any sarcasm right here is because there is none, I really honestly find these subjects hilarious... Under the right circumstances, as in this case.
the funniest comment I saw today by far. Ahhh... made my day

Ben Simon

New member
Aug 23, 2010
This ad should be taken seriously in the same way yo mama jokes should. (Translation: it shouldn't.)
Jul 22, 2009
captainfluoxetine said:

Ive never been in two more opposite stores. Every gamestation ive been in the staff always seem cool, willing to chat, into their games, not too pushy. When I walk into GAME a member of staff normally jumps out from behind a display stand and screams "BUY SOMETHING!!!" at me.
The stores are very different but I always prefer Game...

Possibly because I know around 2/3rds of the people who work there and often end up standing at the counter for 40 minutes talking about Warhammer...