Gamestation Defends "Sexist" Ad


New member
Mar 23, 2010
"I am offended! Therefore, Everyone is offended!"

It's what I hear from most of these sort of stories. Still to be fair I did look at the poster before reading the article and thought "Really?".

...after giggling.

Rex Fallout

New member
Oct 5, 2010
People overreact all of the time, and it gets so annoying. I hope gamestation stands its ground with this ad.
Apr 24, 2008
I thought it was fairly blatent that the implication was that having a girlfriend is expensive...not that girls are cheap, or tarty, or...whatever.

I like that they stood by it, is there really any doubt that Call of Duty has a largely male audience? Target marketing only works if there is an inclination in a certain group of people to start with. If you asked Gamestation who they wanted to buy the games, they would say "everyone"...but that's just not realistic.

Why has advertising in this industry suddenly become a big deal? Even serious products have stupid adverts, "Go compare, Go compare"...and "compare the meerkat" are used to sell insurance. When adverts aren't being stupid they're being manipulative, trying to scare you into buying whatever is being flogged.

I'm struggling to think of an example of a good advert, they're either ridiculous or easily ignored...which would defeat the point. They're just entertainment products, you know?


New member
Jan 3, 2010
The UK did this? I thought the great thing about this country is that we don't give a shit about most things and just rag on the bad weather all the time

Its a simple joke, it isn't edgy its just one of those passing jokes like "thats what she said", hell you could've replaced that ad for a DSi XL ad saying "Its much bigger... ...Thats what she said" Its just silly humour that most people use in everyday conversation

Oh noes because a joke doesn't appeal to every single ethnicity, gender, disability, sexuality etc... It means it is offensive! Quick hide the children!


Sep 22, 2009
It is true, though; my last date with my girlfriend did cost more than that.

Kenko said:
It's not sexist. It doesnt imply that women are cheap. Talk about missing the point OP. It means that women are expensive and the game is cheap. *Facepalms*
That was my interpretation.

The Rogue Wolf

Stealthy Carnivore
Nov 25, 2007
Stalking the Digital Tundra
You wouldn't see antics like this at a stand-up, reputable business like GAMETRADERS ROBINA. [/obscurecallback]

Anyway. I think the woman in question is reaching somewhat with her argument (maybe it is a gender-culture confusion issue; I sort of had to come at it twice to understand the secondary implication some of the women posting here are citing) but the company's response is pretty well beyond the pale. A simple "we meant no harm, that wasn't the spirit in which we made the ad" might have sufficed. (Of course, they could have just phrased it "cheaper than a date" as well and avoided all of this.)

Also, I wonder if this woman would have complained so loudly if the store offered a loyalty card and advertised it as "more loyal than your boyfriend".


New member
Apr 15, 2010
i loled when i read the ad, therefore it is deemed OK and the woman that complained deemed a fun vampire
Jun 11, 2008
"It is pretty openly sexist - girls being cheap, obviously, but it's also pandering to the old stereotype that gamers are guys," she continued. "And of course any discrimination is banned by Game's own employee regulations, so I don't see why the company itself should be able to get away with it."
She could of phrased that so much better as it kinda is jarring giving what the ad is about.

OT: Also ad I don't think is mean to be sexist I think it is a bit of tongue and cheek. Like Irish in RDR. While both are tongue in cheek tthey really do toe the line of going too far. I think we need a clearer line. Like THIS is ok but THIS isn't sort of thing.


New member
Oct 3, 2008
We welcome everyone into our stores as long as they're ready to get slammed by stereotypical jokes putting them in a second class light.

What's your next idea for an ad campaign Game? "Welcome to Game you pansy nerd virgins. Buy our sale shit before I give you a wedgie. Say hi to your mom for me when get home to the basement."


Were it so easy
Mar 25, 2009
The Plunk said:
Ok. That was pretty clever.

As for the ad? Well I wouldn't say it's in very good taste I wouldn't see it as sexist. I've seen plenty of commercials on about the same level as this and nobody bats an eye.