Generally Accepted Gaming Facts


New member
Dec 16, 2010
Nighthief said:
natster43 said:
Nighthief said:
Timed underwater stealth escort missions will always be the worst.
Can you tell me what game has that in it? I am curious.
OT: You will be ridiculed for what ever preference you have in weapons/items/armors/abilities by at least one person who disagrees with your choices.
It's that game where you have to escort that useless NPC through the underground water complex without being seen by the robot sharks before the nuke goes off. The name escapes me.
Or Metal Gear Solid 2


New member
Apr 28, 2010
The Unworthy Gentleman said:
shadyh8er said:
I don't care if I get a little bonus gift, I will never pre-order a game.
May I inquire why?
I'm extremely picky about what games I get (as of this writing, I only have four). I never assume a game is worth buying before it comes out. I would rather wait for it get released, then make a decision based on the feedback.


New member
Aug 9, 2009
1. Health Bar's are a dying breed... :'(
2. Bioware makes some of the best RPG's you will EVER PLAY EVER!
3. Pizza & Pop are being considered "Gamer Food" ...still dosent change tha tface that their delicious!
4. There will NEVER EVER be a good X-com game outside of the classics... :'(
5. Regenerating Health is the new standard!! :mad:
6. "Hardcore Gamers" are being left out to dry due to everything HAVING to be mainstreamed now...
7. Graphics dont make the game!
8. World of Warcraft is still as addictive as cocaine!
9. RPG's are numbers and calculations,not "if you collect EXP and level up its automatically a RPG"
10. Red barrels will always explode when shot/stomped on,no exceptions...
11. The more Angst-y your main male character is,the more fangirls that character will have...
12. If no one saw it,its not a crime and untraceable back to you even if you left you calling card...
13. No one has yet to make a proper "Dark Paladin",the complete opposite of a regular paladin, in any game...
14. If pause the game i can eat and drink as much as i want and you will wait patiently for me.
15. If the screen is blurry,that just means its working...
16. +1-6 always means better.
17. Death Magic is cheap as balls!
18. People hide their valuables in crates and barrels,destroy everything!
19. Chests are always fought over,even if it has nothing useful in it...
20. Being the bad-guy is always more fun then being the good-guy.
21. No matter how powerful you get,you can still die in one hit due to a scripted event. >.>

there's a novel for ya! P:


New member
Apr 17, 2009
No matter how good the rest of the game and it's AI is, the escort missions target will always be a moron who gets him/herself killed at every possible oppurtunity.

No matter how awesome a weapon in an RPG is, there will always be one better than it in the next dungeon, the infinity plus one sword is exempt from this rule.

When confronted with frustration or anger over a level, your first instinct will be to chuck your fifty dollar controller at the wall rather than take a breath or count to ten.

The computer is a fucking bastard and will always cheat in order to win.


In it for the Pub Club cookies
Apr 15, 2009
Not being hideous means you're on the good side.
Movie games are terrible.
Your father-figure/trusted friend will try to kill you.
If you find a strange substance lying on the ground, drinking it will make you better.


In it for the Pub Club cookies
Apr 15, 2009
Wondermint13 said:
Oh L and R triggers will always be the first things to screw up on a controler.
Strangely, I have a controller that disproves that rule.
My left analouge stick well... stuck. Then the entire controller shorted out about a minute later.


New member
Jun 5, 2010
You will always use all of your grenades to get pass a section really quickly and then have no grenades for the section where you have to charge a machine gun position.


New member
Aug 9, 2009
You will always avoid water like the plague unless it is obvious you are able to swim.
Oppositely, you will always jump into the lava/fire to see what damage it will cause.


New member
Mar 27, 2009
Dragonforce525 said:
There will never be a good 3D pokemon game.

Nintendo fans will buy anything Nintendo makes.

Capcom will always see the need to add at least one incredibly annoying game mechanic to it's games.

Luigi is better than Mario.

Fable games will never be good.
Sorry dude but Aside from the living pile of shit that was Fable two, you are completely wrong about the Fable games. Fable and Fable III were absolutely awesome.


New member
Jun 10, 2010
1- If there is a creepy castle to be found, it's a safe bet that it probably belongs to your Arch Nemesis and will be crawling with his henchmen.
2- If you fight a skeleton and it crumbles into a pile of bones, it will always, ALWAYS, get back together again.
3- No NPC will ever question your God Given right to carry around a ridiculous amount of weapons on you.


New member
Sep 13, 2009
AdmanUK said:
Sorry dude but Aside from the living pile of shit that was Fable two, you are completely wrong about the Fable games. Fable and Fable III were absolutely awesome.
Fable was ok I guess, it wasn't awful but nothing spectacular, Fable 2 was a hype sandwich with hype spread and a tall glass of boring story and boring jobs/missions/NPCs for dessert, Fable 3 I found lessened the hype a tad, even if the creepiness of Peter's "Touch" speeches made me miss the hype speeches, the story was alot better but the weapons/customization/interactions/ and that fucking room made the whole experience a chore.

noble cookie

New member
Aug 6, 2010
Most games based on movies suck, if there is an exception, I haven't found it.

Most players on Halo or CoD are annoying assholes that have stupid gamertags (Not hating I love both games)

Somehow no one gets tired of Mario or Zelda, including me.


New member
Jan 28, 2010
QTEs or combos or rapid parkour races suck immensely if your computer lags for that crucial 0.2seconds.

Any character who is likeable, respectable, or helps you is either there as a narrator and will betray you or need saving or get killed in a cutscene or you will be offered the opportunity to betray them

you always end up with a glut of shit you dont use when collecting stuff.
you will have a rare ammo type which you plan on saving for the big bosses but never end up using

left joystick move right joystick camera, is he gonna jump? well then space bar or the button on the bottom (x or a)

doing the immoral choice always ends in a depressing cutscene

If a game is good, prepare for cosplay and sequels to be crapped out like afterbirth.

if its a nazi or russian or has any sort of tan, kill it


New member
Jan 28, 2010
your pockets CAN carry 8 different guns, each for its own special situation.

if its a big capitalist company of any sort, it is evil, NO EXCEPTONS


New member
Jan 28, 2010
killing someone with a knife is always funny
if you a killed by a mele weapon then prepare for ur avatar to be teabagged


New member
Mar 22, 2008
At some point all FPS gamers will unload a whole Assault Rifle clip into a dead enemy in a fit of Pwnage.

If the NPC can die, you will save, kill them then reload.

If an NPC is somewhere you can't go, you will always attempt to jump up to it and fail

XBL will be always be filled with children, PSN will always be empty and PC gamers will brag their superiority at spending money in any and all debates.

In fighting games, you could survive fireballs, roundhouse kicks to the face, being slammed to the floor again and again but eventually die to a couched low kick.

In FPS Multiplayer, the best weapon in the game will be known as the n00b weapon.

The lock is always jammed or broken, even in well kept houses

If there is a large percentage bar at the top right corner of the screen, you will stop at nothing to see it hit 100%

Taunting in action games either does nothing or raises a special gauge when used in front of enemies.

Characters never think to drop and roll when set on fire.

No one in a game world will question why there is a box of Molatov Cocktails in a military base.

Molatov Cocktails will magaically light themselves when thrown.